code-423n4 / 2023-03-mute-findings

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dMute.sol: Attacker can push lock items to victim's array such that redemptions are forever blocked #6

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


This report deals with how an attacker can abuse the fact that he can lock MUTE tokens for any other user and thereby push items to the array of UserLockInfo structs of the user.

There are two functions in the dMute contract that iterate over all items in this array (RedeemTo and GetUnderlyingTokens).

Thereby if the attacker pushes sufficient items to the array of a user, he can make the above two functions revert since they require more Gas than the Block Gas Limit.

According to the zkSync documentation the block gas limit is currently 12.5 million (Link).

The attack is of "High" impact for the RedeemTo function since this function needs to succeed in order for the user to redeem his MUTE tokens.

The user might have a lot of MUTE tokens locked and the attacker can make it such that they can never be redeemed. The attacker cannot gain a profit from this attack, i.e. he cannot steal anything, but due to the possibility of this attack users will not lock their tokens, especially not a lot of them.

This is all the more severe because the MuteBond and MuteAmplifier contracts also rely on the locking functionality so those upstream features can also not be used securely.

In the Mitigation section I will show how the GetUnderlyingTokens function can be made to run in $O(1)$ time instead of $O(lock\:array\:length)$.

The RedeemTo function can be made to run in $O(indexes\:array\:length)$ instead of $O(lock\:array\:length)$. The length of the indexes array is determined by the user and simply tells how many locked items to redeem. So there is no possibility of DOS.

Proof of Concept

Note: a redemption costs ~7 million Gas when 1000 items are locked. So when running on the zkSync network even 2000 items should be enough. The hardhat tests use a local Ethereum network instead of a fork of zkSync so in order to hit 30 million Gas (which is the Ethereum block gas limit) we need to add more items to the queue.

You can add the following test to the dao.ts test file:

it('Lock DOS', async function () {
    var tx = await muteToken.approve(dMuteToken.address, MaxUint256)

    let lock_time_week = new BigNumber(60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
    let max_lock = lock_time_week.times(52);

    let lock_amount = new BigNumber(1).times(Math.pow(10,2))

    // @audit fill up array
    for(let i=0;i<5000;i++) {
        tx = await dMuteToken.LockTo(lock_amount.toFixed(0), lock_time_week.toFixed(),owner.address)

    await time.increase(60 * 60 * 24 * 7)

    tx = await dMuteToken.Redeem([0])

It adds 5000 lock items to the array of the owner address. When the owner then tries to redeem even a single lock the transaction fails due to an out of gas error.

(Sometimes it reverts with TransactionExecutionError: Transaction ran out of gas error sometimes it reverts due to timeout. If you try a few times it should revert with the out of gas error.)

The amount of MUTE tokens that the attacker loses to execute this attack is negligible. As you can see in the test 100 Wei * 5000 = 500,000 Wei is sufficient (There needs to be some amount of MUTE such that the LockTo function does not revert). The only real cost comes down to Gas costs which are cheap on zkSync.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

First for the GetUnderlyingTokens function: The contract should keep track of underlying token amounts for each user in a mapping that is updated with every lock / redeem call. The GetUnderlyingTokens function then simply needs to return the value from this mapping.

Secondly, fixing the issue with the RedeemTo function is a bit harder. I discussed this with the sponsor and I have been told they don't want this function to require an already sorted lock_index array as parameter. So the lock_index array can contain indexes in random order.

This means it must be sorted internally. Depending on the expected length of the lock_index array different sorting algorithms may be used. I recommend to use an algorithm like quick sort to allow for many indexes to be specified at once.

I will use a placeholder for the sorting algorithm for now so the sponsor may decide which one to use.

The proposed fixes for both functions are then like this:

diff --git a/contracts/dao/dMute.sol b/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
index 59f95b7..11d21fb 100644
--- a/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
+++ b/contracts/dao/dMute.sol
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {

     mapping(address => UserLockInfo[]) public _userLocks;
+    mapping(address => uint256) public _amounts;

     uint private unlocked = 1;

@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
         _mint(to, tokens_to_mint);

         _userLocks[to].push(UserLockInfo(_amount, block.timestamp.add(_lock_time), tokens_to_mint));
+        _amounts[to] = _amounts[to] + _amount;

         emit LockEvent(to, _amount, tokens_to_mint, _lock_time);
@@ -91,8 +93,14 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
         uint256 total_to_redeem = 0;
         uint256 total_to_burn = 0;

-        for(uint256 i; i < lock_index.length; i++){
-          uint256 index = lock_index[i];
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //                                           //
+        // sort lock_index array in ascending order //
+        //                                          //
+        //////////////////////////////////////////////
+        for(uint256 i = lock_index.length; i > 0; i--){
+          uint256 index = lock_index[i - 1];
           UserLockInfo memory lock_info = _userLocks[msg.sender][index];

           require(block.timestamp >= lock_info.time, "dMute::Redeem: INSUFFICIENT_LOCK_TIME");
@@ -102,23 +110,14 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {
           total_to_redeem = total_to_redeem.add(lock_info.amount);
           total_to_burn = total_to_burn.add(lock_info.tokens_minted);

-          _userLocks[msg.sender][index] = UserLockInfo(0,0,0);
+          _userLocks[msg.sender][index] = _userLocks[msg.sender][_userLocks[msg.sender].length - 1];
+          _userLocks[msg.sender].pop();

         require(total_to_redeem > 0, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_REDEEM_AMOUNT");
         require(total_to_burn > 0, "dMute::Lock: INSUFFICIENT_BURN_AMOUNT");

-        for(uint256 i = _userLocks[msg.sender].length; i > 0; i--){
-          UserLockInfo memory lock_info = _userLocks[msg.sender][i - 1];
-          // recently redeemed lock, destroy it
-          if(lock_info.time == 0){
-            _userLocks[msg.sender][i - 1] = _userLocks[msg.sender][_userLocks[msg.sender].length - 1];
-            _userLocks[msg.sender].pop();
-          }
-        }
+        _amounts[msg.sender] = _amounts[msg.sender] + total_to_redeem;
         //redeem tokens to user
         IERC20(MuteToken).transfer(to, total_to_redeem);
         //burn dMute
@@ -133,8 +132,6 @@ contract dMute is dSoulBound {

     function GetUnderlyingTokens(address account) public view returns(uint256 amount) {
-        for(uint256 i; i < _userLocks[account].length; i++){
-          amount = amount.add(_userLocks[account][i].amount);
-        }
+        return _amounts[account];
Picodes commented 1 year ago

At first read, it looks like a great finding considering the project will be on zkSync.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

mattt21 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)