code-423n4 / 2023-10-brahma-findings

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Salt not incorporated into address generation; allows address pre-computation. #225

Closed c4-submissions closed 12 months ago

c4-submissions commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The salt provided for account creation is only used for nonce generation. An attacker could pre-compute addresses for a victim's safe owners and front-run deployment. The salt should also be incorporated into the address generation.

Proof of Concept

The salt usage for nonce generation in the _createSafe function:

function _createSafe(address[] calldata _owners, bytes memory _initializer, bytes32 _salt)
        returns (address _safe) {

  // Generate nonce
  uint256 nonce = _genNonce(ownersHash, _salt); 

  // Use nonce to create safe


function _genNonce(bytes32 _ownersHash, bytes32 _salt) private returns (uint256) {

  return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_ownersHash, ownerSafeCount[_ownersHash]++, _salt, VERSION)));


As you can see, the _salt is only used as an input to generate the nonce. It is not incorporated into the final safe address itself.

This allows an attacker to pre-compute addresses by brute forcing salts offline, then deploying safes using those salts to claim the pre-computed addresses with victims' owners.

The use of salt can be exploited. Here is why:

The key functions involved in safe creation are _createSafe and _genNonce:

function _createSafe(/*...*/) private returns (address) {

  uint256 nonce = _genNonce(_ownersHash, _salt);

  // Create safe using nonce


function _genNonce(bytes32 _ownersHash, bytes32 _salt) private returns (uint256) {

  return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(


As you can see, the _salt provided by the caller is only used as an input to generate the nonce. The nonce is then passed to the ProxyFactory's createProxyWithNonce to deploy the safe contract itself.

The _salt does not directly affect the generated safe address - it is only used for the nonce.

This allows an attacker to pre-compute safe addresses for a victim's owner list by brute forcing different _salt values offline to generate the corresponding nonces and addresses.

For example:

This attack works because the _salt does not sufficiently participate in generating the final safe address - it only affects the nonce.

This demonstrates how an attacker could pre-compute addresses by brute forcing salts offline.

  1. Victim has safe owners [A, B, C] which they will use to deploy a safe.

  2. Attacker learns these owners will be used.

  3. Attacker writes a script that:

  1. This creates a mapping of (Si -> Ai) for 1 trillion salts.

  2. When the victim deploys their real safe with salt S1million, the attacker looks up the pre-computed address A1million and deploys it first.

This concrete example demonstrates how an attacker could realistically pre-compute 1 trillion+ addresses offline by brute forcing salts. They could then front-run the victim's real deployment by looking up the address for their salt.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

_salt should be included in the address generation. For example, by passing it to create2:

function _createSafe({/*...*/}) private returns (address _safe) {

  bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_salt, _owners));

  _safe = address(uint160(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(


This incorporates the caller's salt into the final safe address in a way that can't be brute forced.

Assessed type

Invalid Validation

c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

raymondfam marked the issue as low quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 1 year ago

raymondfam marked the issue as duplicate of #17

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as not a duplicate

alex-ppg commented 12 months ago

As the salt_ is part of the hash of the actual nonce utilized for the Gnosis Safe deployment, it is indeed incorporated into the Gnosis Safe's address generation mechanism. As such, this exhibit is invalid.

c4-judge commented 12 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid

emerald7017 commented 12 months ago

Thank you @alex-ppg for the clarity, I clearly understand now.