code-423n4 / 2023-01-timeswap-findings

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sqrtDiscriminant can be calculated wrong #227

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Due to the wrong calculation of short and long tokens during the leverage and deleverage process, the users can suffer financial loss while the protocol will lose fees

Proof of Concept

The protocol uses leverage function to deposit short tokens and receive long tokens. On the opposite, deleverage function serves for depositing long tokens and receiving short tokens.

Leverage Function of TimeswapV2Pool contract Deleverage Function of TimeswapV2Pool contract

Both functions call the PoolLibrary's leverage and deleverage functions after input sanitization.

Leverage Function of PoolLibrary contract Deleverage Function of PoolLibrary contract

PoolLibrary's leverage and deleverage functions update the state of the pool first for the fee growth and compute the long0Amount, long1Amount, and shortAmount. It also checks the transaction type according to the passed parameter types as per the Transaction contract's enum types below and calls ConstantProduct's appropriate function accordingly;

/// @dev The different kind of deleverage transactions.
enum TimeswapV2PoolDeleverage {

/// @dev The different kind of leverage transactions.
enum TimeswapV2PoolLeverage {

If the transaction type is GivenSum, both leverage and deleverage functions of PoolLibrary call ConstantProduct.updateGivenSumLong for the sum amount of the long position in the base denomination to be withdrawn, and the short position to be deposited.

} else if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolDeleverage.GivenSum) {
    (pool.sqrtInterestRate, longAmount, shortAmount, shortFees) = ConstantProduct.updateGivenSumLong(


} else if (param.transaction == TimeswapV2PoolLeverage.GivenSum) {
    (pool.sqrtInterestRate, longAmount, shortAmount, ) = ConstantProduct.updateGivenSumLong(


updateGivenSumLong updates the new square root interest rate given the sum of long positions in base denomination change and short position change;

    function updateGivenSumLong(
        uint160 liquidity,
        uint160 rate,
        uint256 sumAmount,
        uint96 duration,
        uint256 transactionFee,
        bool isAdd
    ) internal pure returns (uint160 newRate, uint256 longAmount, uint256 shortAmount, uint256 fees) {
        uint256 amount = getShortOrLongFromGivenSum(liquidity, rate, sumAmount, duration, transactionFee, isAdd);

        if (isAdd) (newRate, ) = getNewSqrtInterestRateGivenShort(liquidity, rate, amount, duration, false);
        else newRate = getNewSqrtInterestRateGivenLong(liquidity, rate, amount, false);

        fees = FeeCalculation.getFeesRemoval(amount, transactionFee);
        amount -= fees;

        if (isAdd) {
            shortAmount = amount;
            longAmount = sumAmount - shortAmount;
        } else {
            longAmount = amount;
            shortAmount = sumAmount - longAmount;


And updateGivenSumLong calls getShortOrLongFromGivenSum in order to return the amount which represents the short amount or long amount calculated.

    function getShortOrLongFromGivenSum(uint160 liquidity, uint160 rate, uint256 sumAmount, uint96 duration, uint256 transactionFee, bool isShort) private pure returns (uint256 amount) {
        uint256 negativeB = calculateNegativeB(liquidity, rate, sumAmount, duration, transactionFee, isShort);
        uint256 sqrtDiscriminant = calculateSqrtDiscriminant(liquidity, rate, sumAmount, duration, transactionFee, negativeB, isShort);
        amount = (negativeB - sqrtDiscriminant).shr(1, false);


And the formula needs sqrtDiscriminant value to calculate the amount and it calls calculateSqrtDiscriminant accordingly

calculateSqrtDiscriminant function performs a bunch of checks and carries out mathematical functions to return the SqrtDiscriminant by utilizing FullMath and Math libraries.

 sqrtDiscriminant = FullMath.sqrt512(b0, b1, true);


The sqrt formula in the Math contract uses the modified version of Babylonian Method when flags are included.

    function sqrt(uint256 value, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256 result) { 
        if (value == type(uint256).max) return result = type(uint128).max;
        if (value == 0) return 0;
        unchecked {
            uint256 estimate = (value + 1) >> 1;
            result = value;
            while (estimate < result) {
                result = estimate;
                estimate = (value / estimate + estimate) >> 1;

        if (roundUp && value % result != 0) result++;


However, when the parameter roundUp is passed as true, this results in inconsistent behavior for different values. And it's being passed as true as can be seen here).

In order to show some examples let's pass the numbers as values and flag them true by using Math's sqrt function.

Values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Results 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 6 6 6 6 5

As can be seen from the table, the results are not distributed logically. And many times the result is steeply lesser than its neighbor results. (E.g Sqrt(6) ->2, Sqrt(15)->3 etc.) The phenomenon occurs most if the values are small numbers.

So if the parameter value1 in FullMath.sqrt512 is passed/calculated as zero value, it has a high chance of providing a wrong calculation as a result with the line below;

    function sqrt512(uint256 value0, uint256 value1, bool roundUp) internal pure returns (uint256 result) {
        if (value1 == 0) result = value0.sqrt(roundUp);

This may lead wrong calculation of the sqrtDiscriminant, hence the wrong calculation of short or long amounts for the given transaction. The users might lose financial value due to this. Accordingly, the protocol might lose unspent fees as well.

While the fewer values are affected more on this one, the pools with fewer token decimals and fewer token amounts are more affected by this error. As an example, a Gemini Dollar pool (59th rank on CMC and having 2 decimals) would be subject to false returns.

Tools Used

Manual Review, Remix, Excel

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The team might consider not using true flag for Math.sqrt function.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

vhawk19 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

vhawk19 commented 1 year ago

Fixed in PR

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory