code-423n4 / 2023-02-malt-findings

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RewardThrottle.setTimekeeper: If changing the timekeeper causes the epoch to change, it will mess up the system #21

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


RewardThrottle.setTimekeeper allows POOL_UPDATER_ROLE to update the timekeeper when RewardThrottle is active,

  function setTimekeeper(address _timekeeper)
    onlyRoleMalt(POOL_UPDATER_ROLE, "Must have pool updater privs")
    require(_timekeeper != address(0), "Not address 0");
    timekeeper = ITimekeeper(_timekeeper);

if newTimekeeper.epoch changes, it will cause the following

  1. The newTimekeeper.epoch increases, and the user can immediately call checkRewardUnderflow to fill the gap epoch, thereby distributing a large amount of rewards.
  2. The newTimekeeper.epoch decreases, and the contract will use the state of the previous epoch. Since the state.rewarded has reached the upper limit, this will cause the current epoch to be unable to receive rewards.

    Proof of Concept

    Tools Used


    Recommended Mitigation Steps

    Consider only allowing setTimekeeper to be called when RewardThrottle is not active

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xScotch marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

0xScotch commented 1 year ago

This is a good find and I think we will just remove the setTimekeeper methods. There is no reason for the timekeeper to ever be updated at this point given all it does it track epochs.

Historically this method was there because what we now call the timekeeper was called the MaltDAO and was earmarked to be used for many other things other than timekeeping. Eventually we realised the timekeeping should be separated into its own thing. These methods were clearly forgotten about and not removed.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory