code-423n4 / 2023-01-drips-findings

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## Mathematical Modelling Cause a Significant Roundoff Error #279

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Mathematical Modelling Cause a Significant Roundoff Error

Function _drippedAmt calculates the ended cycles. when calculating ended cycles it takes two divisions which cause round off error.

Let's consider this scenario.

Deposited token - WBTC

amtPerSec =  100000000 = 10^8 (Here consider the 0.1 wei)

start = 1675444689

end =  1675444700

( end - start = 11)

cycleSecs = 10

with above conditions when calculating the ended cycles with the equation used line 1104

1104  let endedCycles := sub(div(end, cycleSecs), div(start, cycleSecs))

endedCycles = 1675444700/10 - 1675444689/10 = 167544470 - 167544468 = 2

1106  let amtPerCycle := div(mul(cycleSecs, amtPerSec), _AMT_PER_SEC_MULTIPLIER)

amtPerCycle = 10 x 100000000 / 10^9 = 1

1107  amt := mul(endedCycles, amtPerCycle)

amt = 2x1

1109  let amtEnd := div(mul(mod(end, cycleSecs), amtPerSec), _AMT_PER_SEC_MULTIPLIER)

amtEnd = 0x10^8/10^9 = 0

1110  amt := add(amt, amtEnd)

amt = 2

1112  let amtStart := div(mul(mod(start, cycleSecs), amtPerSec), _AMT_PER_SEC_MULTIPLIER)

amtStart = 9x10^8/10^9 = 0

1113  amt := sub(amt, amtStart)

amt = 2 wei

But amt should be = (end - start)x amtPerSec = 11x 10^8 = 1.1x 10^9 = 1.1 wei

This is affecting _isBalanceEnough function

    745   for (uint256 i = 0; i < configsLen; i++) {
            (uint256 amtPerSec, uint256 start, uint256 end) = _getConfig(configs, i);
            // slither-disable-next-line timestamp
            if (maxEnd <= start) {
            // slither-disable-next-line timestamp
            if (end > maxEnd) {
                end = maxEnd;
    755       spent += _drippedAmt(amtPerSec, start, end);
            if (spent > balance) {
                return false;

Due to this roundoff error it could be returned false here. (spent > balance). But in some cases balance could be able to cover the spent.Also it could be even worse due to this adding rounded off values.

     755    spent += _drippedAmt(amtPerSec, start, end);

     495     amt += _drippedAmt(receiver.config.amtPerSec(), start, end);

Tools Used

Vs code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use below equation to calculate _drippedAmt

drippedAmt  =  (end - start) * amtPerSec

if need more precision

drippedAmt  =  (end - start) * amtPerSec /  _AMT_PER_SEC_MULTIPLIER
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as duplicate of #37

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid