code-423n4 / 2023-09-delegate-findings

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Missing Ownership Check in mint Function #338

Closed c4-submissions closed 10 months ago

c4-submissions commented 10 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The mint function in the PrincipalToken contract lacks a crucial ownership check before allowing token minting. While it correctly checks if the caller is the delegateToken contract to restrict minting to authorized contracts, it doesn't verify if the caller is the owner of the token being minted. This could potentially allow unauthorized users to mint tokens they do not own. The _checkDelegateTokenCaller() function does ensure that only authorized contracts can mint tokens. However, it does not prevent the delegateToken contract from minting tokens to any address, including addresses that do not own the token.

While the _checkDelegateTokenCaller() function ensures that only authorized contracts (like the delegateToken contract) can call the mint function, it doesn't inherently prevent the delegateToken contract from minting tokens to any address, including addresses that do not own the token. The authorization check in this code is based on the caller being the delegateToken contract rather than specifically checking ownership of the token.


The absence of an ownership check in the mint function has the following potential impacts:


Recommendation: To address this issue and improve the security of the PrincipalToken contract, the following recommendations are made:

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 10 months ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid