code-423n4 / 2023-05-maia-findings

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Slippage controls for calling `bHermes` contract's `ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit` and `` functions are missing #901

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Impact mentions that "if implementors intend to support EOA account access directly, they should consider adding an additional function call for deposit/mint/withdraw/redeem with the means to accommodate slippage loss or unexpected deposit/withdrawal limits, since they have no other means to revert the transaction if the exact output amount is not achieved." Using the bHermes contract that inherits the ERC4626DepositOnly contract, EOAs can call the following ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit and functions directly. However, because no slippage controls can be specified when calling these functions, these functions' shares and assets outputs can be less than expected to these EOAs.

    function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public virtual returns (uint256 shares) {
        // Check for rounding error since we round down in previewDeposit.
        require((shares = previewDeposit(assets)) != 0, "ZERO_SHARES");

        // Need to transfer before minting or ERC777s could reenter.
        address(asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), assets);

        _mint(receiver, shares);

        emit Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, shares);

        afterDeposit(assets, shares);

    function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public virtual returns (uint256 assets) {
        assets = previewMint(shares); // No need to check for rounding error, previewMint rounds up.

        // Need to transfer before minting or ERC777s could reenter.
        address(asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), assets);

        _mint(receiver, shares);

        emit Deposit(msg.sender, receiver, assets, shares);

        afterDeposit(assets, shares);

In contrast, the following UlyssesRouter.addLiquidity function does control the slippage by including the minOutput input and executing amount = ulysses.deposit(amount, msg.sender) and if (amount < minOutput) revert OutputTooLow(). Although such slippage control for an ERC-4626 vault exists in this protocol's other contract, it does not exist in the bHermes contract. As a result, EOAs can mint less bHermes shares than expected when calling the bHermes contract's ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit function and send and burn more HERMES tokens than expected when calling the bHermes contract's function.

    function addLiquidity(uint256 amount, uint256 minOutput, uint256 poolId) external returns (uint256) {
        UlyssesPool ulysses = getUlyssesLP(poolId);

        amount = ulysses.deposit(amount, msg.sender);

        if (amount < minOutput) revert OutputTooLow();
        return amount;

Proof of Concept

The following steps can occur for the described scenario involving the bHermes contract's function. The case involving the bHermes contract's ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit function is similar to this.

  1. Alice wants to mint 1e18 bHermes shares in exchange for sending and burning 1e18 HERMES tokens.
  2. Alice calls the bHermes contract's function with the shares input being 1e18.
  3. Yet, such function call causes 1.2e18 HERMES tokens to be transferred from Alice.
  4. Alice unexpectedly sends, burns, and loses 0.2e18 more HERMES tokens than expected for minting 1e18 bHermes shares.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

The bHermes contract can be updated to include a deposit function that allows msg.sender to specify the minimum bHermes shares to be minted for calling the corresponding ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit function; calling such bHermes.deposit function should revert if the corresponding ERC4626DepositOnly.deposit function's shares output is less than the specified minimum bHermes shares to be minted. Similarly, the bHermes contract can also include a mint function that allows msg.sender to specify the maximum HERMES tokens to be sent for calling the corresponding function; calling such function should revert if the corresponding function's assets output is more than the specified maximum HERMES tokens to be sent.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as primary issue

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xLightt marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

trust1995 marked the issue as selected for report

0xLightt commented 1 year ago

The reason this is not being addressed directly in this contract is we prefer to use a periphery contract like a generalized ERC4626 router to account for slippage and deadlines.