code-423n4 / 2023-01-ondo-findings

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Loss of user funds when completing CASH redemptions #325

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

The function completeRedemptions present in the CashManager contract is used by the manager to complete redemptions requested by users and also to process refunds.

function completeRedemptions(
  address[] calldata redeemers,
  address[] calldata refundees,
  uint256 collateralAmountToDist,
  uint256 epochToService,
  uint256 fees
) external override updateEpoch onlyRole(MANAGER_ADMIN) {
  if (epochToService >= currentEpoch) {
    revert MustServicePastEpoch();
  // Calculate the total quantity of shares tokens burned w/n an epoch
  uint256 refundedAmt = _processRefund(refundees, epochToService);
  uint256 quantityBurned = redemptionInfoPerEpoch[epochToService]
    .totalBurned - refundedAmt;
  uint256 amountToDist = collateralAmountToDist - fees;
  _processRedemption(redeemers, amountToDist, quantityBurned, epochToService);
  collateral.safeTransferFrom(assetSender, feeRecipient, fees);
  emit RedemptionFeesCollected(feeRecipient, fees, epochToService);

The total refunded amount that is returned from the internal call to _processRefund is then used to calculate the effective amount of CASH burned (redemptionInfoPerEpoch[epochToService].totalBurned - refundedAmt). This resulting value is then used to calculate how much each user should receive based on how much CASH they redeemed and the total amount that was burned.

The main issue here is that the refunded amount is not updated in the totalBurned storage variable for the given epoch. Any subsequent call to this function won't take into account refunds from previous calls.


If the manager completes the refunds and redemptions at different steps or stages for a given epoch, using multiple calls to the completeRedemptions, then any refunded amount won't be considered in subsequent calls to the function.

Any redemption that is serviced in a call after a refund will be calculated using the total burned without subtracting the previous refunds. The function completeRedemptions will call the internal function _processRedemption passing the burned amount as the quantityBurned argument, the value is calculated in line 755:

uint256 collateralAmountDue = (amountToDist * cashAmountReturned) /

This means that redemptions that are processed after one or more previous refunds will receive less collateral tokens even if they redeemed the same amount of CASH tokens (i.e. greater quantityBurned, less collateralAmountDue), causing loss of funds for the users.


In the following test, Alice, Bob and Charlie request a redemption. The admin first calls completeRedemptions to process Alice's request and refund Charlie. The admin then makes a second call to completeRedemptions to process Bob's request. Even though they redeemed the same amount of CASH (each 200e18), Alice gets 150e6 tokens while Bob is sent ~133e6.

contract TestAudit is BasicDeployment {
    function setUp() public {

        // Grant Setter
        cashManager.grantRole(cashManager.SETTER_ADMIN(), address(this));
        cashManager.grantRole(cashManager.SETTER_ADMIN(), managerAdmin);

        // Seed address with 1000000 USDC
        USDC.transfer(address(this), INIT_BALANCE_USDC);

    function test_CashManager_completeRedemptions_BadReedem() public {

        // Seed alice and bob with 200 cash tokens
        _seed(200e18, 200e18, 50e18);

        // Have alice request to withdraw 200 cash tokens
        tokenProxied.approve(address(cashManager), 200e18);

        // Have bob request to withdraw 200 cash tokens
        tokenProxied.approve(address(cashManager), 200e18);

        // Have charlie request to withdraw his tokens
        tokenProxied.approve(address(cashManager), 50e18);

        // Move forward to the next epoch
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
        cashManager.setMintExchangeRate(2e6, 0);

        // Approve the cashMinter contract from the assetSender account

        // First call, withdraw Alice and refund Charlie
        address[] memory withdrawFirstCall = new address[](1);
        withdrawFirstCall[0] = alice;
        address[] memory refundFirstCall = new address[](1);
        refundFirstCall[0] = charlie;

            withdrawFirstCall, // Addresses to issue collateral to
            refundFirstCall, // Addresses to refund cash
            300e6, // Total amount of money to dist incl fees
            0, // Epoch we wish to process
            0 // Fee amount to be transferred to ondo

        // Alice redemption is calculated taking the refund into account
        uint256 aliceExpectedBalance = 200e18 * 300e6 / ((200e18 + 200e18 + 50e18) - 50e18);
        assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(alice), aliceExpectedBalance);
        assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(bob), 0);
        assertEq(tokenProxied.balanceOf(charlie), 50e18);

        // Second call, withdraw Bob
        address[] memory withdrawSecondCall = new address[](1);
        withdrawSecondCall[0] = bob;
        address[] memory refundSecondCall = new address[](0);

            withdrawSecondCall, // Addresses to issue collateral to
            refundSecondCall, // Addresses to refund cash
            300e6, // Total amount of money to dist incl fees
            0, // Epoch we wish to process
            0 // Fee amount to be transferred to ondo

        // But here, Bob's redemption doesn't consider the previous refund.
        uint256 bobBadBalance = uint256(200e18 * 300e6) / (200e18 + 200e18 + 50e18);
        assertEq(USDC.balanceOf(bob), bobBadBalance);

    function _setupKYCStatus() internal {
        // Add KYC addresses
        address[] memory addressesToKYC = new address[](5);
        addressesToKYC[0] = guardian;
        addressesToKYC[1] = address(cashManager);
        addressesToKYC[2] = alice;
        addressesToKYC[3] = bob;
        addressesToKYC[4] = charlie;
        registry.addKYCAddresses(kycRequirementGroup, addressesToKYC);

    function _seed(
        uint256 aliceAmt,
        uint256 bobAmt,
        uint256 charlieAmt
    ) internal {
        vm.startPrank(guardian);, aliceAmt);, bobAmt);, charlieAmt);

    function _seedSenderWithCollateral(uint256 usdcAmount) internal {
        USDC.transfer(assetSender, usdcAmount);
        USDC.approve(address(cashManager), usdcAmount);


Update the totalBurned amount to consider refunds resulting from the call to _processRefund:

  function completeRedemptions(
    address[] calldata redeemers,
    address[] calldata refundees,
    uint256 collateralAmountToDist,
    uint256 epochToService,
    uint256 fees
  ) external override updateEpoch onlyRole(MANAGER_ADMIN) {
    if (epochToService >= currentEpoch) {
      revert MustServicePastEpoch();
    // Calculate the total quantity of shares tokens burned w/n an epoch
    uint256 refundedAmt = _processRefund(refundees, epochToService);
    uint256 quantityBurned = redemptionInfoPerEpoch[epochToService]
      .totalBurned - refundedAmt;
+   redemptionInfoPerEpoch[epochToService].totalBurned = quantityBurned;
    uint256 amountToDist = collateralAmountToDist - fees;
    _processRedemption(redeemers, amountToDist, quantityBurned, epochToService);
    collateral.safeTransferFrom(assetSender, feeRecipient, fees);
    emit RedemptionFeesCollected(feeRecipient, fees, epochToService);
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as primary issue

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

ali2251 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

ypatil12 commented 1 year ago

PR Merged here:

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as selected for report