code-423n4 / 2023-05-asymmetry-mitigation-findings

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Mitigation of M-02: Issue perhaps NOT sufficiently mitigated #63

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Mitigation of M-02: Issue perhaps NOT sufficiently mitigated

Mitigated issue

M-02: sFrxEth may revert on redeeming non-zero amount

The issue was that SfrxEth.withdraw(_amount) may revert when called in unstake(), blocking unstaking, if _amount is low (most realistically if _amount == 1).

Mitigation review

The issue has been attempted to be mitigated by introducing the possibility to enable and disable derivatives. This allows for SfrxEth to be disabled when it is expected that SfrxEth.withdraw(1) would be called under the circumstance that it would revert.

When disabling SfrxEth its remaining balance is effectively forgone. In order for unstake() to call SfrxEth.withdraw(1) we would need that 1 == (derivatives[i].balance() * _safEthAmount) / safEthTotalSupply. Assuming the protocol would be willing to forgo up to x wei to close down SfrxEth then the user can towards this point only unstake at least an x-th of the supply of SafEth. As a comparison consider the total market value of Ethereum which has been up to over $500B. A 1e12-th of this is $0.5. 1e12 wei is a very small amount to sacrifice, and a user will perhaps not be too upset over not being able to unstake $0.5 until the owner has disabled SfrxEth.

Thus the issue is perhaps sufficiently mitigated in practice for the individual user or EOA.

However, other contracts interacting with SafEth may operate differently. They might, for example, depend on occasionally being able to unstake very small amounts, or else have their functionality impeded or blocked. I imagine the protocol would be less happy to forgo 1e18 wei if it could be avoided. Then we have an issue if it should be possible to unstake 1e18-th of the total supply. It is therefore in the interface with other contracts that I think this might still be an issue.

The main takeaway here is that M-02 is an issue not only when the balance of SfrxEth is 1 but at significantly higher balances than that (such as 1e12 or 1e18 in the examples above), and technically at any balance. In this sense the issue is not resolved.


In order to resolve this issue without the risk of having to sacrifice funds SfrxEth must be bypassed on a call by call basis. The issue presents only when _amount is small, so it doesn't matter much if the call is skipped in that case. The best fix is to explicitly check if IsFrxEth(SFRX_ETH_ADDRESS).previewRedeem(_amount) == 0 and skip the call in that case only. In that case no ether would have been returned anyway, so nothing is lost.

elmutt commented 1 year ago

This is an acceptable edge case for us

romeroadrian commented 1 year ago

Needs label MR-M-02

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory