code-423n4 / 2023-05-ajna-findings

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Delegate rewards system is unfair to delegates with less tokens and reduces decentralization #413

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Reduces decentralization significantly and discourages delegates with less token power to vote.

Proof of Concept

The current math gives delegates rewards based on the square of their votes. Thus, accounts with higher number of votes will be rewarded a bigger number of rewards, leading to less decentralization.

Add the following test to StandardFunding.t.sol

function test_POC_WhaleCanStealMostDelegateRewards() external {
    // 24 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
    _selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);

    _token.transfer(_tokenHolder1, 300_000_000 * 1e18);

    vm.roll(_startBlock + 150);

    // start distribution period

    uint24 distributionId = _grantFund.getDistributionId();

    (, , , uint128 gbc, , ) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);

    assertEq(gbc, 15_000_000 * 1e18);

    TestProposalParams[] memory testProposalParams = new TestProposalParams[](1);
    testProposalParams[0] = TestProposalParams(_tokenHolder1, 8_500_000 * 1e18);

    // create 7 proposals paying out tokens
    TestProposal[] memory testProposals = _createNProposals(_grantFund, _token, testProposalParams);
    assertEq(testProposals.length, 1);

    vm.roll(_startBlock + 200);

    // screening period votes
    _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1));
    _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2));

    /*** Funding Stage ***/

    // skip time to move from screening period to funding period
    vm.roll(_startBlock + 600_000);

    // check topTenProposals array is correct after screening period - only six should have advanced
    GrantFund.Proposal[] memory screenedProposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getTopTenProposals(distributionId));

    // funding period votes for two competing slates, 1, or 2 and 3
    _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, screenedProposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 350_000_000 * 1e18);
    _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, screenedProposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);

    /*** Challenge Period ***/

    uint256[] memory potentialProposalSlate = new uint256[](1);
    potentialProposalSlate[0] = screenedProposals[0].proposalId;

    // skip to the end of the DistributionPeriod
    vm.roll(_startBlock + 650_000);

    vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
    emit FundedSlateUpdated(distributionId, _grantFund.getSlateHash(potentialProposalSlate));
    bool proposalSlateUpdated = _grantFund.updateSlate(potentialProposalSlate, distributionId);

    /*** Execute Funded Proposals ***/

    // skip to the end of the Distribution's challenge period
    vm.roll(_startBlock + 700_000);

    // execute funded proposals
    _executeProposal(_grantFund, _token, testProposals[0]);

    /*** Claim Delegate Rewards ***/

    assertEq(_grantFund.getDelegateReward(distributionId, _tokenHolder1) / 1e18, 1_470_000);
    assertEq(_grantFund.getDelegateReward(distributionId, _tokenHolder2) / 1e18, 30_000);

    // _tokenHolder1 reward is approx 1_470_000/(1_470_000 + 30_000) ~ 98%

    // linear distribution
    // _tokenHolder1 reward is approx 350/(350 + 50) = 87.5%

In this test, _tokenHolder1 has 350/50 = 7 times more tokens and leads to getting 98% of the rewards. Had a linear distribution been used, _tokenHolder1 would have received 87.5%, a fairer number.

In fact, it's even better to use a quadratic voting system, being the rewards the square root of the votes. This would incentivize more delegates and increase decentralization.

Tools Used

Vscode, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use a linear or quadratic delegate reward system.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

MikeHathaway marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

Picodes commented 1 year ago

Note: validating the finding assuming it is a bug and distributing rewards according to the square wasn't the intent of the dev team. Otherwise, the fact that the warden finds it "unfair" isn't really a security issue.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory