code-423n4 / 2023-07-reserve-findings

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RTokenAsset price oracle can return a huge but valid high price when any underlying collateral's price oracle timeout #20

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

The RTokenAsset is an implementation of interface IRTokenOracle to work as a oracle price feed for the little RToken. RTokenAsset implements the latestPrice function to get the oracle price and saved time from the cachedOracleData, which is updated by _updateCachedPrice function:

function _updateCachedPrice() internal {
    (uint192 low, uint192 high) = price();

    require(low != 0 && high != FIX_MAX, "invalid price");

    cachedOracleData = CachedOracleData(
        (low + high) / 2,

The _updateCachedPrice gets the low and high prices from price(), and updates the oracle price to (low + high) / 2. And it checks low != 0 && high != FIX_MAX.

The RTokenAsset.price just uses the return of tryPrice as the low price and high price, if tryPrice reverts, it will return (0, FIX_MAX), which is a invalid pirce range for the oracle price check above. But if there is any underlying collateral's price oracle reverts, for example oracle timeout, the RTokenAsset.price will return a valid but untrue (low, high) price range, which can be described as low = true_price * A1 and high = FIX_MAX * A2, A1 is bh.quantity(oracle_revert_coll) / all quantity for a BU and A2 is the / RToken totalSupply.


The RToken oracle price will be about FIX_MAX / 2 when any underlying collateral's price oracle is timeout. It is significantly more than the actual price. It will lead to a distortion in the price of collateral associated with the RToken, for example CurveStableRTokenMetapoolCollateral:

    pairedAssetRegistry = IRToken(address(pairedToken)).main().assetRegistry();

    function tryPairedPrice()
        return pairedAssetRegistry.toAsset(pairedToken).price();

Proof of Concept

RToken.tryPrice gets the BU (low, high) price from basketHandler.price() first. BasketHandler._price(false) core logic:

for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    uint192 qty = quantity(basket.erc20s[i]);

    (uint192 lowP, uint192 highP) = assetRegistry.toAsset(basket.erc20s[i]).price();

    low256 += qty.safeMul(lowP, RoundingMode.FLOOR);

    if (high256 < FIX_MAX) {
        if (highP == FIX_MAX) {
            high256 = FIX_MAX;
        } else {
            high256 += qty.safeMul(highP, RoundingMode.CEIL);

And the IAsset.price() should not revert. If the price oracle of the asset reverts, it just returns (0,FIX_MAX). In this case, the branch will enter high256 += qty.safeMul(highP, RoundingMode.CEIL); first. And it won't revert for overflow because the Fixed.safeMul will return FIX_MAX directly if any param is FIX_MAX:

function safeMul(
) internal pure returns (uint192) {
    if (a == FIX_MAX || b == FIX_MAX) return FIX_MAX;

So the high price is FIX_MAX, and the low price is reduced according to the share of qty.

Return to the RToken.tryPrice, the following codes uses basketRange() to calculate the low and high price for BU:

BasketRange memory range = basketRange(); // {BU}

// {UoA/tok} = {BU} * {UoA/BU} / {tok}
low = range.bottom.mulDiv(lowBUPrice, supply, FLOOR);
high =, supply, CEIL);

And the only thing has to be proofed is, supply, CEIL) should not revert for overflow in unit192. Now highBUPrice = FIX_MAX, according to the Fixed.mulDiv, if <= supply it won't overflow. And for passing the check in the RToken._updateCachedPrice(), the high price should be lower than FIX_MAX. So it needs to ensure < supply.

The max value of is basketsNeeded which is defined in RecollateralizationLibP1.basketRange(ctx, reg):

if ( > basketsNeeded) = basketsNeeded;

And the basketsNeeded:RToken supply is 1:1 at the beginning. If the RToken has experienced a haircut or the RToken is undercollateralized at present, the basketsNeeded can be lower than RToken supply.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a BU price valid check in the RToken.tryPrice:

function tryPrice() external view virtual returns (uint192 low, uint192 high) {
    (uint192 lowBUPrice, uint192 highBUPrice) = basketHandler.price(); // {UoA/BU}
    require(lowBUPrice != 0 && highBUPrice != FIX_MAX, "invalid price");

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 1 year ago

thereksfour marked the issue as primary issue

thereksfour commented 1 year ago

External requirement with oracle errors

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

thereksfour changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

pmckelvy1 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

thereksfour marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

thereksfour marked the issue as selected for report