code-423n4 / 2023-09-delegate-findings

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Delegate Token owner can be griefed during extend() #278

Closed c4-submissions closed 11 months ago

c4-submissions commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


There are 2 truths:-

Now, if we combine the effects of these two functions, they have the following impact.

Example:- PT owner has delegated a BAYC NFT. The delegated owner of the NFT privately requests the PT owner to extend the delegation rights in anticipation of an airdrop. PT owner privately takes $5000 from DT owner as their share in speculation of an airdrop. PT owner calls extend as per the deal. But privately they front run their own call by calling rescind through an Anonymous address, this transfers the DT token back to the principal Token owner.

End result is:- PT owner now owns DT as well. There's no way to prove that the PT owner was behind the attack.

Proof of Concept

Paste this test in DelegateToken.t.sol and run forge test --mt testPTRugsDT

   function testPTRugsDT(address tokenOwner, address dtTo, address notLdTo, address principalTo, uint256 amount, bool expiryTypeRelative) public {
        uint time = block.timestamp + 100;
        vm.assume(tokenOwner != address(0));
        vm.assume(principalTo != address(0));
        vm.assume(notLdTo != dtTo);
        vm.assume(tokenOwner != address(dt));
        vm.assume(dtTo != address(0));
        vm.assume(amount != 0);

        ( /* ExpiryType */ , uint256 expiry, /* expiryValue */ ) = prepareValidExpiry(expiryTypeRelative, time);, amount);
        mockERC20.approve(address(dt), amount);
        uint256 delegateId =
        dt.create(DelegateTokenStructs.DelegateInfo(principalTo, IDelegateRegistry.DelegationType.ERC20, dtTo, amount, address(mockERC20), 0, "", expiry), SALT);
    // Current DT owner is dtTo address
        assert(dt.ownerOf(delegateId) == dtTo);
        vm.warp(expiry + 1);
        dt.rescind(delegateId);// Transfers the DT back to PT owner.
        assert(principal.ownerOf(delegateId) == principalTo);
        assert(dt.ownerOf(delegateId) == principalTo);
        // @audit No use of calling extend now as DT is already transferred to PT.
        dt.extend(delegateId,block.timestamp + 200);


Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Create another function(say FinalRescind) that should need to be called after a block gap after the rescind call which will actually transfer the DT. We will again check for expiry conditions in FinalRescind also so that the extend call has the appropriate effect.

Assessed type


0xfoobar commented 12 months ago

Rescinding is permissionless after DT expiration. Extending is optional for the PT owner. Anonymous stealth addresses do not matter here, the PT owner can simply not extend for identical behavior. Not a bug, intended behavior.

c4-sponsor commented 12 months ago

0xfoobar (sponsor) disputed

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

GalloDaSballo changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

GalloDaSballo commented 11 months ago

Possible griefing but if a person owns both tokens they can always claim their underlying

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as grade-c