code-423n4 / 2023-10-badger-findings

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Stormy - Lost of user funds, as LeverageMacroReferences can't do an arbitrary system call to the function claimsSurplusCollShare in order to claim the extra surplus collateral gained from their liquidated or fully redeemed Cdps. #323

Open c4-submissions opened 9 months ago

c4-submissions commented 9 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


On a short explanation, leverage macros are contracts specifically made to interact with the eBTC system, with a leverage macro you can:

Everyone is free to make a call to one of the functions in LeverageMacroFactory and deploy a new copy of the reference implementation of LeverageMacro for self use.

    /// @notice Deploys a new macro for you
    function deployNewMacro() external returns (address) {
        return deployNewMacro(msg.sender);
    /// @notice Deploys a new macro for an owner, only they can operate the macro
    function deployNewMacro(address _owner) public returns (address) {
        address addy = address(
            new LeverageMacroReference(

        emit DeployNewMacro(_owner, addy);

        return addy;

While having an opened Cdp position, there is always a chance for your position to be fully redeemed or liquidated. In this two cases there will always be a surplus collateral left to the owner of the Cdp when:

Any surplus collateral is send to the CollSurplusPool, which can later be claimed by the owner of the Cdp. The only way for an owner to claim his surplus collateral is to call the function claimSurplusCollShares in borrowerOperations, which is the only entry point to the CollSurplusPool.

    /// @notice Claim remaining collateral from a redemption or from a liquidation with ICR > MCR in Recovery Mode
    /// @notice when a Cdp has been fully redeemed from and closed, or liquidated in Recovery Mode with a collateralization ratio higher enough (like over MCR)
    /// @notice the borrower is allowed to claim their stETH collateral surplus that remains in the system if any
    function claimSurplusCollShares() external override {
        // send ETH from CollSurplus Pool to owner

The problem here is that LeverageMacroReferences don't have build in feature to claim the surplus collateral from its fully redeemed or liquidated Cdps. In this case the only way for LeverageMacroReference to claim the surplus collateral is to make an arbitrary call to the function claimSurplusCollShares in borrowerOperations. However this isn't possible as the LeverageMacroReference ensures there aren't any arbitrary calls made to the system contracts.

As we can see In _doSwap the first thing the function does, is to call the internal function _ensureNotSystem which ensures that the arbitraty call isn't made to any of the system contracts. Duo to that the function _doSwap will revert when a LeverageMacroReference tries to make an arbitrary call to borrowerOperations.

    /// @dev Prevents doing arbitrary calls to protected targets
    function _ensureNotSystem(address addy) internal {
        /// @audit Check and add more if you think it's better
        require(addy != address(borrowerOperations));
        require(addy != address(sortedCdps));
        require(addy != address(activePool));
        require(addy != address(cdpManager));
        require(addy != address(this)); // If it could call this it could fake the forwarded caller
    function _doSwap(SwapOperation memory swapData) internal {
        // Ensure call is safe
        // Block all system contracts

        // Exact approve
        // Approve can be given anywhere because this is a router, and after call we will delete all approvals

        // Call and perform swap
        // NOTE: Technically approval may be different from target, something to keep in mind
        // Call target are limited
        // But technically you could approve w/e you want here, this is fine because the contract is a router and will not hold user funds
        (bool success, ) = excessivelySafeCall(
        require(success, "Call has failed");

        // Approve back to 0
        // Enforce exact approval
        // Can use max because the tokens are OZ
        // val -> 0 -> 0 -> val means this is safe to repeat since even if full approve is unused, we always go back to 0 after
        IERC20(swapData.tokenForSwap).safeApprove(swapData.addressForApprove, 0);

        // Do the balance checks after the call to the aggregator

Since there is no build in feature to claim the surplus collateral and LeverageMacroReference can't make an arbitrary call to borrowerOperations. Any surplus collateral owned by LeverageMacroReference can't be further claimed back and will be permanently stuck in CollSurplusPool.

Proof of Concept

POC steps in the function testLeverageIssue:
- Step 1: Get the macro's owner and check if the owner is the wallet address.
- Step 2: Get data for the function doOperation.
- Step 3: Approve leverage with the Cdps's collateral + liquidator rewards.
- Step 4: Call the function doOperation twice and open two Cdps.
- Step 5: Check one of the Cdps was opened && the macro address is the Cdp owner.
- Step 6: The macro reference always sweeps back to the wallet, but make sure that happens.
- Step 7: Redeem fully back one of the Cdps to gain a surplus collateral in the surplus pool.
- Step 8: Make sure the Cdp was fully redeemed.
- Step 9: Check that the macro received surplus collateral from the redeeming.
- Step 10: Preparing data for the swap and the arbitrary call.
- Step 11: Do arbitrary call to the function claimSurplusCollShares in borrowerOperations.
- Final: Expect revert as the leverage macro can't make arbitrary calls to the system contracts.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.17;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {SimplifiedDiamondLike} from "../contracts/SimplifiedDiamondLike.sol";

import {eBTCBaseInvariants} from "./BaseInvariants.sol";
import {LeverageMacroReference} from "../contracts/LeverageMacroReference.sol";
import {LeverageMacroBase} from "../contracts/LeverageMacroBase.sol";
import {ICdpManagerData} from "../contracts/Interfaces/ICdpManagerData.sol";

contract LeverageMacroReferenceIssue is eBTCBaseInvariants {

    address wallet = address(0xbad455);

    LeverageMacroReference macro_reference;
    LeverageMacroBase macro_base;

    function setUp() public override {


        // straight creating new macro reference for the test
        macro_reference = new LeverageMacroReference(

        dealCollateral(wallet, 100e18);

    function testLeverageIssue() public {


        // Step 1: Get the macro's owner and check if the owner is the wallet address
        address macroOwner = macro_reference.owner();
        assert(wallet == macroOwner);

        // Step 2: Get data for the function doOperation
        LeverageMacroBase.SwapOperation[] memory _levSwapsBefore;
        LeverageMacroBase.SwapOperation[] memory _levSwapsAfter;

        uint256 netColl = 11e18;

        uint256 grossColl = netColl + cdpManager.LIQUIDATOR_REWARD();

        uint256 debt = _utils.calculateBorrowAmount(

        LeverageMacroBase.OpenCdpOperation memory _opData = LeverageMacroBase.OpenCdpOperation(

        bytes memory _opDataEncoded = abi.encode(_opData);

        LeverageMacroBase.LeverageMacroOperation memory operation = LeverageMacroBase
                (grossColl - 0),

        LeverageMacroBase.PostCheckParams memory postCheckParams = LeverageMacroBase
                expectedDebt: LeverageMacroBase.CheckValueAndType({
                    value: 0,
                    operator: LeverageMacroBase.Operator.skip
                expectedCollateral: LeverageMacroBase.CheckValueAndType({
                    value: 0,
                    operator: LeverageMacroBase.Operator.skip
                cdpId: bytes32(0),

        // Step 3: Approve leverage with the Cdps's collateral + liquidator rewards.
        collateral.approve(address(macro_reference), 22e18 + 4e17);

        // Step 4: Call the function doOperation twice and open two Cdps
        // Need more than one Cdp in the system to fully redeem a Cdp.


        // Step 5: Check one of the Cdps was opened && the macro address is the Cdp owner
        bytes32 cdpId = sortedCdps.cdpOfOwnerByIndex(address(macro_reference), 0);
        address cdpOwner = sortedCdps.getOwnerAddress(cdpId);
        assert(address(macro_reference) == cdpOwner);

        // Step 6: The macro reference always sweeps back to the wallet, but make sure that happens
        uint256 balance = eBTCToken.balanceOf(wallet);
        assert(balance == (debt * 2)); // The debt of the 2 Cdps opened

        // Step 7: Redeem fully back one of the Cdps to gain a surplus collateral in the surplus pool
        cdpManager.redeemCollateral(debt, cdpId, bytes32(0), bytes32(0), 0, 0, 1e18);

        // Step 8: Make sure the Cdp was fully redeemed
        bool redeemed = sortedCdps.contains(cdpId); // False means its not in the list == redeemed
        assert(redeemed == false);

        // Step 9: Check that the macro received surplus collateral from the redeeming
        uint256 surplusColl = collSurplusPool.getSurplusCollShares(address(macro_reference));
        assert(surplusColl > 0);

        // Step 10: Preparing data for the swap and the arbitrary call.
        LeverageMacroBase.SwapCheck[] memory _swapChecks = new LeverageMacroBase.SwapCheck[](1);
        _swapChecks[0] = LeverageMacroBase.SwapCheck(address(0), 0); // empty

        LeverageMacroBase.SwapOperation memory swap = LeverageMacroBase.SwapOperation(
            abi.encodeCall(borrowerOperations.claimSurplusCollShares, ()),

        // Step 11: Do arbitrary call to the function claimSurplusCollShares in borrowerOperations
        // Expect revert as the macro ensures there aren't calls to the system contracts
        // Macro isn't able to call borrowerOperations, check the function _ensureNotSystem.


    // Removing everything else expect the _ensureNotSystem and the excessivelySafeCall function
    // (don't need the other parts for the issue showcase)
    function _doSwap(LeverageMacroBase.SwapOperation memory swapData) internal {
        // Ensure call is safe
        // Block all system contracts

        // Call and perform swap
        // NOTE: Technically approval may be different from target, something to keep in mind
        // Call target are limited
        // But technically you could approve w/e you want here, this is fine because the contract is a router and will not hold user funds
        (bool success, ) = excessivelySafeCall(
        require(success, "Call has failed");

    function excessivelySafeCall(
        address _target,
        uint256 _gas,
        uint256 _value,
        uint16 _maxCopy,
        bytes memory _calldata
    ) internal returns (bool, bytes memory) {
        // set up for assembly call
        uint256 _toCopy;
        bool _success;
        bytes memory _returnData = new bytes(_maxCopy);
        // dispatch message to recipient
        // by assembly calling "handle" function
        // we call via assembly to avoid memcopying a very large returndata
        // returned by a malicious contract
        assembly {
            _success := call(
                _gas, // gas
                _target, // recipient
                _value, // ether value
                add(_calldata, 0x20), // inloc
                mload(_calldata), // inlen
                0, // outloc
                0 // outlen
            // limit our copy to 256 bytes
            _toCopy := returndatasize()
            if gt(_toCopy, _maxCopy) {
                _toCopy := _maxCopy
            // Store the length of the copied bytes
            mstore(_returnData, _toCopy)
            // copy the bytes from returndata[0:_toCopy]
            returndatacopy(add(_returnData, 0x20), 0, _toCopy)
        return (_success, _returnData);

        /// @dev Prevents doing arbitrary calls to protected targets
    function _ensureNotSystem(address addy) internal {
        require(addy != address(borrowerOperations));
        require(addy != address(sortedCdps));
        require(addy != address(activePool));
        require(addy != address(cdpManager));
        require(addy != address(this));

Tools Used

Manual review.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Allowing LeverageMacroReference to do an arbitrary call to one of the system contracts brings bigger risk. So l would say the best recommendation is to build a feature for the LeverageMacroReference to do a claim surplus operation in order to claim its surplus collateral from CollSurplusPool:

    enum OperationType {
+       ClaimSurplusOperation 
    function _handleOperation(LeverageMacroOperation memory operation) internal {
        uint256 beforeSwapsLength = operation.swapsBefore.length;
        if (beforeSwapsLength > 0) {

        // Based on the type we do stuff
        if (operation.operationType == OperationType.OpenCdpOperation) {
        } else if (operation.operationType == OperationType.CloseCdpOperation) {
        } else if (operation.operationType == OperationType.AdjustCdpOperation) {
+       } else if (operation.operationType == OperationType.ClaimSurplusOperation {

        uint256 afterSwapsLength = operation.swapsAfter.length;
        if (afterSwapsLength > 0) {
+   function _claimSurplusCallback() internal {
+       borrowerOperations.claimSurplusCollShares();
+   }

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 9 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as high quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 9 months ago

bytes032 marked the issue as primary issue

GalloDaSballo commented 9 months ago

The finding is valid in that you cannot claim the surplus

c4-sponsor commented 9 months ago

GalloDaSballo (sponsor) confirmed

GalloDaSballo commented 9 months ago

You could argue it requires being redeemed or liquidated, but I don't think that can be considered an external requirement since it's a normal behaviour

jhsagd76 commented 9 months ago

meet high: Assets can be stolen/lost/compromised directly (or indirectly if there is a valid attack path that does not have hand-wavy hypotheticals).

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 9 months ago

jhsagd76 marked the issue as selected for report