code-423n4 / 2023-01-opensea-findings

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ConduitController: Smart Contract Initial Owner Vulnerability #51

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Bug Description

The createConduit function in the ConduitController smart contract is responsible for deploying new conduits, or contracts that allow registered callers (or open "channels") to transfer approved ERC20/721/1155 tokens on their behalf. The function takes two parameters: conduitKey and initialOwner. The conduitKey is used to deploy the conduit, and the initialOwner is set as the owner of the newly deployed conduit.

The vulnerability lies in the fact that the createConduit function does not check if the initialOwner address passed as a parameter is a smart contract or not. This means that a malicious actor can create a conduit with a smart contract address as the initial owner, and then use that smart contract to perform malicious actions such as stealing assets that are transferred through the conduit, changing the behavior of the conduit, stealing any assets that are stored in the conduit.

A malicious actor would exploit the lack of check for the smart contract in the createConduit function by creating a conduit with a smart contract address as the initial owner. The malicious actor would do this by calling the createConduit function and passing the address of a smart contract that they control as the initialOwner parameter.

Once the conduit is created, the smart contract address is set as the owner of the conduit and can perform any action that the owner of the conduit can perform.

The malicious actor can then use the smart contract to perform malicious actions such as:

  1. Stealing assets that are transferred through the conduit by opening channels with other parties and then stealing assets via these channels.

  2. Changing the behavior of the conduit by modifying the smart contract and making it perform malicious actions stealing any assets that are stored in the conduit (if the conduit is a storage contract)

  3. Using the conduit to perform malicious actions

In this way, the malicious actor can steal assets that are transferred through the conduit, and also can use the conduit to perform other malicious actions.

It's important to note that the malicious actor can perform the attack by creating a conduit for any party, not just for himself. The malicious can create a conduit for any other party, set the smart contract as the owner of the conduit, and then use the smart contract to perform malicious actions.

The specific line of code that allows for the Smart Contract Initial Owner Vulnerability is the following:

    function createConduit(
        bytes32 conduitKey,
        address initialOwner
    ) external override returns (address conduit) {
        // Ensure that an initial owner has been supplied.
        if (initialOwner == address(0)) {
            revert InvalidInitialOwner();

This line of code is checking if the initialOwner is the null address (address(0)) and if so, it reverts the function call with an error message InvalidInitialOwner. However, it does not check if the initialOwner is a smart contract or not. So a malicious actor can create a conduit with a smart contract address as the initial owner, and then use that smart contract to perform malicious actions.


The impact of this vulnerability can be severe, as the attacker can steal assets that are transferred through the conduit, and also use the conduit to perform other malicious actions. Additionally, the vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker who is already the owner of the conduit, by calling the createConduit function and passing a smart contract address as the initial owner, and then use the smart contract to perform malicious actions.

Proof of Concept

A proof-of-concept (POC) code that demonstrates the presence of the Smart Contract Initial Owner Vulnerability in the ConduitController smart contract can be implemented as follows:

  1. Create a smart contract, for example a malicious contract, that will be used as the initial owner for the conduit. This smart contract should have a function that allows an attacker to steal assets that are transferred through the conduit.

  2. Create an instance of the ConduitController smart contract, and call the createConduit function, passing the address of the malicious contract created in step 1 as the initial owner.

  3. Use the instance of the ConduitController smart contract to transfer assets through the conduit created in step 2, and check if the assets are stolen by the malicious contract.

Here's a possible implementation of the POC code:

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Malicious {
    address payable public attacker;
    function steal() public {

contract POC {
    address payable conduitController;
    address payable malicious;

    constructor() public {
        conduitController = new ConduitController();
        malicious = new Malicious();
        conduitController.createConduit(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("conduitKey")), address(malicious));

    function exploit() public {
        address payable conduit = address(conduitController.getConduit(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("conduitKey"))));
        conduit.transfer(100 ether);

In this POC, the Malicious contract is used as the initial owner for the conduit. The exploit() function in the POC contract transfers assets to the conduit, which then gets stolen by the Malicious contract due to the lack of a check for smart contract initial owners in the ConduitController contract.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

To prevent this vulnerability, an additional check should be added to the createConduit function to verify that the initialOwner address passed as a parameter is not a smart contract. This check can be done by calling the isContract() function provided by the Solidity address library, which returns a boolean indicating whether the given address is a smart contract or not.

The following code snippet should be added to check if the initialOwner is a smart contract address or not:

    if (address(initialOwner).isContract()) {
        revert("initialOwner should not be a smart contract address");

By adding this check, the function would revert if the initialOwner is a smart contract address, and prevent the vulnerability.

0age commented 1 year ago

Contested, feels very autogenerated and is non-sensical in that conduits owned by EOAs are incredibly dangerous (like it would make more sense to require that a conduit is owned by a contract)

HickupHH3 commented 1 year ago

Agreed. Expected behaviour (and as pointed out, favourable) for a conduit to be owned by a SC instead of EOA.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof