code-423n4 / 2023-02-malt-findings

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StabilizerNode.stabilize uses stale GlobalImpliedCollateralService data, which will make stabilize incorrect #9

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In StabilizerNode.stabilize, impliedCollateralService.syncGlobalCollateral() is called only at the end of the function to synchronize the GlobalImpliedCollateralService data.

    if (!_shouldAdjustSupply(exchangeRate, stabilizeToPeg)) {
      lastStabilize = block.timestamp;
    if (trackAfterStabilize) {
    lastStabilize = block.timestamp;

syncGlobalCollateral will use the data in getCollateralizedMalt(), which includes the collateralToken balance in overflowPool/swingTraderManager/liquidityExtension and the malt balance in swingTraderManager.

  function syncGlobalCollateral() public onlyActive {
  function getCollateralizedMalt() public view returns (PoolCollateral memory) {
    uint256 target = maltDataLab.priceTarget();

    uint256 unity = 10**collateralToken.decimals();

    // Convert all balances to be denominated in units of Malt target price
    uint256 overflowBalance = maltDataLab.rewardToMaltDecimals((collateralToken.balanceOf(
    ) * unity) / target);
    uint256 liquidityExtensionBalance = (collateralToken.balanceOf(
    ) * unity) / target;
      uint256 swingTraderMaltBalance,
      uint256 swingTraderBalance
    ) = swingTraderManager.getTokenBalances();
    swingTraderBalance = (swingTraderBalance * unity) / target;

Since StabilizerNode.stabilize will use the results of maltDataLab.getActualPriceTarget/getSwingTraderEntryPrice to stabilize, and maltDataLab.getActualPriceTarget/getSwingTraderEntryPrice will use GlobalImpliedCollateralService.collateralRatio , to ensure correct stabilization, the data in GlobalServiceImpliedCollateralService should be the latest.

  function getActualPriceTarget() external view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 unity = 10**collateralToken.decimals();
    uint256 icTotal = maltToRewardDecimals(globalIC.collateralRatio());
  function getSwingTraderEntryPrice()
    returns (uint256 stEntryPrice)
    uint256 unity = 10**collateralToken.decimals();
    uint256 icTotal = maltToRewardDecimals(globalIC.collateralRatio());

But since impliedCollateralService.syncGlobalCollateral() is not called before StabilizerNode.stabilize calls maltDataLab.getActualPriceTarget/getSwingTraderEntryPrice, this will cause StabilizerNode.stabilize to use stale GlobalImpliedCollateralService data, which will make stabilize incorrect.

A simple example would be:

  1. impliedCollateralService.syncGlobalCollateral() is called to synchronize the latest data
  2. SwingTraderManager.delegateCapital is called, and the collateralToken is taken out from SwingTrader, which will make the GlobalImpliedCollateralService.collateralRatio larger than the actual collateralRatio.
    function delegateCapital(uint256 amount, address destination)
    onlyRoleMalt(CAPITAL_DELEGATE_ROLE, "Must have capital delegation privs")
    collateralToken.safeTransfer(destination, amount);
    emit Delegation(amount, destination, msg.sender);
    function collateralRatio() public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 decimals = malt.decimals();
    uint256 totalSupply = malt.totalSupply();
    if (totalSupply == 0) {
      return 0;
    return ( * (10**decimals)) / totalSupply; // @audit: is larger than the actual
  3. When StabilizerNode.stabilize is called, it will use the stale collateralRatio for calculation. If the collateralRatio is too large, the results of maltDataLab.getActualPriceTarget/getSwingTraderEntryPrice will be incorrect, thus making stabilize incorrect.

Since stabilize is a core function of the protocol, stabilizing with the wrong data is likely to cause malt to be depegged, so the vulnerability should be high-risk.

Proof of Concept

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Call impliedCollateralService.syncGlobalCollateral() before StabilizerNode.stabilize calls maltDataLab.getActualPriceTarget.

  function stabilize() external nonReentrant onlyEOA onlyActive whenNotPaused {
    // Ensure data consistency

    // Finalize auction if possible before potentially starting a new one

+  impliedCollateralService.syncGlobalCollateral();

      block.timestamp >= stabilizeWindowEnd || _stabilityWindowOverride(),
      "Can't call stabilize"
    stabilizeWindowEnd = block.timestamp + stabilizeBackoffPeriod;

    // used in 3 location.
    uint256 exchangeRate = maltDataLab.maltPriceAverage(priceAveragePeriod);
    bool stabilizeToPeg = onlyStabilizeToPeg; // gas

    if (!_shouldAdjustSupply(exchangeRate, stabilizeToPeg)) {
      lastStabilize = block.timestamp;

    emit Stabilize(block.timestamp, exchangeRate);

    (uint256 livePrice, ) = dexHandler.maltMarketPrice();

    uint256 priceTarget = maltDataLab.getActualPriceTarget();
0xScotch commented 1 year ago

Duplicated by #10

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xScotch marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

Picodes commented 1 year ago

Flagging as a duplicate of #9, considering these are 2 instances of the same issue (functions use stale data).

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report