code-423n4 / 2023-03-polynomial-findings

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`usedFunds` is updated incorrectly when opening or closing any position in LiquidityPool #116

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


usedFunds of LiquidityPool is calculated incorrectly

Proof of concept

usedFunds tracks the funds utilitized from the pool. Let's see how usedFunds is accumulated when opening a long position:

function openLong(uint256 amount, address user, bytes32 referralCode)
    returns (uint256 totalCost)
    (uint256 markPrice, bool isInvalid) = getMarkPrice();

    uint256 tradeCost = amount.mulWadDown(markPrice);
    uint256 fees = orderFee(int256(amount));
    totalCost = tradeCost + fees;

    SUSD.safeTransferFrom(user, address(this), totalCost);

    uint256 hedgingFees = _hedge(int256(amount), false);
    uint256 feesCollected = fees - hedgingFees;
    uint256 externalFee = feesCollected.mulWadDown(devFee);

    SUSD.safeTransfer(feeReceipient, externalFee);

    usedFunds -= int256(tradeCost);
    totalFunds += feesCollected - externalFee;

    emit RegisterTrade(referralCode, feesCollected, externalFee);
    emit OpenLong(markPrice, amount, fees);

usedFunds is still updated in function _hedge:

function _hedge(int256 size, bool isLiquidation) internal returns (uint256 hedgingFees) {
    bool isInvalid;

    uint256 delta = _getDelta();
    int256 hedgingSize = wadMul(size, int256(delta));

    (hedgingFees, isInvalid) = perpMarket.orderFee(hedgingSize, IPerpsV2MarketBaseTypes.OrderType.Delayed);

    uint256 marginRequired = _calculateMargin(hedgingSize) + hedgingFees;
    usedFunds += int256(marginRequired);
    require(usedFunds <= 0 || totalFunds >= uint256(usedFunds));


    emit TransferMargin(marginRequired);

    _placeDelayedOrder(hedgingSize, isLiquidation);
  1. marginRequired in function _hedge includes the hedgingFees. Then usedFunds is updated correctly in function _hedge, that it increases the amount of SUSD tokens which is sent to PerpMarket.
  2. In function openLong, the pool claims totalCost of SUSD tokens from user. And it only transfer externalFee outside of contract. Then usedFunds should be updated in function openLong as the following:
    usedFunds -= int256(totalCost) - externalFee;

Similarly, all functions closeLong, openShort, closeShort and liquidate update usedFunds incorrectly. It shoule be updated as the following:

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Should follow the above mitigation to fix the calculation of usedFunds

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee marked the issue as duplicate of #152

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

JustDravee changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)