code-423n4 / 2023-01-ondo-findings

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Not resetting totalBurned in CashManger will break user redemptions #291

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Not resetting totalBurned in CashManger will break user redemptions

The current implementation in CashManager.completeRedemptions is not updating the totalBurned amount in an epoch if there was a refund. The problem is, that if not all user redemptions can be processed in a single call per epoch it will break the withdraws for all users that are processed in the second call for the epoch as they will receive less tokens.


The users in the second transaction will now get less tokens than the users processed in the first transaction.

Proof of Concept

The following test should succeed, but Bob only gets 130666666 instead of 147000000 tokens and so it fails.

Add Test to File: forge-tests/cash/cash_manager/Redemption.t.sol

function test_redeem_redeemRefund_multiple() public {
    // Seed alice and bob with 200 cash tokens
    _seed(200e18, 200e18, 50e18);

    // Have alice request to withdraw 200 cash tokens
    tokenProxied.approve(address(cashManager), 200e18);

    // Have bob request to withdraw 200 cash tokens
    tokenProxied.approve(address(cashManager), 200e18);

    // Have charlie request to withdraw his tokens
    tokenProxied.approve(address(cashManager), 50e18);

    // Move forward to the next epoch
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
    cashManager.setMintExchangeRate(2e6, 0);

    // Approve the cashMinter contract from the assetSender account

    // Airdrop Alice and bob their collateral

    // Issue charlie a refund for whatever reason

      toWithdraw, // Addresses to issue collateral to
      toRefund, // Addresses to refund cash
      300e6, // Total amount of money to dist incl fees
      0, // Epoch we wish to process
      6e6 // Fee amount to be transferred to ondo

    assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(alice), 147e6);    
    assertEq(tokenProxied.balanceOf(charlie), 50e18);
    toRefund.pop(); // cleanup
    toWithdraw.pop(); // cleanup

    // second redemption call as we had to much in first call and need another transaction to fulfill the rest of the users for the epcoh

      toWithdraw, // Addresses to issue collateral to
      toRefund, // Addresses to refund cash
      300e6, // Total amount of money to dist incl fees
      0, // Epoch we wish to process
      6e6 // Fee amount to be transferred to ondo

    assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(alice), 147e6); // not changed    
    assertEq(tokenProxied.balanceOf(charlie), 50e18); // not changed

    assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(bob), 147e6); // we expect the same result for bob that alice got

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Update the totalBurned amount for the epoch after the refunds.

File: contracts/cash/CashManager.sol
721:     uint256 quantityBurned = redemptionInfoPerEpoch[epochToService]
722:       .totalBurned - refundedAmt;
724:     // @audit update the epoch totalBurned amount
725:     redemptionInfoPerEpoch[epochToService].totalBurned = quantityBurned;
727:     uint256 amountToDist = collateralAmountToDist - fees;
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as duplicate of #325

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as satisfactory