registerWallet() in WalletRegistry.sol does not guarantee that the sender is the safe deployer. registerWallet() should be called from the safe deployer, in the context of deployConsoleAccount()// Register Wallet /// @dev This function is being packed as a part of multisend transaction as, safe internally performs // a delegatecall during initializer to the target contract, so direct call doesnt work. Multisend is // supposed to be delegatecall txns[0] = Types.Executable({ callType: Types.CallType.CALL, target: AddressProviderService._getRegistry(_WALLET_REGISTRY_HASH), value: 0, data: abi.encodePacked(WalletRegistry.registerWallet.selector) });
SafeDeployer will call enableModule/setGuard for an arbitrary sender, which hasn't been deployed as a Console Account. This may lead to confusion of privileged access roles.
in SafeDeployer// Enable Brhma Console account as module on sub Account txns[0] = Types.Executable({ callType: Types.CallType.DELEGATECALL, target: safeEnabler, value: 0, data: abi.encodeCall(IGnosisSafe.enableModule, (_consoleAccount)) });
* @notice Registers a wallet
* @dev Can only be called by safe deployer or the wallet itself
function registerWallet() external {
if (msg.sender != AddressProviderService._getAuthorizedAddress(_SAFE_DEPLOYER_HASH)) revert InvalidSender();
if (isWallet[msg.sender]) revert AlreadyRegistered();
if (subAccountToWallet[msg.sender] != address(0)) revert IsSubAccount();
isWallet[msg.sender] = true;
emit RegisterWallet(msg.sender);
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
registerWallet() in WalletRegistry.sol does not guarantee that the sender is the safe deployer. registerWallet() should be called from the safe deployer, in the context of deployConsoleAccount()
// Register Wallet /// @dev This function is being packed as a part of multisend transaction as, safe internally performs // a delegatecall during initializer to the target contract, so direct call doesnt work. Multisend is // supposed to be delegatecall txns[0] = Types.Executable({ callType: Types.CallType.CALL, target: AddressProviderService._getRegistry(_WALLET_REGISTRY_HASH), value: 0, data: abi.encodePacked(WalletRegistry.registerWallet.selector) });
SafeDeployer will call enableModule/setGuard for an arbitrary sender, which hasn't been deployed as a Console Account. This may lead to confusion of privileged access roles. in SafeDeployer
// Enable Brhma Console account as module on sub Account txns[0] = Types.Executable({ callType: Types.CallType.DELEGATECALL, target: safeEnabler, value: 0, data: abi.encodeCall(IGnosisSafe.enableModule, (_consoleAccount)) });
Assessed type
Access Control