code-423n4 / 2023-08-verwa-findings

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It is possible to DoS all the functions related to some gauge in `GaugeController` #206

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

_get_weight function is used in order to return the total gauge's weight and it also updates past values of the points_weight mapping, if time_weight[_gauge_addr] is less or equal to the block.timestamp. It contains the following loop:

            for (uint256 i; i < 500; ++i) {
                if (t > block.timestamp) break;
                t += WEEK;
                uint256 d_bias = pt.slope * WEEK;
                if (pt.bias > d_bias) {
                    pt.bias -= d_bias;
                    uint256 d_slope = changes_weight[_gauge_addr][t];
                    pt.slope -= d_slope;
                } else {
                    pt.bias = 0;
                    pt.slope = 0;
                points_weight[_gauge_addr][t] = pt;
                if (t > block.timestamp) time_weight[_gauge_addr] = t;

There are two possible scenarios:

The first scenario will always happen naturally, since pt.bias will be the total voting power allocated for some point and since slope is a sum of all users' slopes and slopes are calculated in such a way that <SLOPE> * <TIME_TO_END_OF_STAKING_PERIOD> = <INITIAL_BIAS>.

However, it is possible to artificially change points_weight[_gauge_addr][t].bias by calling change_gauge_weight (which can be only called by the governance). It important to notice here, that change_gauge_weight doesn't modify points_weight[_gauge_addr][t].slope

change_gauge_weight does permit to change the weight to a smaller number than its current value, so it's both perfectly legal and possible that governance does this at some point (it could be changing the weight to 0 or any other value smaller than the current one).

Then, at some point when _get_weight is called, we will enter the else block because pt.bias will be less than the sum of all user's biases (since originally these values were equal, but pt.bias was lowered by the governance). It will set pt.bias and pt.slope to 0.

After some time, the governance may realise that the gauge's weight is 0, but should be bigger and may change it to some bigger value.

We will have the situation where points_weight[_gauge_addr][t].slope = 0 and points_weight[_gauge_addr][t].bias > 0.

If this happens and there is any nonzero changes_weight[_gauge_addr] not yet taken into account (for instance in the week after the governance update), then all the functions related to the gauge at _gauge_addr will not work.

It's because, the following functions:

call _get_weight at some point.

Let's see what will happen in _get_weight when it's called:

                uint256 d_bias = pt.slope * WEEK;
                if (pt.bias > d_bias) {
                    pt.bias -= d_bias;
                    uint256 d_slope = changes_weight[_gauge_addr][t];
                    pt.slope -= d_slope;
                } else {

We will enter the if statement, because pt.bias will be > 0 and pt.slope will be 0 (or some small value, if users give their voting power to gauge in the meantime), since it was previously set to 0 in the else statement and wasn't touched when gauge's weight was changed by the governance. We will:

However, there could be a user (or users) whose voting power allocation finishes at t for some t not yet handled. It means that changes_weight[_gauge_addr][t] > 0 (and if pt.slope is not 0, then changes_weight[_gauge_addr][t] still may be greater than it).

If this happens, then the integer underflow will happen in pt.slope -= d_slope;. It will now happen in every call to _get_weight and it won't be possible to recover, because:

as they call _get_weight internally. So, it won't be possible to modify pt.slope and pt.bias for any point in time, so the revert will always happen for that gauge. It won't even be possible to remove that gauge.

So, in short, the scenario is as follows:

  1. Users allocate their voting power to a gauge X.
  2. Governance at some point decreases the weight of X.
  3. Users withdraw their voting power as the time passes, and finally the weight of X drops to 0.
  4. Governance realises this and increases weight of X since it wants to incentivise users to provide liquidity in X.
  5. Voting power delegation of some user(s) ends some time after that and _get_weight attempts to subtract changes_weight[_gauge_addr][t] from the current slope (which is either 0 or some small value) and it results in integer underflow.
  6. X is unusable and it's impossible to withdraw voting power from (so users cannot give their voting power somewhere else). The weight of X cannot be changed anymore and X cannot be even removed.

Note that it is also possible to frontrun the call to change_gauge_weight when the weight is set to a lower value - user with a lot of capital can watch the mempool and if weight is lowered to some value x, he can give a voting power of x to that gauge. Then, right after weight is changed by the governance, he can withdraw his voting power, leaving the gauge with weight = 0. Then, governance will manually increase the weight to recover and DoS will happen as described. So it is only needed that governance decreases gauge's weight at some point.


As stated, above the impact is that the entire gauge is useless, voting powers are permanently locked there and its weight is impossible to change, so the impact is high.

In order for this situation to succeed, governance has to decrease weight of some gauge, but I think it's very likely, because:

  1. _get_weight checks that if (pt.bias > d_bias) and it handles the opposite situation, so it is anticipated that it may genuinely happen.
  2. It is definitely possible to decrease gauge's weight and it's even possible to zero it out (as in the remove_gauge).
  3. The situation where old_bias is greater than old_sum_bias + new_bias is handled in vote_for_gauge_weights, but it may only happen when gauge's weight was decreased by the governance.
  4. The situation where old_slope.slope is greater than old_sum_slope + new_slope.slope is also handled there, but it may only happen if we enter the else statement in _get_weight.

So, it is predicted that gauge's weight may be lowered and the protocol does its best to handle it properly, but as I showed, it fails to do so. Hence, I believe that this finding is of High severity, because although it requires governance to perform some action (decrease weight of some gauge), I believe that it's likely that governance decides to decrease weight, especially that it is anticipated in the code and edge cases are handled there (and they wouldn't be if we assumed that governance would never allowed them to happen).

Proof of Concept

Please run the test below. The test shows slightly simplified situation where governance just sets weight to 0 for gauge1, but as I've described above, it suffices that it's just changed to a smaller value and it may drop to 0 naturally as users withdraw their voting power. The following import will also have to be added: import {Test, stdError} from "forge-std/Test.sol";.

function testPoC1() public
        // gauge is being set up
        gc.change_gauge_weight(gauge1, 0);

        // `user1` pays some money and adds his power to `gauge1`
        ve.createLock{value: 1 ether}(1 ether);
        gc.vote_for_gauge_weights(gauge1, 10000);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 10 weeks);

        // `user2` does the same
        ve.createLock{value: 1 ether}(1 ether);
        gc.vote_for_gauge_weights(gauge1, 10000);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1825 days - 14 weeks);
        // weight is changed to `0`, just to simplify
        // normally, weight would just be decreased here and then subsequently decreased by users when their
        // locking period is over until it finally drops to `0`
        // alternatively, some whale can frontrun a call to `change_gauge_weight` as described and then
        // withdraw his voting power leaving the gauge with `0` slope and `0` bias
        gc.change_gauge_weight(gauge1, 0);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks);

        // now, weight is changed to some bigger value
        gc.change_gauge_weight(gauge1, 1 ether);
        // some time passes so that user1's locking period ends
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 5 weeks);

        // `user2` cannot change his weight although his `locked.end` is big enough
        gc.vote_for_gauge_weights(gauge1, 0);

        // governance cannot change weight
        gc.change_gauge_weight(gauge1, 2 ether);

        // governance cannot even remove the gauge
        // it's now impossible to do anything on gauge1

Tools Used

VS Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Perform pt.slope -= d_slope in _get_weight only when pt.slope >= d.slope and otherwise zero it out.

Assessed type


141345 commented 1 year ago

pt.slope -= d_slope underflow, DoS gauge operation.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

OpenCoreCH marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

alcueca marked the issue as primary issue

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

alcueca marked the issue as selected for report

alcueca commented 1 year ago

This finding does a great job at describing the vulnerability and its impact from a computational point of view, including an executable PoC. It's duplicate (#386) is also worthy of note since it explains the root cause from a mathematical point of view. Although this finding was selected as best, both findings should be read for their complementary points of view.