code-423n4 / 2023-02-malt-findings

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`RewardThrottle._sendToDistributor()` reverts if one distributor is inactive. #29

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


RewardThrottle._sendToDistributor() reverts if one distributor is inactive.

Proof of Concept

RewardThrottle._sendToDistributor() distributes the rewards to several distributors according to their allocation ratios.

File: 2023-02-malt\contracts\RewardSystem\RewardThrottle.sol
575:   function _sendToDistributor(uint256 amount, uint256 epoch) internal {
576:     if (amount == 0) {
577:       return;
578:     }
580:     (
581:       uint256[] memory poolIds,
582:       uint256[] memory allocations,
583:       address[] memory distributors
584:     ) = bonding.poolAllocations();
586:     uint256 length = poolIds.length;ratio
587:     uint256 balance = collateralToken.balanceOf(address(this));
588:     uint256 rewarded;
590:     for (uint256 i; i < length; ++i) {
591:       uint256 share = (amount * allocations[i]) / 1e18;
593:       if (share == 0) {
594:         continue;
595:       }
597:       if (share > balance) {
598:         share = balance;
599:       }
601:       collateralToken.safeTransfer(distributors[i], share);
602:       IDistributor(distributors[i]).declareReward(share); //@audit will revert if one distributor is inactive

And LinearDistributor.declareReward() has an onlyActive modifier and it will revert in case of inactive.

File: 2023-02-malt\contracts\RewardSystem\LinearDistributor.sol
098:   function declareReward(uint256 amount)
099:     external
100:     onlyRoleMalt(REWARDER_ROLE, "Only rewarder role")
101:     onlyActive
102:   {

As a result, RewardThrottle._sendToDistributor() will revert if one distributor is inactive rather than working with active distributors only.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I think it's logical to continue to work with active distributors in _sendToDistributor().

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xScotch marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory