code-423n4 / 2023-05-asymmetry-mitigation-findings

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Mitigation Confirmed for Mitigation of M-10: Issue mitigated #38

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Mitigated issue

M-10: Stuck ether when use function stake with empty derivatives(derivativeCount = 0)

The issue was that stake() will accept payment but not issue safETH when derivativeCount == 0 or when all weights[i] == 0.

Mitigation review

The proposed mitigation simply adds a require(derivativeCount > 0, "no derivatives");. This solves only the issue when derivativeCount == 0.

The latest branch does not have this but has instead require(totalWeight > 0, "total weight is zero");. This solves the issue when all weights[i] == 0. Since a weight can be set only on added derivatives, derivativeCount > 0 only if totalWeight > 0, so this also solves the first issue.

However, we now also have this line:

+ if (!derivatives[i].enabled) continue;
uint256 weight = derivatives[i].weight;
if (weight == 0) continue;

Therefore we could have a problem if the derivative is skipped because its disabled, but has non-zero weight. But since totalWeight only counts enabled derivatives and is updated whenever weights or enabled/disabled status change, if all derivatives are skipped, for either reason, this would imply that totalWeight == 0, so it is sufficient to check that totalWeight > 0.

Comment on rebalanceToWeights()

Note that we divide by totalWeight inside a for-loop in stake(). So if totalWeight == 0 this would naturally revert. The problem was that the loop was skipped if derivativeCount == 0, so that the sent funds fail to deposit. We fixed this by adding that check before the loop.

The same logic has a parallel in rebalanceToWeights(), but in this case nothing is withdrawn if derivativeCount == 0. Therefore the revert by dividing by zero prevents the same issue from appearing in rebalanceToWeights(). But it may be wise to refactor to make this check explicit, like in stake().

elmutt commented 1 year ago


c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #54