code-423n4 / 2023-07-moonwell-findings

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`excuteProposal` can fail due to Wormhole guardian change #325

Open code423n4 opened 12 months ago

code423n4 commented 12 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Wormhole governance can change signing guardian sets. If this happens between a proposal is queued and a proposal is executed. The second verification in _executeProposal will fail as the guardian set has changed between queuing and executing.

This would cause a proposal to fail to execute after the proposalDelay has passed. Causing a lengthy re-sending of the message from Timelock on source chain, then proposalDelay again.

Proof of Concept

To execute a proposal on TemporalGovernor it first needs to be queued. When queued it is checked that the message is valid against the Wormhole bridge contract:

File: Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

295:    function _queueProposal(bytes memory VAA) private {
296:        /// Checks
298:        // This call accepts single VAAs and headless VAAs
299:        (
300:            IWormhole.VM memory vm,
301:            bool valid,
302:            string memory reason
303:        ) = wormholeBridge.parseAndVerifyVM(VAA);
305:        // Ensure VAA parsing verification succeeded.
306:        require(valid, reason);

After some more checks are done the message is queued by its wormhole hash.

Then, after proposalDelay, anyone can call executeProposal

Before the proposal is executed though, a second check against the Wormhole bridge contract is done:

File: Governance/TemporalGovernor.sol

344:    function _executeProposal(bytes memory VAA, bool overrideDelay) private {
345:        // This call accepts single VAAs and headless VAAs
346:        (
347:            IWormhole.VM memory vm,
348:            bool valid,
349:            string memory reason
350:        ) = wormholeBridge.parseAndVerifyVM(VAA);

The issue is that the second time the verification might fail.

During the wormhole contract check for validity there is a check that the correct guardian set has signed the message:

79:        /// @dev Checks if VM guardian set index matches the current index (unless the current set is expired).
80:        if(vm.guardianSetIndex != getCurrentGuardianSetIndex() && guardianSet.expirationTime < block.timestamp){
81:            return (false, "guardian set has expired");
82:        }

But(!), Wormhole governance can change the signers:

 76:    /**
 77:     * @dev Deploys a new `guardianSet` via Governance VAA/VM
 78:     */
 79:    function submitNewGuardianSet(bytes memory _vm) public {
            // ... parsing and verification

104:        // Trigger a time-based expiry of current guardianSet
105:        expireGuardianSet(getCurrentGuardianSetIndex());
107:        // Add the new guardianSet to guardianSets
108:        storeGuardianSet(upgrade.newGuardianSet, upgrade.newGuardianSetIndex);
110:        // Makes the new guardianSet effective
111:        updateGuardianSetIndex(upgrade.newGuardianSetIndex);
112:    }

Were this to happen between queueProposal and executeProposal the proposal would fail to execute.

Tools Used

Manual audit

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider only check the VAAs validity against Wormhole in _executeProposal when it is fasttracked (overrideDelay==true).

However then anyone can just just take the hash from the proposal VAA and submit whatever commands. One idea to prevent this is to instead of storing the VAA vm.hash, use the hash of the complete VAA as key in queuedTransactions. Thus, the content cannot be altered.

Or, the whole VAA can be stored alongside the timestamp and the executeProposal call can be made with just the hash.

Assessed type


0xSorryNotSorry commented 11 months ago

This looks like the intended mechanism to avoid malicious proposal being executed originated from the malicious guardians.

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as primary issue

ElliotFriedman commented 11 months ago

good finding and this is expected behavior as wormhole guardians may change if signers are ever compromised

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

ElliotFriedman marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as selected for report