modifier onlySigners() {
if (!signers.isSigner[msg.sender]) revert NotSigner();
bytes32 topic = keccak256(;
Voting storage voting = votingPerTopic[signerEpoch][topic];
// Check that signer has not voted, then record that they have voted.
if (voting.hasVoted[msg.sender]) revert AlreadyVoted();
voting.hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
// Determine the new vote count.
uint256 voteCount = voting.voteCount + 1;
// Do not proceed with operation execution if insufficient votes.
if (voteCount < signers.threshold) {
// Save updated vote count.
voting.voteCount = voteCount;
// Clear vote count and voted booleans.
voting.voteCount = 0;
uint256 count = signers.accounts.length;
for (uint256 i; i < count; ++i) {
voting.hasVoted[signers.accounts[i]] = false;
emit MultisigOperationExecuted(topic);
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Either refund the native amount sent until there are insufficient votes to pass the proposal, or partially refund in amount equal to (nativeAmount - nativeAmount / signers.threshold) so that at the reach of the threshold an amount equal to nativeAmount has been paid as a sum of partial amounts from each cosigner.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The executeMultisigProposal will receive payment from all cosigners when only one payment of nativeValue amount is required.
Proof of Concept
The executeMultisigProposal requires native payment and therefore requires the caller to pay an amount equivalent to nativeValue. The onlySigners however, will only allow the executeMultisigProposal function body to execute for the caller that reaches the votes threshold.
From AxelarServiceGovernance.sol
From MultisigBase.sol
Tools Used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Either refund the native amount sent until there are insufficient votes to pass the proposal, or partially refund in amount equal to (nativeAmount - nativeAmount / signers.threshold) so that at the reach of the threshold an amount equal to nativeAmount has been paid as a sum of partial amounts from each cosigner.
Assessed type