The use of abi.encodePacked() could lead to collision due to the dynamic types usage.
Through abi.encodePacked(), Solidity supports a non-standard packed mode where:
Types shorter than 32 bytes are neither zero padded nor sign extended and
Dynamic types are encoded in-place and without the length.
Array elements are padded, but still encoded in-place
Structs as well as nested arrays are not supported.
abi.encode is used if you are dealing with more than one dynamic data type as it prevents collision.
abi.encodePacked takes all types of data and any amount of input.
According to solidity documentation, if you use abi.encodePacked for signatures, authentication or data integrity, make sure to always use the same types and check that at most one of them is dynamic. Unless there is a compelling reason, abi.encode should be preferred.
Do not use more than one dynamic type in abi.encodePacked(). Instead,use abi.encode() preferably.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The use of abi.encodePacked() could lead to collision due to the dynamic types usage. Through abi.encodePacked(), Solidity supports a non-standard packed mode where:
abi.encode is used if you are dealing with more than one dynamic data type as it prevents collision. abi.encodePacked takes all types of data and any amount of input.
Proof of Concept
Contract: LSP6KeyManager
File: LSP6KeyManagerCore.sol
Code link: code: bytes memory encodedMessage = abi.encodePacked( LSP6_VERSION, block.chainid, nonce, validityTimestamps, msgValue, payload );
Contract: LSP6Modules
File: LSP6SetDataModule.sol
Code link: code: length = uint16( bytes2( abi.encodePacked( allowedERC725YDataKeysCompacted[pointer], allowedERC725YDataKeysCompacted[pointer + 1] ) ) );
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
According to solidity documentation, if you use abi.encodePacked for signatures, authentication or data integrity, make sure to always use the same types and check that at most one of them is dynamic. Unless there is a compelling reason, abi.encode should be preferred. Do not use more than one dynamic type in abi.encodePacked(). Instead,use abi.encode() preferably.
code: bytes memory encodedMessage = abi.encode( LSP6_VERSION, block.chainid, nonce, validityTimestamps, msgValue, payload );
code: length = uint16( bytes2( abi.encode( allowedERC725YDataKeysCompacted[pointer], allowedERC725YDataKeysCompacted[pointer + 1] ) ) );
Assessed type