code-423n4 / 2023-07-moonwell-findings

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Missing Input Validation and Error Definition #388

Closed code423n4 closed 11 months ago

code423n4 commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Missing Input Validation and Error Definition of _globalSupplyIndex & globalBorrowIndex in L827-L844 & L865-L883 respectively of MultiRewardDistributor.sol could create complications as "sub()" function of L844 & L883 would stop execution in cases of underflow if _globalSupplyIndex & _globalBorrowIndex is zero. An input and error check is needed to clarify this when such happens.

Proof of Concept

827. function calculateSupplyRewardsForUser(
        uint224 _globalSupplyIndex,
    ) internal view returns (uint256) {
844.            mantissa: sub_(_globalSupplyIndex, userSupplyIndex)

This code shows that no check was done for _globalSupplyIndex and tracing back this parameter from L912 of function calculateNewIndex(...) to L827 of function calculateSupplyRewardsForUser(...) and to L844 where it is being being used, it can be deduced that a zero value is possible and no check or error type validation was done for _globalSupplyIndex at any point in time, this applies to _globalBorrowIndex too

Tools Used

Solidity, Hardhat

Recommended Mitigation Steps

A Zero check is needed for _globalSupplyIndex & _globalBorrowIndex before any operation is carried out.

Assessed type


0xSorryNotSorry commented 11 months ago

The scenario is handled via func overloading as below;

    function sub_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) {
        return sub_(a, b, "subtraction underflow");

    function sub_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) {
        require(b <= a, errorMessage);
        return a - b;

Invalid assumption.

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

0xSorryNotSorry marked the issue as low quality report

alcueca commented 11 months ago

It is hard to understand what exactly the issue is here. At most it would be a grade-b QA finding leading to some documentation or natspec fix. On the grounds of low quality, I think it is fair to just invalidate this finding.

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

alcueca marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient quality