code-423n4 / 2023-07-basin-findings

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Implementation of Well shift() function allows attackers to completely manipulate the oracles #254

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The TWAP mechanism relies on measurements sent to the oracle at various points in time. Before reserve counts change, the TWAP is sent the last reserve counts, which are multiplied by the time passed and added to the accumulator. In MultiFlowPump, it happens here:

for (uint256 i; i < numberOfReserves; ++i) {
    // Use a minimum of 1 for reserve. Geometric means will be set to 0 if a reserve is 0.
    pumpState.lastReserves[i] = _capReserve(
        pumpState.lastReserves[i], (reserves[i] > 0 ? reserves[i] : 1).fromUIntToLog2(), blocksPassed
    pumpState.emaReserves[i] =
    pumpState.cumulativeReserves[i] =
       // @audit - TWAP update

lastReserves[i] is capped and updated with the parameter reserves[i].price. Then it is used to determine cumulativeReserves[i]. This behavior is correct, as discussed in the Uniswap v3 book.

The safety of the TWAP relies on calling the observation function (update()) with the current reserve, before any reserve changes take place. Updating happens in the _updatePumps call:

reserves = _getReserves(_numberOfTokens);
if (numberOfPumps() == 0) {
    return reserves;
// gas optimization: avoid looping if there is only one pump
if (numberOfPumps() == 1) {
    Call memory _pump = firstPump();
    // Don't revert if the update call fails.
    try IPump(, {}
    catch {
        // ignore reversion. If an external shutoff mechanism is added to a Pump, it could be called here.

It is called in the following functions which change reserve counts:

  1. _swapFrom()
  2. swapTo()
  3. _addLiquidity()
  4. removeLiquidity()
  5. removeLiquidityOneToken()
  6. removeLiquidityImbalanced()

However, it is not called in the shift() function, which is very similar to swapFrom() and updates reserves counts.

 function _swapFrom(
     IERC20 fromToken,
     IERC20 toToken,
     uint256 amountIn,
     uint256 minAmountOut,
     address recipient
 ) internal returns (uint256 amountOut) {
     IERC20[] memory _tokens = tokens();
     uint256[] memory reserves = _updatePumps(_tokens.length);
     (uint256 i, uint256 j) = _getIJ(_tokens, fromToken, toToken);

function shift(
    IERC20 tokenOut,
    uint256 minAmountOut,
    address recipient
) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 amountOut) {
    IERC20[] memory _tokens = tokens();
    uint256[] memory reserves = new uint256[](_tokens.length);   

At the end of the function, it will update the reserves from the current balances:

if (amountOut >= minAmountOut) {
    tokenOut.safeTransfer(recipient, amountOut);
    reserves[j] -= amountOut;
    _setReserves(_tokens, reserves);
    emit Shift(reserves, tokenOut, amountOut, recipient);
} else {
    revert SlippageOut(amountOut, minAmountOut);

This means an attacker can easily manipulate the TWAP price. They will transfer tokens to the contract and use shift() to change the reserve count to an extreme ratio, then swap back the tokens using a normal swapFrom() call, which will set update the oracle with the post-shift reserve counts. It will appear as if the entire duration until the shift was with the extreme ratio. Both the EMA oracle and the Cumulative oracle will be skewed.


The TWAP oracle can be arbitrarily manipulated by an attacker.


Assume a Well holding 100 ETH : 100000 USDC, Fair ratio is 1:1000. Last trade happens at t = T Time is now t = T + 1000 sec. Cumulative reserves in oracle contract are [X, Y]. To remind, they are calculated as

pumpState.cumulativeReserves[i] =    pumpState.cumulativeReserves[i].add(pumpState.lastReserves[i].mul(deltaTimestampBytes));
  1. User calls exploit contract
    • take a flashloan of 10,000 ETH
    • transfer all ETH to the Well
    • call shift() , new reserves are 10100 : 990. Receive 100000-990 USDC to wallet
    • call swapFrom(), passing received USDC from shift(). Pool returns to 100 : 100,000, user receives 10,000 ETH back
    • user repays flashloan
  2. During swapFrom(), cumulative reserves were updated:
    • Cumulative = `[X,Y] + [10100 1000, 990 1000]
  3. The TWAP oracle has been poisoned.

For example, a victim now queries the TWAP price in the last 1000 sec, using readTwaReserves(Well, [x,y], T): It will calculate:

twaReserves = ([X + 10100*1000, Y + 990*1000]-[X,Y]) / 1000
twaReserves = [10100, 990]

Calculation shows the TWAP price for the past 1000 seconds is 1 ETH = 0.098 USDC. Attacker can now exploit any user of the TWAP through uncollateralized loans, swaps at wrong ratio, or any other target-specific way.

Tools Used

Manual audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

In the shift() function, call the _updatePumps() function, even though the current reserve count is not necessary.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

141345 marked the issue as duplicate of #278

c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

141345 marked the issue as duplicate of #136

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

alcueca marked the issue as partial-50

alcueca commented 1 year ago

No mention of sync()

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

alcueca marked the issue as full credit

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

alcueca marked the issue as satisfactory