code-423n4 / 2023-03-asymmetry-findings

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Compromised admin can steal all user staked Ether #746

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Whenever a new derivative is added, or it's weigth updated, SafEth.rebalanceToWeights() is called, which first unstakes LSD from all derivatives, and restakes it, according to the new weigths. There is a possible rug vector, if a compromised owner decides to set all current weigths to 0 and introduces new malicious contract, that gets all the Ether. This means that all users' assets can be stolen.


Compromised admin account can rug all users and steal whole Ether staked.

Proof of Concept

  1. Malicious owner first adjusts all current derivatives weigths to 0

    function adjustWeight(
        uint256 _derivativeIndex,
        uint256 _weight
    ) external onlyOwner {
        weights[_derivativeIndex] = _weight;
        uint256 localTotalWeight = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
            localTotalWeight += weights[i];
        totalWeight = localTotalWeight;
        emit WeightChange(_derivativeIndex, _weight);
  2. The admin adds new malicious derivative with positive _weigth.

    function addDerivative(
        address _contractAddress,
        uint256 _weight
    ) external onlyOwner {
        derivatives[derivativeCount] = IDerivative(_contractAddress);
        weights[derivativeCount] = _weight;
        uint256 localTotalWeight = 0;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++)
            localTotalWeight += weights[i];
        totalWeight = localTotalWeight;
        emit DerivativeAdded(_contractAddress, _weight, derivativeCount);
  3. Because only the malicious contract has positive weigths, it will receive whole Ether pot:

    function rebalanceToWeights() external onlyOwner {
        uint256 ethAmountBefore = address(this).balance;
        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            if (derivatives[i].balance() > 0)
        uint256 ethAmountAfter = address(this).balance;
        uint256 ethAmountToRebalance = ethAmountAfter - ethAmountBefore;
        for (uint i = 0; i < derivativeCount; i++) {
            if (weights[i] == 0 || ethAmountToRebalance == 0) continue;
            uint256 ethAmount = (ethAmountToRebalance * weights[i]) /
            // Price will change due to slippage
            derivatives[i].deposit{value: ethAmount}();
        emit Rebalanced();

Running tests

In order to run the test, get foundry files from .

then run the test using forge test -vvv -m "Rug"

the test case:

    function test_rebalancingRug() public {
        setDerivatives();, 2000 ether);

        for (uint i; i < 10; i++) {
            safEthProxyWrapper.stake{value: 200 ether}(); // simlating users doing deposits to derivatives contract.

        // malicious derivative just takes then money, rugging smart contract
        MaliciousDerivative maliciousDerivative = new MaliciousDerivative();
        safEthProxyWrapper.addDerivative(address(maliciousDerivative), 100);

        // now we reweight derivatives, so that only malicious derivative gets money
        safEthProxyWrapper.adjustWeight(0, 0);
        safEthProxyWrapper.adjustWeight(1, 0);
        safEthProxyWrapper.adjustWeight(2, 0);


        // the smart contract has been rugged
        assertTrue(address(maliciousDerivative).balance > 1900 ether);

Tools Used

Manual analysis

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add timelock to SafEth.addDerivative() , make it two step operation and emit an event in case of derivative update, so that users have occassion to react on a malicious update.

liveactionllama commented 1 year ago

Marking as invalid on behalf of the Lookout.

Reason: Out of Scope - Centralization

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

elmutt marked the issue as sponsor disputed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)