code-423n4 / 2023-06-canto-findings

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The number of Canto coins in the liquidity pools potentially exceeds the limit #94

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


As for the business logic, it is expected that the number of Canto tokens in each pool should not exceed the predefined limit, which is specified as MaxStandardCoinPerPool. However, the current implementation in the source code does not enforce control over the amount of Canto tokens in the pools. This will have an unexpected impact on the value of the Canto token.

Proof of Concept

Assume that currently Bob has funds on Canto Network. There is a pool CANTO/BTC with reserves 10000000000 CANTO and 10000000000 BTC. Bob performs a swap action, exchanging exactly 10 CANTO for BTC. With the MaxStandardCoinPerPool is 10000000005, the transaction is still successful and Bob receives 9 BTC.

Unit test:

func (suite *TestSuite) TestTradeExactInputForOutput_ExceedMaxStandardTokenPerPool_Successfully() {
    sender, poolAddr := createReservePool(suite, denomBTC)

    params :=
    fmt.Printf("MaxStandardCoinPerPool: %s\n", params.MaxStandardCoinPerPool.String())

    inputCoin := sdk.NewCoin(denomStandard, sdk.NewInt(10))
    outputCoin := sdk.NewCoin(denomBTC, sdk.NewInt(0))
    input := types.Input{
        Address: sender.String(),
        Coin:    inputCoin,
    output := types.Output{
        Address: sender.String(),
        Coin:    outputCoin,

    poolBalances :=, poolAddr)
    senderBlances :=, sender)

    fmt.Printf("[BEFORE]\npool balances: %s\nsender balances: %s\n\n", poolBalances.String(), senderBlances.String())

    amt, err :=, input, output)

    fmt.Printf("output amount: %s%s\n\n", amt.String(), outputCoin.Denom)

    sold := sdk.NewCoins(inputCoin)
    bought := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(outputCoin.Denom, amt))

    pb := poolBalances.Add(sold...).Sub(bought)
    sb := senderBlances.Add(bought...).Sub(sold)

    fmt.Printf("[AFTER]\npool balances: %s\nsender balances: %s\n", pb.String(), sb.String())

    assertResult(suite, poolAddr, sender, pb, sb)

Log of the test:

MaxStandardCoinPerPool: 10000000005

pool balances: 10000000000btc,10000000000canto
sender balances: 20000000000btc,10000000000lpt-1,20000000000canto


output amount: 9btc


pool balances: 9999999991btc,10000000010canto
sender balances: 20000000009btc,10000000000lpt-1,19999999990canto

ok 0.644s

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add logic to functions TradeExactInputForOutput and TradeInputForExactOutput to check if standard denomination amount exceeds the limit.

Function TradeExactInputForOutput:

func (k Keeper) TradeExactInputForOutput(ctx sdk.Context, input types.Input, output types.Output) (sdk.Int, error) {
    // ... keep the same as original

    if quoteCoinToSwap.Amount.GT(maxSwapAmount.Amount) {
        return sdk.ZeroInt(), sdkerrors.Wrap(types.ErrConstraintNotMet, fmt.Sprintf("expected swap amount %s%s exceeding swap amount limit %s%s", quoteCoinToSwap.Amount.String(), quoteCoinToSwap.Denom, maxSwapAmount.Amount.String(), maxSwapAmount.Denom))

+   if input.Coin.Denom == standardDenom {
+       lptDenom, err := k.GetLptDenomFromDenoms(ctx, input.Coin.Denom, output.Coin.Denom)
+       if err != nil {
+           return sdk.ZeroInt(), err
+       }
+       reservePoolAddress := types.GetReservePoolAddr(lptDenom).String()
+       reservePool, err := k.GetPoolBalances(ctx, reservePoolAddress)
+       if err != nil {
+           return sdk.ZeroInt(), err
+       }
+       standardDenomReserve := reservePool.AmountOf(standardDenom)
+       if standardDenomReserve.Add(input.Coin.Amount).GT(k.GetParams(ctx).MaxStandardCoinPerPool) {
+           return sdk.ZeroInt(), sdkerrors.Wrap(types.ErrConstraintNotMet, fmt.Sprintf("expected swap amount %s%s exceeding max standard coin per pool", input.Coin.Amount.String(), standardDenom))
+       }
+   }

    if err := k.swapCoins(ctx, inputAddress, outputAddress, input.Coin, boughtToken); err != nil {
        return sdk.ZeroInt(), err
    return boughtTokenAmt, nil

Function TradeInputForExactOutput:

func (k Keeper) TradeInputForExactOutput(ctx sdk.Context, input types.Input, output types.Output) (sdk.Int, error) {
    // ... keep the same as original

    if quoteCoinToSwap.Amount.GT(maxSwapAmount.Amount) {
        return sdk.ZeroInt(), sdkerrors.Wrap(types.ErrConstraintNotMet, fmt.Sprintf("expected swap amount %s%s exceeding swap amount limit %s%s", quoteCoinToSwap.Amount.String(), quoteCoinToSwap.Denom, maxSwapAmount.Amount.String(), maxSwapAmount.Denom))

+   if soldToken.Denom == standardDenom {
+       lptDenom, err := k.GetLptDenomFromDenoms(ctx, input.Coin.Denom, output.Coin.Denom)
+       if err != nil {
+           return sdk.ZeroInt(), err
+       }
+       reservePoolAddress := types.GetReservePoolAddr(lptDenom).String()
+       reservePool, err := k.GetPoolBalances(ctx, reservePoolAddress)
+       if err != nil {
+           return sdk.ZeroInt(), err
+       }
+       standardDenomReserve := reservePool.AmountOf(standardDenom)
+       if standardDenomReserve.Add(soldTokenAmt).GT(k.GetParams(ctx).MaxStandardCoinPerPool) {
+           return sdk.ZeroInt(), sdkerrors.Wrap(types.ErrConstraintNotMet, fmt.Sprintf("expected swap amount %s%s exceeding max standard coin per pool", soldTokenAmt.String(), standardDenom))
+       }
+   }

    if err := k.swapCoins(ctx, inputAddress, outputAddress, soldToken, output.Coin); err != nil {
        return sdk.ZeroInt(), err

    return soldTokenAmt, nil

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

JeffCX marked the issue as primary issue

tkkwon1998 commented 1 year ago

Our docs should've been more clear. The deposits to the pool fail if the number of canto exceeds 10,000. Swaps can still be made even if it increases the canto reserves to above 10,000. There cannot be a hard cap for reserves in an AMM, because then you would be limiting price movement.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

tkkwon1998 marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged

0xean commented 1 year ago

This sounds like a case of code not meeting the spec or vise versa, QA base on c4 guidelines.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as grade-b