code-423n4 / 2023-03-mute-findings

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Amplifier users might not get all the LP fees they are entitled to #21

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Proof of Concept

Observe that there is only one place that the amplifier is calling claimFees, and it's inside an if statement of the update modifier, requiring _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime.

modifier update() {
        if (_mostRecentValueCalcTime == 0) {
            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = firstStakeTime;

        uint256 totalCurrentStake = totalStake();

        if (totalCurrentStake > 0 && _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime) {
            uint256 value = 0;
            uint256 sinceLastCalc = block.timestamp.sub(_mostRecentValueCalcTime);
            uint256 perSecondReward = totalRewards.div(endTime.sub(firstStakeTime));

            if (block.timestamp < endTime) {
                value = sinceLastCalc.mul(perSecondReward);
            } else {
                uint256 sinceEndTime = block.timestamp.sub(endTime);
                value = (sinceLastCalc.sub(sinceEndTime)).mul(perSecondReward);

            _totalWeight = _totalWeight.add(value.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            _mostRecentValueCalcTime = block.timestamp;

            (uint fee0, uint fee1) = IMuteSwitchPairDynamic(lpToken).claimFees();

            _totalWeightFee0 = _totalWeightFee0.add(fee0.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));
            _totalWeightFee1 = _totalWeightFee1.add(fee1.mul(10**18).div(totalCurrentStake));

            totalFees0 = totalFees0.add(fee0);
            totalFees1 = totalFees1.add(fee1);


Consider the following situation. An user X has staked a large amount of LP tokens, and a user Y has staked a normal amount.

Y withdraws as soon as the staking period ends (block.timestamp > endTime), triggering the update modifier, which sets _mostRecentValueCalcTime = block.timestamp > endTime. Observe that after this point, the amplifier will never call claimFees again since _mostRecentValueCalcTime < endTime will forever be false.

Meanwhile, X forgot about it, and doesn't withdraw until say 2 weeks after endTime. When X calls withdraw, X won't get the LP fees for those 2 weeks. In fact, nobody will - they are trapped inside the mute switch pair forever since the amplifier won't call claim.


Some LP fees can be trapped inside the mute switch pair when it should really be going to the amplifier users.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I believe it's best to move the LP fee calculation out of the if statement.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

mattt21 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory