code-423n4 / 2023-09-delegate-findings

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ERC20 tokens with blocklist and ERC20 pausable tokens may stuck in contract #172

Open c4-submissions opened 10 months ago

c4-submissions commented 10 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Some tokens (e.g. USDC) have a contract level admin controlled blocklist. If admin sets address into a blocklist, the transfer from and to that address is forbidden. Other tokens can be paused by admin (e.g BNB). When token is paused, it cannot be transferred.

User may not be able to call withdraw on such tokens, thus tokens will stuck in a contract.

Proof of Concept

File: src/DelegateToken.sol

} else if (delegationType == IDelegateRegistry.DelegationType.ERC20) {
uint256 erc20UnderlyingAmount = StorageHelpers.readUnderlyingAmount(delegateTokenInfo, delegateTokenId);
StorageHelpers.writeUnderlyingAmount(delegateTokenInfo, delegateTokenId, 0); // Deletes amount
RegistryHelpers.decrementERC20(delegateRegistry, registryHash, delegateTokenHolder, underlyingContract, erc20UnderlyingAmount, underlyingRights);
StorageHelpers.burnPrincipal(principalToken, principalBurnAuthorization, delegateTokenId);
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(underlyingContract), msg.sender, erc20UnderlyingAmount);

When erc20UnderlyingAmount is paused, or contract's address appears on the blocklist - safeTransfer will always fail - thus withdrawing and burning principal token will not be possible.

Tools Used

Manual code review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Make sure, that tokens with blocklist or pausable tokens are forbidden in the contract. Otherwise, they may stuck in the protocol.

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 10 months ago

GalloDaSballo changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

GalloDaSballo commented 9 months ago

172 L

170 L

169 L

168 R

166 L

4L 1R

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as grade-b