code-423n4 / 2023-07-moonwell-findings

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malicious `emissionToken` could poison rewards for a market #320

Open code423n4 opened 12 months ago

code423n4 commented 12 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


When distributing rewards for a market, each emissionConfig is looped over and sent rewards for. disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal as an example, the same holds true for disburseSupplierRewardsInternal:

File: MultiRewardDistributor/MultiRewardDistributor.sol

1147:    function disburseBorrowerRewardsInternal(
1148:        MToken _mToken,
1149:        address _borrower,
1150:        bool _sendTokens
1151:    ) internal {
1152:        MarketEmissionConfig[] storage configs = marketConfigs[
1153:            address(_mToken)
1154:        ];

             // ... mToken balance and borrow index

1162:        // Iterate over all market configs and update their indexes + timestamps
1163:        for (uint256 index = 0; index < configs.length; index++) {
1164:            MarketEmissionConfig storage emissionConfig = configs[index];

                 // ... index updates

1192:            if (_sendTokens) {
1193:                // Emit rewards for this token/pair
1194:                uint256 pendingRewards = sendReward( // <-- will trigger transfer on `emissionToken`
1195:                    payable(_borrower),
1196:                    emissionConfig.borrowerRewardsAccrued[_borrower],
1197:                    emissionConfig.config.emissionToken
1198:                );
1200:                emissionConfig.borrowerRewardsAccrued[
1201:                    _borrower
1202:                ] = pendingRewards;
1203:            }
1204:        }
1205:    }


1214:    function sendReward(
1215:        address payable _user,
1216:        uint256 _amount,
1217:        address _rewardToken
1218:    ) internal nonReentrant returns (uint256) {

             // ... short circuits breakers

1232:        uint256 currentTokenHoldings = token.balanceOf(address(this));
1234:        // Only transfer out if we have enough of a balance to cover it (otherwise just accrue without sending)
1235:        if (_amount > 0 && _amount <= currentTokenHoldings) {
1236:            // Ensure we use SafeERC20 to revert even if the reward token isn't ERC20 compliant
1237:            token.safeTransfer(_user, _amount); // <-- if this reverts all emissions fail
1238:            return 0;
1239:        } else {
                 // .. default return _amount
1245:            return _amount;
1246:        }
1247:    }

If one transfer reverts the whole transaction fails and no rewards will be paid out for this user. Hence if there is a malicious token that would revert on transfer it would cause no rewards to paid out. As long as there is some rewards accrued for the malicious emissionConfig. The users with already unclaimed rewards for this emissionConfig would have their rewards permanently locked.

The admin (TemporalGovernor) of MultiRewardsDistributor could update the reward speed for the token to 0 but that would just prevent further damage from being done.

Upgradeable tokens aren't unusual and hence the token might seem harmless to begin with but be upgraded to a malicious implementation that reverts on transfer.

Proof of Concept

Test in MultiRewardDistributor.t.sol, MultiRewardSupplySideDistributorUnitTest, most of the test is copied from testSupplierHappyPath with the addition of MaliciousToken:

contract MaliciousToken {
    function balanceOf(address) public pure returns(uint256) {
        return type(uint256).max;

    function transfer(address, uint256) public pure {
        revert("No transfer for you");
    function testAddMaliciousEmissionToken() public {
        uint256 startTime = 1678340000;

        MultiRewardDistributor distributor = createDistributorWithRoundValuesAndConfig(2e18, 0.5e18, 0.5e18);

        // malicious token added
        MaliciousToken token = new MaliciousToken();
            block.timestamp + 365 days


        emissionToken.allocateTo(address(distributor), 10000e18);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1);;
        assertEq(MTokenInterface(mToken).totalSupply(), 2e18);

        // Wait 12345 seconds after depositing
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 12345);

        // claim fails as the malicious token reverts on transfer
        vm.expectRevert("No transfer for you");

        // no rewards handed out
        assertEq(emissionToken.balanceOf(address(this)), 0);

Tools Used

Manual audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider adding a way for admin to remove an emissionConfig.

Alternatively, the reward transfer could be wrapped in a try/catch and returning _amount in catch. Be mindful to only allow a certain amount of gas to the transfer then as otherwise the same attack works with consuming all gas available.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as primary issue

ElliotFriedman commented 11 months ago

emission creator (comptroller admin) and emission owners are trusted, it is assumed they will not add any poison reward tokens.

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

ElliotFriedman marked the issue as sponsor disputed

alcueca commented 11 months ago

@ElliotFriedman, I'm not sure yet if anyone else has reported this, but the emissions token doesn't need to be even suspicious. USDC and USDT can blacklist users. If you use those tokens as emissions and any of your rewards holders get blacklisted, this issue will get triggered.

I'm marking this as valid medium at 50% payout.

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as partial-50

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as selected for report

lyoungblood commented 11 months ago

I'm not sure yet if anyone else has reported this, but the emissions token doesn't need to be even suspicious. USDC and USDT can blacklist users. If you use those tokens as emissions and any of your rewards holders get blacklisted, this issue will get triggered.

I still dispute the validity of this finding. If a user's wallet got blacklisted by Circle, it is true that the transfer would revert, but removing the emissionconfig is not a solution to this. We can't and won't solve for inappropriate user activity by denying all users the ability to claim USDC rewards. This is working as designed.

alcueca commented 11 months ago

The issue exists despite the quality of the mitigations proposed by the warden. The sponsor may choose to develop a mitigation of its own, or to acknowledge the issue and not fix it.

Given that this issue will impact only individual users, a fix might not be necessary, depending on the sponsor priorities.

If it would be me, I would implement a separate set of external reward disbursement functions where the markets for which rewards are disbursed are passed on as a parameter, so that Usdc-blacklisted users can still receive rewards for other markets.

lyoungblood commented 11 months ago

Since tokens (EmissionConfig) cannot be added except by admin (the DAO), I still dispute the validity of the finding, or at least the severity. We have to be reasonable in our assumptions and the assumption that the admin will add a malicious/censorable token can't really be a precursor to a valid finding. The admin can directly remove funds from the contract with removeReserves, but we wouldn't consider a finding like that valid.

alcueca commented 11 months ago

@lyoungblood, USDC and USDT are both censorable, and it sounds pretty reasonable that would be used as emission tokens.