code-423n4 / 2023-05-ajna-findings

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`StandardFunding` contract's functionalities for proposals with positive `tokensRequested` can be DOS'ed for `_distributions[1]` #297

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


After the GrantFund contract, which inherits the StandardFunding contract, is deployed, treasury is initially 0. When someone calls the GrantFund.fundTreasury function below to increase treasury, a malicious actor can frontrun this GrantFund.fundTreasury transaction by calling the following StandardFunding.startNewDistributionPeriod function. Because _currentDistributionId and _distributions[currentDistributionId].endBlock are both 0 at that moment, calling the StandardFunding.startNewDistributionPeriod function would make block.number <= currentDistributionEndBlock false. Then, executing uint256 gbc = Maths.wmul(treasury, GLOBAL_BUDGET_CONSTRAINT) and newDistributionPeriod.fundsAvailable = SafeCast.toUint128(gbc) set both gbc and newDistributionPeriod.fundsAvailable, which is fundsAvailable for _distributions[1], to 0 since treasury is still 0 due to the frontrunning.

    function startNewDistributionPeriod() external override returns (uint24 newDistributionId_) {
        uint24  currentDistributionId       = _currentDistributionId;
        uint256 currentDistributionEndBlock = _distributions[currentDistributionId].endBlock;

        // check that there isn't currently an active distribution period
        if (block.number <= currentDistributionEndBlock) revert DistributionPeriodStillActive();


        // set the distribution period to start at the current block
        uint48 startBlock = SafeCast.toUint48(block.number);
        uint48 endBlock = startBlock + DISTRIBUTION_PERIOD_LENGTH;

        // set new value for currentDistributionId
        newDistributionId_ = _setNewDistributionId();

        // create QuarterlyDistribution struct
        QuarterlyDistribution storage newDistributionPeriod = _distributions[newDistributionId_];              = newDistributionId_;
        newDistributionPeriod.startBlock      = startBlock;
        newDistributionPeriod.endBlock        = endBlock;
        uint256 gbc                           = Maths.wmul(treasury, GLOBAL_BUDGET_CONSTRAINT);
        newDistributionPeriod.fundsAvailable  = SafeCast.toUint128(gbc);

        // decrease the treasury by the amount that is held for allocation in the new distribution period
        treasury -= gbc;


    function fundTreasury(uint256 fundingAmount_) external override {
        IERC20 token = IERC20(ajnaTokenAddress);

        // update treasury accounting
        treasury += fundingAmount_;


After the frontrunning, although treasury becomes positive after the GrantFund.fundTreasury transaction is executed, fundsAvailable for _distributions[1] remains 0. For _distributions[_currentDistributionId], which is _distributions[1], calling the following StandardFunding.proposeStandard function for any proposal with a positive tokensRequested will revert because newProposal.tokensRequested > (currentDistribution.fundsAvailable * 9 / 10), which is evaluated to newProposal.tokensRequested > 0, would be true. Because it is meaningless to create proposals for requesting 0 AJNA tokens, no one would use the StandardFunding contract for _distributions[1]. As a result, the StandardFunding contract's functionalities for proposals with positive tokensRequested are DOS'ed for _distributions[1], which lasts at least 648000 blocks or about 90 days that is not a short time.

    function proposeStandard(
        address[] memory targets_,
        uint256[] memory values_,
        bytes[] memory calldatas_,
        string memory description_
    ) external override returns (uint256 proposalId_) {
        proposalId_ = _hashProposal(targets_, values_, calldatas_, keccak256(abi.encode(DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_HASH_STANDARD, keccak256(bytes(description_)))));

        Proposal storage newProposal = _standardFundingProposals[proposalId_];

        // check for duplicate proposals
        if (newProposal.proposalId != 0) revert ProposalAlreadyExists();

        QuarterlyDistribution memory currentDistribution = _distributions[_currentDistributionId];

        // cannot add new proposal after end of screening period
        // screening period ends 72000 blocks before end of distribution period, ~ 80 days.
        if (block.number > _getScreeningStageEndBlock(currentDistribution.endBlock)) revert ScreeningPeriodEnded();

        // store new proposal information
        newProposal.proposalId      = proposalId_;
        newProposal.distributionId  =;
        newProposal.tokensRequested = _validateCallDatas(targets_, values_, calldatas_); // check proposal parameters are valid and update tokensRequested

        // revert if proposal requested more tokens than are available in the distribution period
        if (newProposal.tokensRequested > (currentDistribution.fundsAvailable * 9 / 10)) revert InvalidProposal();


Proof of Concept

The following steps can occur for the described scenario.

  1. After the GrantFund contract is deployed, someone calls the GrantFund.fundTreasury function.
  2. A malicious actor frontruns the GrantFund.fundTreasury transaction by calling the StandardFunding.startNewDistributionPeriod function.
  3. After the frontrunning, fundsAvailable for _distributions[1] remains 0.
  4. For _distributions[_currentDistributionId], which is _distributions[1], calling the StandardFunding.proposeStandard function for any proposal with a positive tokensRequested will revert.
  5. Since no user can create a proposal with a positive tokensRequested for _distributions[1] using the StandardFunding contract, this contract's functionalities for such proposals are DOS'ed for _distributions[1].

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

The StandardFunding.startNewDistributionPeriod function can be updated to revert if treasury is 0.

Assessed type


c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

MikeHathaway marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged

MikeHathaway commented 1 year ago

This is only on the first distribution period, and can easily be handled by deploying via MEV-resistant solutions such as flashbots.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

MikeHathaway marked the issue as disagree with severity

Picodes commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)