code-423n4 / 2023-07-moonwell-findings

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the `getPrice()` in ` function did not support mTokens with more than 18 decimals #337

Open code423n4 opened 12 months ago

code423n4 commented 12 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


the function getPrice may underflow if the mToken decimals was more than 18. this can happen because mToken can be any token with decimals more than 18 and in this case the function getPrice() will underflow and revert.

Proof of Concept

the function getPrice:

    function getPrice(MToken mToken) internal view returns (uint256 price) {
        EIP20Interface token = EIP20Interface(

        if (prices[address(token)] != 0) {
            price = prices[address(token)];
        } else {
            //add return here
            price = getChainlinkPrice(getFeed(token.symbol()));
        @audit underflow may happen, some tokens have more than 18 tokens
        uint256 decimalDelta = uint256(18).sub(uint256(token.decimals()));
        // Ensure that we don't multiply the result by 0
        if (decimalDelta > 0) {
            return price.mul(10 ** decimalDelta);
        } else {
            return price;

the function will get the decimal delta using the token decimals which can be more than 18 and cause underflow.

Tools Used

manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

recommend to add check for token.decimals <= 18 to avoid underflow

Assessed type


0xSorryNotSorry commented 11 months ago

The function can't underflow but will return the price.

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as duplicate of #270

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as grade-a