code-423n4 / 2023-09-asymmetry-findings

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Percentage calculation could leave unused ETH leftovers in AfEth deposit #40

Open c4-submissions opened 9 months ago

c4-submissions commented 9 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The logic used to split the deposit amount between SafEth and the Votium strategy can leave some leftovers that will be ignored by the implementation.


Deposits in the AfEth contract are split based on a configured ratio. One portion of the split goes to SafEth, while the other is deposited in the Votium strategy.

To calculate the split, the implementation multiplies the deposit amount by ratio for the SafEth portion, and the deposit amount by 1e18 - ratio for the VotingStrategy portion.

148:     function deposit(uint256 _minout) external payable virtual {
149:         if (pauseDeposit) revert Paused();
150:         uint256 amount = msg.value;
151:         uint256 priceBeforeDeposit = price();
152:         uint256 totalValue;
154:         AbstractStrategy vStrategy = AbstractStrategy(vEthAddress);
156:         uint256 sValue = (amount * ratio) / 1e18;
157:         uint256 sMinted = sValue > 0
158:             ? ISafEth(SAF_ETH_ADDRESS).stake{value: sValue}(0)
159:             : 0;
160:         uint256 vValue = (amount * (1e18 - ratio)) / 1e18;
161:         uint256 vMinted = vValue > 0 ? vStrategy.deposit{value: vValue}() : 0;
162:         totalValue +=
163:             (sMinted * ISafEth(SAF_ETH_ADDRESS).approxPrice(true)) +
164:             (vMinted * vStrategy.price());
165:         if (totalValue == 0) revert FailedToDeposit();
166:         uint256 amountToMint = totalValue / priceBeforeDeposit;
167:         if (amountToMint < _minout) revert BelowMinOut();
168:         _mint(msg.sender, amountToMint);
169:     }

Because of rounding and limited precision integer math, the split could potentially not cover the entirety of the deposit, i.e. sValue + vValue != amount. There could be some leftovers from both calculations that won't be considered in the deposit.


Instead of calculating vValue using 1e18 - ratio, simply use difference between the deposited amount and the calculated SafEth amount (sValue).

uint256 vValue = amount - sValue;

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 9 months ago

0xleastwood marked the issue as primary issue

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

0xleastwood marked the issue as selected for report

c4-sponsor commented 9 months ago

elmutt (sponsor) confirmed

Rassska commented 9 months ago

@0xleastwood, Just wanna understand the impact behind this issue. Is it possible to run into the case, where the leftover will be more than a small delta == 1wei? Even if we somehow make the calculations over the prime numbers, it might not be feasible, but prob I'm missing something here.

The invariant is not broken(e.g user funds are 100% allocated between strategies)

0xleastwood commented 9 months ago

Yes it would be. We have two calculations sValue = (amount * ratio) / 1e18 and vValue = (amount * (1e18 - ratio)) / 1e18 and sValue + vValue will most likely not equal the full amount passed as msg.value. Not sure to what extent there would be rounding but it would be at least 1 wei. If we know what the cap might be, I'm not opposed to downgrading this.

0xleastwood commented 9 months ago

Okay tested this out a bit, it appears rounding is capped at 1 wei.

0xleastwood commented 9 months ago

Downgrading to QA because this is super minor.

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

0xleastwood marked the issue as not selected for report

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

0xleastwood changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

0xleastwood commented 9 months ago

Thanks for flagging this.