code-423n4 / 2023-07-pooltogether-findings

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delegate() delegateBalance may be lost #144

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


delegate() doesn't handle the to=address(0) case very well, and could be used to maliciously prevent others user to reset the delegate

Proof of Concept

We can set our own delegates[_vault][_from] to _to by using the delegate() method

  function _delegate(address _vault, address _from, address _to) internal {
    address _currentDelegate = _delegateOf(_vault, _from);
    if (_to == _currentDelegate) {
      revert SameDelegateAlreadySet(_to);

@>  delegates[_vault][_from] = _to;


    emit Delegated(_vault, _from, _to);

This method will use _transferDelegateBalance() ot transfer the current delegateBalance to _toDelegate

  function _transferDelegateBalance(
    address _vault,
    address _fromDelegate,
    address _toDelegate,
    uint96 _amount
  ) internal {
    // If we are transferring tokens from a delegated account to an undelegated account
    if (_fromDelegate != address(0) && _fromDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) {
      _decreaseBalances(_vault, _fromDelegate, 0, _amount);

      // If we are delegating to the zero address, decrease total supply
      // If we are delegating to the sponsorship address, decrease total supply
      if (_toDelegate == address(0) || _toDelegate == SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) {
        _decreaseTotalSupplyBalances(_vault, 0, _amount);

    // If we are transferring tokens from an undelegated account to a delegated account
@>  if (_toDelegate != address(0) && _toDelegate != SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) {
      _increaseBalances(_vault, _toDelegate, 0, _amount);

      // If we are removing delegation from the zero address, increase total supply
      // If we are removing delegation from the sponsorship address, increase total supply
      if (_fromDelegate == address(0) || _fromDelegate == SPONSORSHIP_ADDRESS) {
        _increaseTotalSupplyBalances(_vault, 0, _amount);

We know from the above method that to will not increase delegateBalance if to==address(0).

But the current protocol should default the delegate to itself if current delegate is address(0).

  function _delegateOf(address _vault, address _user) internal view returns (address) {
    address _userDelegate;

    if (_user != address(0)) {
      _userDelegate = delegates[_vault][_user];

      // If the user has not delegated, then the user is the delegate
@>    if (_userDelegate == address(0)) {
        _userDelegate = _user;

    return _userDelegate;

So there is a problem, if the user wants to set the delegate to himself, he may execute delegate(to=address(0)). The result: the delegate becomes himself, but the delegateBalance is lost!

Malicious users may use this to prevent other users from transferring delegates.

Example. Suppose: Alice's balance= 100 and the delegate is Bob, so Alice's delegateBalance==0 and Bob's delegateBalance==100.

  1. Alice executes delegate(to=address(0)) At this point, Alice's delegates become himself, but delegateBalance is still 0 (due to the problem mentioned above)

  2. Jack executes delegate(to=alice) (assuming jack's balance == 100) At this point, Alice's delegateBalance will become 100.

  3. Alice executes delegate(to=bob). At this point, Alice's delegateBalance will become 0 (delegateBalance = 100-100)

  4. after that Jack can't reset the delegate anymore, because now Alice's delegateBalance is 0, and reset delegate will execute Alice.delegateBalance = 0 - 100 resulting in underflow

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

  function _delegate(address _vault, address _from, address _to) internal {
+   if (_to == address(0)) _to = _from;

    address _currentDelegate = _delegateOf(_vault, _from);
    if (_to == _currentDelegate) {
      revert SameDelegateAlreadySet(_to);

    delegates[_vault][_from] = _to;


    emit Delegated(_vault, _from, _to);

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #293

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory