In getPoolReward, all windows of the pool are iterated to calculate the reward.
When lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime, the reward rate of the previous window is got.
When the user claims the reward for the first time, lastPoolRewardTime == 0. If pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime > 0, since lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime, it will get pool.rewardWindows[0-1].reward, at this point an overflow will occur, resulting in the user not being able to claim the reward.
uint256 totalReward;
uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient][_assetType];
uint256 windowCount = pool.rewardCount;
for (uint256 i; i < windowCount; ) {
RewardWindow memory window = pool.rewardWindows[i];
If the last reward time is less than the starting time of this
window, then the reward was accrued in the previous window.
if (lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime) {
uint256 currentRewardRate = pool.rewardWindows[i - 1].reward;
pool.rewardWindows.startTime is configured in configurePools, but configurePools does not require pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime == 0, if pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime > 0, getPoolReward will fail and the user will not be able to claim the reward.
function configurePools (
PoolConfigurationInput[] memory _inputs
) hasValidPermit(UNIVERSAL, CONFIGURE_POOLS) external {
for (uint256 i; i < _inputs.length; ) {
uint256 poolRewardWindowCount = _inputs[i].rewardWindows.length;
_pools[_inputs[i].assetType].rewardCount = poolRewardWindowCount;
_pools[_inputs[i].assetType].daoTax = _inputs[i].daoTax;
// Set the pool reward window details by populating the mapping.
uint256 lastTime;
for (uint256 j; j < poolRewardWindowCount; ) {
_pools[_inputs[i].assetType].rewardWindows[j] =
// Revert if an invalid pool configuration is supplied.
if (j != 0 && _inputs[i].rewardWindows[j].startTime <= lastTime) {
revert RewardWindowTimesMustIncrease();
lastTime = _inputs[i].rewardWindows[j].startTime;
unchecked { j++; }
unchecked { ++i; }
uint256 totalReward;
uint256 lastPoolRewardTime = lastRewardTime[_recipient][_assetType];
uint256 windowCount = pool.rewardCount;
for (uint256 i; i < windowCount; ) {
RewardWindow memory window = pool.rewardWindows[i];
If the last reward time is less than the starting time of this
window, then the reward was accrued in the previous window.
- if (lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime) {
+ if (lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime && i != 0) {
uint256 currentRewardRate = pool.rewardWindows[i - 1].reward;
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
In getPoolReward, all windows of the pool are iterated to calculate the reward. When lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime, the reward rate of the previous window is got. When the user claims the reward for the first time, lastPoolRewardTime == 0. If pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime > 0, since lastPoolRewardTime < window.startTime, it will get pool.rewardWindows[0-1].reward, at this point an overflow will occur, resulting in the user not being able to claim the reward.
pool.rewardWindows.startTime is configured in configurePools, but configurePools does not require pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime == 0, if pool.rewardWindows[0].startTime > 0, getPoolReward will fail and the user will not be able to claim the reward.
Proof of Concept
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