code-423n4 / 2023-10-canto-findings

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Slippage attack on claiming rewards #277

Closed c4-submissions closed 11 months ago

c4-submissions commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Exploiter can abuse slippage to claim more weekly reward.

The amount of slippage damage is unclear due to lack of deployment context and testing. Worst case scenario is the exploiter own 100% deposit of single pool allowing extreme slippage to steal entire contract token. Owning 100% of single pool rarely happen on live network. But it is possible to flashloan to own majority of the pool token.

Tools Used



New sidecar LiquidityMiningPath.sol provide function to claim new CANTO reward token based on time spend deposit on UniswapV2 (AmbientPosition) or V3(Concentrated) pool position. The new rewards fomular can be simplified as: reward = userTimeWeight * weeklyRewardRate / totalTimeWeighted

Here is how acrrued reward calculated in code:

Under assumption that:

reward can be inflated to really high value by making this condition become true pos.seeds_ >= curve.ambientSeeds_ or userTimeWeight > totalTimeWeighted

Proof of concept

As an exploiter, all I need to do is the following:

  1. Have multiple accounts deposit/mint small amount token to pool for previous week. Just so when calling claimAmbientRewards() it can update accrued reward for previous week and next week.
  2. Before end of the week, like in last block/second. curve.ambientSeeds_ need to be really small value as much as possible for higher slippage payout
  3. Withdraw/burn token from pool will reduce both global curve.ambientSeeds_ and user pos.seeds_.
  4. Wait for new week to start. Wait 1 second just so deltatime is 1 second.
  5. Calling accrue update through mint/burn or claim reward.
  6. accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity() will be called once. This update global weight to new value: deltaTime * curve.ambientSeeds_
  7. global weight is shared among all user. So next time user accrue, updating global weight will be skipped and using old value. Which is smaller.
  8. Inflate pos.seeds_ value by mint/deposit token to the pool. This will update user weight to new value: deltaTime * pos.seeds_. curve.ambientSeeds_ also updated but not global weight when calling on same block.
  9. Calling claimAmbientRewards() for previous week, the current week deltaTime is 1 second, hopefully new userTimeWeight > non-updated totalTimeWeighted
  10. Repeat 7-9 steps for all accounts that was ready in step 1. Hopefully enough profit to cover gas cost on CANTO network.
  11. Waiting till next week to withdraw inflated rewards from the pool.

Vulneribility Details

Look at how rewards is calcualted in LiquidityMining.sol:

File: canto_ambient\contracts\mixins\LiquidityMining.sol
256:     function claimAmbientRewards(//@user operation
257:         address owner,//msg.sender through delegatecall to Dex
258:         bytes32 poolIdx,//user
259:         uint32[] memory weeksToClaim//user
260:     ) internal {
273:             uint256 overallTimeWeightedLiquidity = timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalAmbLiquidity_[
274:                     poolIdx
275:                 ][week];//@overallTimeWeightedLiquidity == totalTimeWeighted
276:             if (overallTimeWeightedLiquidity > 0) {//@ timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidity_ == userTimeWeight per week
277:                 uint256 rewardsForWeek = (timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidity_[
278:                     poolIdx
279:                 ][posKey][week] * ambRewardPerWeek_[poolIdx][week]) /
280:                     overallTimeWeightedLiquidity;//@audit M user can exploit timeweighted weekly to very small value to get more reward
281:                 rewardsToSend += rewardsForWeek;
282:             }

As above, this can simplified as: reward = userTimeWeight * weeklyRewardRate / totalTimeWeighted

The value timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalAmbLiquidity_ is updated in function LiquidityMining.accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity(). Which is called everytime user mint/burn/claim position.

File: canto_ambient\contracts\mixins\TradeMatcher.sol
63:     function mintAmbient (CurveMath.CurveState memory curve, uint128 liqAdded, 
64:                           bytes32 poolHash, address lpOwner)
65:         internal returns (int128 baseFlow, int128 quoteFlow) {
66:         // Can be used to increase position, need to accrue first
67:         accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity(poolHash, curve);
68:         accrueAmbientPositionTimeWeightedLiquidity(payable(lpOwner), poolHash);
69:         uint128 liqSeeds = mintPosLiq(lpOwner, poolHash, liqAdded,
70:                                       curve.seedDeflator_);
71:         depositConduit(poolHash, liqSeeds, curve.seedDeflator_, lpOwner);
73:         (uint128 base, uint128 quote) = liquidityReceivable(curve, liqSeeds);
74:         (baseFlow, quoteFlow) = signMintFlow(base, quote);
75:     }

Look at how global weight and user weight is calculated

File: canto_ambient\contracts\mixins\LiquidityMining.sol
198:     function accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity(
199:         bytes32 poolIdx,//@audit can accrue non exist pool
200:         CurveMath.CurveState memory curve
201:     ) internal {
202:         uint32 lastAccrued = timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalAmbLiquidityLastSet_[poolIdx];
203:         // Only set time on first call
204:         if (lastAccrued != 0) {
205:             uint256 liquidity = curve.ambientSeeds_;//@audit where is this value come from
206:             uint32 time = lastAccrued;
207:             while (time < block.timestamp) {
208:                 uint32 currWeek = uint32((time / WEEK) * WEEK);
209:                 uint32 nextWeek = uint32(((time + WEEK) / WEEK) * WEEK);
210:                 uint32 dt = uint32(
211:                     nextWeek < block.timestamp
212:                         ? nextWeek - time
213:                         : block.timestamp - time
214:                 );
215:                 timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalAmbLiquidity_[poolIdx][currWeek] += dt * liquidity;
216:                 time += dt;
217:             }
218:         }
219:         timeWeightedWeeklyGlobalAmbLiquidityLastSet_[poolIdx] = uint32(
220:             block.timestamp
221:         );
222:     }

224:     function accrueAmbientPositionTimeWeightedLiquidity(
225:         address payable owner,
226:         bytes32 poolIdx
227:     ) internal {
228:         bytes32 posKey = encodePosKey(owner, poolIdx);
229:         uint32 lastAccrued = timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidityLastSet_[
230:             poolIdx
231:         ][posKey];
232:         // Only init time on first call
233:         if (lastAccrued != 0) {
234:             AmbientPosition storage pos = lookupPosition(owner, poolIdx);
235:             uint256 liquidity = pos.seeds_;//@audit-ok M can pos.seeds_ change midway. if it can then manipulate reward accrue
236:             uint32 time = lastAccrued;
237:             while (time < block.timestamp) {
238:                 uint32 currWeek = uint32((time / WEEK) * WEEK);
239:                 uint32 nextWeek = uint32(((time + WEEK) / WEEK) * WEEK);//@gas
240:                 uint32 dt = uint32(
241:                     nextWeek < block.timestamp
242:                         ? nextWeek - time
243:                         : block.timestamp - time
244:                 );
245:                 timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidity_[poolIdx][posKey][
246:                     currWeek
247:                 ] += dt * liquidity;
248:                 time += dt;//@if (nextweek >= block.timestamp) break;
249:             }//@1st loop give reward from lasttime to the end of the week.
250:         }//@2nd time skip to next week. give reward of current week then loop to next week. 
251:         timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidityLastSet_[poolIdx][
252:             posKey
253:         ] = uint32(block.timestamp);//@3 give final reward of current timestamp to beginning of the week
254:     }

There are several things to look at here:

  1. Global weekly rewards is depend on liquidity or curve.ambientSeeds_
  2. User weekly rewards also depend on liquidity or pos.seeds_
  3. global weight skip update to new value if (time == block.timestamp)
  4. Update user weight is unique for each user

Now we only need to figure out how to manipulate curve.ambientSeeds_ and pos.seeds_. Back-tracking this project is a nightmarish process. To replicate this bug, it is much simpler to add a bunch of console.log on LiquidityCurve.liquidityPayable() and LiquidityCurve.liquidityReceivable() to see how curve.ambientSeeds_ change. Also, PositionRegistar.mintPosLiq and PositionRegistar.burnPosLiq to see how pos.seeds_ change.

Running test file, it is easy to found out another several things:

So to exploit this bug, we only need to making sure accrue global method called when curve.ambientSeeds_ is small value. Then deposit a bunch of token to inflate pos.seeds_ value on the same block. Then call claim/mint to update accrue reward. Because global weight or accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity() never update global weight on same block, global weight still using old value which is smaller than new pos.seeds_ value.

Recommended Mitigation Steps


Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 11 months ago

141345 marked the issue as sufficient quality report

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

OpenCoreCH (sponsor) disputed

OpenCoreCH commented 11 months ago

curve.ambientSeeds_ is the overall ambient liquidity, you cannot just make this arbitrarily small as an attacker (unless there is no other liquidity in the pool, in which case you are eligible to all rewards anyways). There are also other things wrong with this issue:

So to exploit this bug, we only need to making sure accrue global method called when curve.ambientSeeds is small value. Then deposit a bunch of token to inflate pos.seeds value on the same block. Then call claim/mint to update accrue reward. Because global weight or accrueAmbientGlobalTimeWeightedLiquidity() never update global weight on same block, global weight still using old value which is smaller than new pos.seeds_ value.

This describes a hypothetical attack scenario, but not how it actually could be achieved. The accrue function is called whenever pos.seeds_ is modified such that the accrual always happens with the old value first. Everything that happens within a block is completely irrelevant (after the first accrual) because everything is time-weighted and dt = 0 if the accrual function is called multiple times in the same block.

VAD37 commented 11 months ago

curve.ambientSeeds_ and pos.seeds_ indeed change along user operations (mint/withdraw) but that is not the core of this issue. (total of all pos.seeds_ should roughly equal curve.ambientSeeds)

@OpenCoreCH You miss 2 important points:

By exploiting this temporary lag, it become a slippage issue. User can increase their own reward position weight by how much they deposit (using different address) and global reward weight not getting updated. weeklyRewards = userWeight /globalWeight * totalWeeklyReward

At this point, it just a question of how much exploiter should deposit to make userWeight >globalWeight happen

And by how much, I could roughly guess. If you deposit 100 times of total pool liquidity. You get 100 seconds of weekly rewards. Because this is repeated exploits. You can expand this into another 6048 transactions. Giving you total 604800 seconds of weekly rewards in one block.

Also because there is no cap on how much token user can claim weekly. You can make timeWeightedWeeklyPositionAmbLiquidity_ > overallTimeWeightedLiquidity happen here.. Basically allowing steal all token from pool if you have enough money to deposit.

VAD37 commented 11 months ago

This describes a hypothetical attack scenario, but not how it actually could be achieved. The accrue function is called whenever pos.seeds_ is modified such that the accrual always happens with the old value first. Everything that happens within a block is completely irrelevant (after the first accrual) because everything is time-weighted and dt = 0 if the accrual function is called multiple times in the same block.

I have time to do review. Looking back, it is not possible to increase one position liquidity pos.seeds_ without calling accrued first. So accrue always use old value instead of inflated value. I was wrong.

This still worth looking into as the issue still valid if somehow exploiter can increase their liquidity/deposit without going through accrue. This is possible if combined with another issue: typo on accrue method (or call wrong curve function) here TradeMatcher.harvestRange() #144. It update global ambient curve ambientSeeds_ but accrue update concentrated reward curve.concLiq_. Even then the slippage is reversed and its impact is insignificant and not dramatic. So yeah, this issue is invalid.

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

dmvt marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid