The reward rToken sent to RevenueTrader will be sold at a low price. RSR stakers will lose some of their profits.
Proof of Concept
RevenueTraderP1.manageToken function is used to launch auctions for any erc20 tokens sent to it. For the RevenueTrader of the rsr stake, the tokenToBuy is rsr and the token to sell is reward rtoken.
There is the refresh code in the manageToken function:
} else if (assetRegistry.lastRefresh() != uint48(block.timestamp)) {
// Refresh everything only if RToken is being traded
It refreshes only when the assetRegistry has not been refreshed in the same block.
So if the actor calls the assetRegistry.refresh() before calling manageToken function, the furnace.melt() won't been called. And the BU exchange rate of the RToken will be lower than actual value. So the sellPrice is also going to be smaller.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The reward rToken sent to RevenueTrader will be sold at a low price. RSR stakers will lose some of their profits.
Proof of Concept
function is used to launch auctions for any erc20 tokens sent to it. For the RevenueTrader of the rsr stake, thetokenToBuy
is rsr and the token to sell is reward rtoken.There is the refresh code in the
function:It refreshes only when the assetRegistry has not been refreshed in the same block.
So if the actor calls the
before callingmanageToken
function, thefurnace.melt()
won't been called. And the BU exchange rate of the RToken will be lower than actual value. So the sellPrice is also going to be smaller.Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Refresh everything before sell rewards.
Assessed type