code-423n4 / 2023-08-dopex-findings

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Bonding WETH discounts can drain WETH reserves of RdpxV2Core contract to zero #2210

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Depending on the reserves of rDPX, bonding discounts are given both on the rDPX and WETH collateral requirements for minting dpxETH. The bonding discounts (for both rDPX and WETH portions) are provided as rDPX which is taken from the treasury. The issue with this is that the RdpxV2Core contract only functions properly when the full amount of WETH is provided (75% of the dpxETH value), because as per docs, 50% of the value of the dpxETH you are minting is required in WETH to add liquidity to the dpxETH-WETH pool.

This discount in WETH collateral requirements can be as high as 2/3 * 75% = 50% of the entire value of dpxETH. The logic in the RdpxV2Core essentially then steals this extra WETH from the current balance of the contract, which can eventually drain this entire contract of WETH, leaving only rDPX tokens, which is highly problematic in terms of economic security. This will also DOS all future attempts to mint dpxETH once the WETH reserves are depleted.

Proof of Concept

When a user bonds using rDPX directly they first call the bond function of the RdpxV2Core contract:

function bond(
  uint256 _amount,
  uint256 rdpxBondId,
  address _to
) public returns (uint256 receiptTokenAmount) {
  // Validate amount
  _validate(_amount > 0, 4);

  // Compute the bond cost
  (uint256 rdpxRequired, uint256 wethRequired) = calculateBondCost(
  // purchase options
  uint256 premium;
  if (putOptionsRequired) {
    premium = _purchaseOptions(rdpxRequired);

  _transfer(rdpxRequired, wethRequired - premium, _amount, rdpxBondId);

  // Stake the ETH in the ReceiptToken contract
  receiptTokenAmount = _stake(_to, _amount);

The amount of WETH required, wethRequired, is calculated by the calculateBondCost function with the main logic being the following (note: the cost of the premium for the purchased amount of rDPX PUT option coverage is also included in this amount, but i am not showing that code here):

wethRequired =
  ((ETH_RATIO_PERCENTAGE - (bondDiscount / 2)) * _amount) /

As can be seen, there is a potential bondDiscount, which can be at most 100e8. Given that ETH_RATIO_PERCENTAGE is set to 75e8, the minimum amount of wethRequired would be 25% of the _amount of dpxETH being minted. The remainder, which in this case would be 50% of the value of the dpxETH, will be provided by the reserve. Note: if this math didn't make sense, recall that 75% of the value of the minted dpxETH needs to be provided in ETH, and this discount can be as much as 2/3 of the ETH amount, meaning the minimum ETH requirement of the user will be 75% * 2/3 = 25%.

The remainder of the ETH portion (discountReceivedInWeth) is then paid for by the reserve in the _transfer function, which is defined as follows:

function _transfer(
  uint256 _rdpxAmount,
  uint256 _wethAmount,
  uint256 _bondAmount,
  uint256 _bondId
) internal {
  if (_bondId != 0) {
  } else {
    // calculate extra rdpx to withdraw to compensate for discount
    uint256 rdpxAmountInWeth = (_rdpxAmount * getRdpxPrice()) / 1e8;
    uint256 discountReceivedInWeth = _bondAmount -
      _wethAmount -
    uint256 extraRdpxToWithdraw = (discountReceivedInWeth * 1e8) /

    // withdraw the rdpx
      _rdpxAmount + extraRdpxToWithdraw

    reserveAsset[reservesIndex["RDPX"]].tokenBalance +=
      _rdpxAmount +

As can be seen, the discountReceivedInWeth, which is an amount of ETH, will then be converted into an equivalent amount of rDPX (extraRdpxToWithdraw), and then this amount of rDPX is withdrawn to serve as the collateral for the minted rDPX.

The issue with this is the following call to _stake within the flow of the bond function, which has the following line of code:

reserveAsset[reservesIndex["WETH"]].tokenBalance -= _amount / 2;

Essentially, irrespective of the actual amount of ETH which has been deposited by the user, for the specified _amount of dpxETH to mint, _amount / 2 of ETH will be taken from the token reserves of the RdpxV2Core contract. This means that as more and more ETH discounts are given, this ETH amount will be drained to zero. At this point, future calls to bond will revert.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The discount on the WETH portion during minting should be provided in WETH rather than in an equivalent amount of rDPX.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as primary issue

c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

psytama (sponsor) confirmed

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report

GalloDaSballo commented 10 months ago

Will flag for douping on Post Judging QA