code-423n4 / 2023-05-ajna-findings

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Delegation rewards are not counted toward granting fund #450

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Each period reserves a reward for granting up to 3% (GBC: Global Budget Constraint). The GBC is split into two parts:

  1. 90% for proposal granting. Any proposal requesting more than 90% will revert. The total amount requested across winning proposals must not exceed this percentage.
  2. 10% for voters who have participated in that distribution period as an incentive.

Voters who have participated can claim their reward after the period has ended via claimDelegateReward(). However, the claim function does not account for the claimed reward towards treasury granting. As a result, the treasury technically reserves up to 90% in each period while actually granting 100%.

Consider this example:

  1. The treasury has a total of 1000 AJNA. 3% is reserved for this period, resulting in a GBC of 30 AJNA. The treasury is updated to 1000 - 30 = 970 AJNA.
  2. 90% is for proposals (27 AJNA) and 10% is for voters (3 AJNA).
  3. Assume all 27 AJNA are fully granted among winning proposals.
  4. Assume 10 voters in total, all fully voted and have equal voting power. Each voter receives 0.3 AJNA, totaling 3 AJNA.
  5. The treasury has spent 27 AJNA + 3 AJNA, leaving an actual balance of 970 AJNA.
  6. This round has ended and the treasury updates its balance before starting a new one using this logic. 970 += (30 - 27) = 973.
  7. The treasury accounts for 973 AJNA while having only 970 AJNA in actuality.

More detailed analysis

When the current period has ended and before starting a new one, the treasury will re-account its amount in case the last period did not utilize all the reserved reward. For example, if the last period granted only 80% of the GBC among winning proposals, the remaining 10% will be re-added to the treasury.

File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol

197:    function _updateTreasury(
198:        uint24 distributionId_
199:    ) private {
200:        bytes32 fundedSlateHash = _distributions[distributionId_].fundedSlateHash;
201:        uint256 fundsAvailable  = _distributions[distributionId_].fundsAvailable;
203:        uint256[] memory fundingProposalIds = _fundedProposalSlates[fundedSlateHash];
205:        uint256 totalTokensRequested;
206:        uint256 numFundedProposals = fundingProposalIds.length;
208:        for (uint i = 0; i < numFundedProposals; ) {
209:            Proposal memory proposal = _standardFundingProposals[fundingProposalIds[i]];
211:            totalTokensRequested += proposal.tokensRequested;
213:            unchecked { ++i; }
214:        }
216:        // readd non distributed tokens to the treasury
217:        treasury += (fundsAvailable - totalTokensRequested);

In the code block above, fundsAvailable represents 100% of the GBC and totalTokensRequested represents up to 90% of the GBC. As a result, the treasury always adds 10% of the reserve back to its accounting.

Proof of Concept

The following PoC code is quite long because it must go through all stages. Please append and run this function in the file ajna-grants/test/unit/StandardFunding.t.sol. The test should pass without errors.

File: ajna-grants/test/unit/StandardFunding.t.sol
        1. startDistributionPeriod
        2. proposeStandard
        3. screeningVote
        4. fundingVote
        5. updateSlate
        6. executeStandard
        7. claimDelegateReward
        function testPoCTreasuryPrecisionLoss() public {
        // 14 tokenholders self delegate their tokens to enable voting on the proposals
        _selfDelegateVoters(_token, _votersArr);
        uint allVotersInitBalance = 50_000_000 * 1e18;
        emit log_named_uint("Treasury initial amount", _grantFund.treasury());

        vm.roll(_startBlock + 150);

        /* =========================
        1. startDistributionPeriod()
        ========================= */
        assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(_grantFund)), 500_000_000 * 1e18, "No token should have left the treasury");
        uint24 distributionId = _grantFund.startNewDistributionPeriod();
        assertEq(_grantFund.getDistributionId(), distributionId, "Should have the same ID");
        uint oldTreasury = _grantFund.treasury();
        emit log_named_uint("Treasury after start, deduct 3%", oldTreasury);

        (, , , uint128 gbc, , ) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
        assertEq(gbc, 15_000_000 * 1e18);
        emit log_named_uint("GBC", uint(gbc));
        assertEq(oldTreasury + gbc, 500_000_000 * 1e18, "Should be equal to the initial treasury fund");

        /* =================
        2. proposeStandard()
        ================= */
        // Request 9/10 of GBC (maximal)
        // 9/10 of GBC = 13_500_000 == 8_500_000 + 5_000_000 (all in WAD uint)
        TestProposalParams[] memory testProposalParams = new TestProposalParams[](2);
        testProposalParams[0] = TestProposalParams(address(this), 8_500_000 * 1e18);
        testProposalParams[1] = TestProposalParams(address(this), 5_000_000 * 1e18);
        TestProposal[] memory testProposals = _createNProposals(_grantFund, _token, testProposalParams);
        assertEq(testProposals.length, 2, "Should created exact 2 proposals");
        vm.roll(_startBlock + 200);

        /* ===============
        3. screeningVote()
        =============== */
        // Demonstrate only 6 voters, all fully use their vote power (50_000_000 * 1e18)
        // #0 got 2 votes
        // #1 got 4 votes
        _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1));
        _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, testProposals[0].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2));
        _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder3, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder3));
        _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder4, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder4));
        _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder5, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder5));
        _screeningVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder6, testProposals[1].proposalId, _getScreeningVotes(_grantFund, _tokenHolder6));

        // /* =============
        // 4. fundingVote()
        // ============= */
        // skip time to move from screening period to funding period
        vm.roll(_startBlock + 600_000);

        GrantFund.Proposal[] memory proposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getTopTenProposals(distributionId));
        assertEq(proposals.length, 2);

        // Proposals should be sorted descending according to votes received so #1 should be the first and #0 should be the second
        assertEq(proposals[0].proposalId, testProposals[1].proposalId, "Should have the correct proposalId #1");
        assertEq(proposals[0].votesReceived, 200_000_000 * 1e18, "Should have the voting score of 4 voters");
        assertEq(proposals[1].proposalId, testProposals[0].proposalId, "Should have the correct proposalId #0");
        assertEq(proposals[1].votesReceived, 100_000_000 * 1e18, "Should have the voting score of 2 voters");

        // funding period votes for two competing slates, 1, or 2 and 3
        // #1 got 3 funding votes
        // #0 got 3 funding votes
        _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder1, proposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
        _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder2, proposals[1].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
        _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder3, proposals[1].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
        _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder4, proposals[1].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
        _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder5, proposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);
        _fundingVote(_grantFund, _tokenHolder6, proposals[0].proposalId, voteYes, 50_000_000 * 1e18);

        // Ensure that all 6 holders have fully voted.
        for (uint i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            (uint128 voterPower, uint128 votingPowerRemaining, uint256 votesCast) = _grantFund.getVoterInfo(distributionId, _votersArr[i]);
            assertEq(voterPower, 2_500_000_000_000_000 * 1e18, "Should have 50m^2 voting power");
            assertEq(votingPowerRemaining, 0, "Should have fully voted");

        // /* =============
        // 5. updateSlate()
        // ============= */
        // skip to the end of the DistributionPeriod
        vm.roll(_startBlock + 650_000);

        // Updating potential Proposal Slate to include proposal that is in topTenProposal (funding Stage)
        uint256[] memory slate = new uint256[](proposals.length); // length = 2
        slate[0] = proposals[0].proposalId;
        slate[1] = proposals[1].proposalId;
        require(_grantFund.updateSlate(slate, distributionId), "Should update slate success");
        (, , , , , bytes32 slateHash) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
        assertTrue(slateHash != bytes32(0));
        proposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getFundedProposalSlate(slateHash));

        // /* =================
        // 6. executeStandard()
        // ================= */
        // skip to the end of the Distribution's challenge period
        vm.roll(_startBlock + 700_000);

        // execute funded proposals
        assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(this)), 0, "This contract should have 0 token amount");
        _grantFund.executeStandard(testProposals[0].targets, testProposals[0].values, testProposals[0].calldatas, keccak256(bytes(testProposals[0].description)));
        _grantFund.executeStandard(testProposals[1].targets, testProposals[1].values, testProposals[1].calldatas, keccak256(bytes(testProposals[1].description)));

        assertEq(testProposals[0].tokensRequested + testProposals[1].tokensRequested, _token.balanceOf(address(this)), "The contract should received correct granted amount");
        emit log_named_uint("totalTokensRequested", _token.balanceOf(address(this)));
        assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(this)), gbc * 9/10, "Should be equal to 90% of GBC");

        proposals = _getProposalListFromProposalIds(_grantFund, _grantFund.getFundedProposalSlate(slateHash));
        assertTrue(proposals[0].executed && proposals[1].executed, "Should have successfully executed");

        // /* =================
        // 7. claimDelegateReward()
        // ================= */
        // Claim delegate reward for all delegatees
        // delegates who didn't vote with their full power receive fewer rewards
        uint totalDelegationRewards;
        for (uint i = 0; i < _votersArr.length; i++) {
            uint estimatedRewards = _grantFund.getDelegateReward(distributionId, _votersArr[i]);
            if (i > 5) {
                // these are holders who haven't participated in this period, should have 0 reward
                // _tokenHolder7 and above
                uint actualRewards = _grantFund.claimDelegateReward(distributionId);
                assertTrue(estimatedRewards == 0 && actualRewards == 0, "Should be ineligible for rewards");
                assertFalse(_grantFund.hasClaimedReward(distributionId, _votersArr[i]), "Should unable to claim");
                assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_votersArr[i]), allVotersInitBalance, "Balance should be the same as starting");
            else {
                // these are holders who have voted
                // _tokenHolder1 - 6
                uint actualRewards = _grantFund.claimDelegateReward(distributionId);
                assertEq(estimatedRewards, actualRewards, "Should received the exact reward amount");
                assertTrue(estimatedRewards != 0 && actualRewards != 0, "Should be eligible for rewards");
                assertTrue(_grantFund.hasClaimedReward(distributionId, _votersArr[i]), "Should claim successfully");

                assertEq(_token.balanceOf(_votersArr[i]), allVotersInitBalance + actualRewards, "Should have the final balance equal to init+reward");
                totalDelegationRewards += actualRewards;

        emit log_named_uint("Total claimed rewards", totalDelegationRewards);
        assertEq(totalDelegationRewards, gbc / 10, "Should be equal to 10% of GBC");
        assertEq(totalDelegationRewards + _token.balanceOf(address(this)), gbc, "10% + 90% = 100%");
        assertEq(totalDelegationRewards + _token.balanceOf(address(this)) + oldTreasury, 500_000_000 * 1e18, "10% + 90% + remaining = initial treasury");
        emit log_named_uint("Treasury at the end of the period (should be the same as started)", _grantFund.treasury());

        // Put the treasury back to the same value as the last period to have the same GBC for easier to compare.
        // Remember this equation? "10% + 90% + remaining = initial treasury"
        // Current _grantFund.treasury() = remaining.
        // _token.balanceOf(address(this)) = 90%
        // _grantFund.startNewDistributionPeriod() -> _grantFund._updateTreasury() = 10% (because of the invalid logic)
        _token.approve(address(_grantFund), _token.balanceOf(address(this)));

        // only put 90% back to the treasury

        // 10% + (90%&remaining) = initial treasury
        assertEq(totalDelegationRewards + _grantFund.treasury(), 500_000_000 * 1e18, "Should be equal to the initial treasury");

        // The function put 10% back in, while in the actual all 100% has been spent. Loss 10%.
        emit log_named_uint("Treasury at the new period (got updated)", _grantFund.treasury());
        assertEq(_token.balanceOf(address(_grantFund)), 498_500_000 * 1e18, "Should be initial-10%");
        emit log_named_uint("treasury actual balance", _token.balanceOf(address(_grantFund)));

        // The same GBC evidenced that treasury = 500_000_000 * 1e18 at the time it was calculated,
        // But the actual balance is 500_000_000 * 1e18 - 10% = 498_500_000 * 1e18.
        (, , , uint128 newGbc, , ) = _grantFund.getDistributionPeriodInfo(distributionId);
        assertEq(oldTreasury + gbc, _grantFund.treasury() + gbc, "Should have the same GBC as previous period");
        assertEq(gbc, newGbc, "Should have the same GBC as previous period");
run: forge test --match-test testPoCTreasuryPrecisionLoss -vv

Running 1 test for test/unit/StandardFunding.t.sol:StandardFundingGrantFundTest
[PASS] testPoCTreasuryPrecisionLoss() (gas: 3451937)
  Treasury initial amount: 500000000000000000000000000
  Treasury after start, deduct 3%: 485000000000000000000000000
  GBC: 15000000000000000000000000
  totalTokensRequested: 13500000000000000000000000
  Total claimed rewards: 1500000000000000000000000
  Treasury at the end of the period (should be the same as started): 485000000000000000000000000
  Treasury at the new period (got updated): 485000000000000000000000000
  treasury actual balance: 498500000000000000000000000

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 1.20s

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

If it is safe to assume that all periods will always have 10% for delegation rewards, the contract should calculate only 90% of fundsAvailable when updating the treasury.

File: ajna-grants/src/grants/base/StandardFunding.sol

197:    function _updateTreasury(
198:        uint24 distributionId_
199:    ) private {
200:        bytes32 fundedSlateHash = _distributions[distributionId_].fundedSlateHash;
201:        uint256 fundsAvailable  = _distributions[distributionId_].fundsAvailable;


216:        // readd non distributed tokens to the treasury
+217:        treasury += ((fundsAvailable * 9/10) - totalTokensRequested);      


The claimDelegateReward() function uses Maths.wmul(), which automatically rounds the multiplication result up or down. For example, Maths.wmul(1, 0.5 * 1e18) = 1 (rounding up) while Maths.wmul(1, 0.49 * 1e18) = 0 (rounding down). As a result, rewardClaimed_ can lose precision for small decimal amounts and token holders typically have small fractions of tokens down to 1 wei. It is uncertain, but the total actual paid rewards could be more than 10% if rounded up, resulting in an insignificant loss of precision in the treasury. However, if rewardClaimed_ is deducted from fundsAvailable, it could lead to an integer underflow revert if fundsAvailable - totalClaimed - totalTokensRequested = 100% - 10.xx% - 90%, which exceeds 100%.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #263

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #263

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report