code-423n4 / 2023-06-lybra-findings

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Users might be liquidated if the `vaultSafeCollateralRatio[pool]` is updated to a higher value. #587

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details



Proof of Concept

File: 2023-06-lybra/contracts/lybra/configuration/LybraConfigurator.sol
Line 198-206:
 function setSafeCollateralRatio(address pool, uint256 newRatio) external checkRole(TIMELOCK) {
        if(IVault(pool).vaultType() == 0) {
            require(newRatio >= 160 * 1e18, "eUSD vault safe collateralRatio should more than 160%");
        } else {
            require(newRatio >= vaultBadCollateralRatio[pool] + 1e19, "PeUSD vault safe collateralRatio should more than bad collateralRatio");
        vaultSafeCollateralRatio[pool] = newRatio;
        emit SafeCollateralRatioChanged(pool, newRatio);
File: 2023-06-lybra/contracts/lybra/pools/base/LybraEUSDVaultBase.sol
Line 291-293:
    function _checkHealth(address _user, uint256 _assetPrice) internal view {
        if (((depositedAsset[_user] * _assetPrice * 100) / borrowed[_user]) < configurator.getSafeCollateralRatio(address(this))) revert("collateralRatio is Below safeCollateralRatio");
File: 2023-06-lybra/contracts/lybra/pools/base/LybraPeUSDVaultBase.sol
Line 225-228:
    function _checkHealth(address user, uint256 price) internal view {
        if (((depositedAsset[user] * price * 100) / getBorrowedOf(user)) < configurator.getSafeCollateralRatio(address(this)))
            revert("collateralRatio is Below safeCollateralRatio");

Tools Used

Manual Testing.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

A recommended mitigation step is to set a struct to track each position (debt) made by the user where the current safeCollateralRatio at the time of the borrow is recorded, and another array to track users positions, so when checking for the health of the user,a weighted average of the health of all positions made by a user is used to checkHealth.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

JeffCX marked the issue as primary issue

LybraFinance commented 1 year ago

Modifying the liquidation collateral ratio requires approval through DAO governance. Typically, users will have sufficient time to provide additional collateral.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

LybraFinance marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)