code-423n4 / 2023-10-nextgen-findings

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`cancelBid()` and `cancelAllBids()` functions are incorrectly implemented, resulting in partial/complete DoS-ing of bid cancelling functionality. #1979

Closed c4-submissions closed 7 months ago

c4-submissions commented 7 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


cancelBid() and cancelAllBids() functions are incorrectly implemented, resulting in partial/complete DoS-ing of bid cancelling functionality.

Proof of Concept

cancelBid() will only work/be useful if the user/msg.sender knows their index value in the auctionInfoStru[] array, which doesn't seem to be returned to them anywhere when they join an auction. So the user would need to guess.

As far as my understanding goes, cancelAllBids() is meant to cancel all the bids for a specific auction, i.e. to cancel all the bids of bidders for a specific auction and NFT combo. But it actually only cancels the bid for a specific bidder, because it uses msg.sender and then tries to loop through the bidders to cancel ALL bids for this auction... see the logic error?

Tools Used

VSC. Manual.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The below recommended function implementation for cancelBid() is not fully gas optimized, so take that into account:

// cancel a single Bid
-   function cancelBid(uint256 _tokenid, uint256 index) public { 
+   function cancelBid(uint256 _tokenid) public {
        require(block.timestamp <= minter.getAuctionEndTime(_tokenid), "Auction ended"); 
+       uint256 auctionInfoStruLength = auctionInfoData[_tokenid].length;
+       for (uint256 i; i < auctionInfoStruLength;) { 
+           if (auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bidder == msg.sender && auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].status == true) {
+               auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].status = false;
+               (bool success, ) = payable(auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bidder).call{value: auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bid}("");
+               /// @audit add a boolean return value check here! Check my other finding/submission
+               emit CancelBid(msg.sender, _tokenid, i, success, auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bid);
+               return;
+           unchecked {i++;}
-       require(auctionInfoData[_tokenid][index].bidder == msg.sender && auctionInfoData[_tokenid][index].status == true);
-       auctionInfoData[_tokenid][index].status = false;
-       (bool success, ) = payable(auctionInfoData[_tokenid][index].bidder).call{value: auctionInfoData[_tokenid][index].bid}("");
-       emit CancelBid(msg.sender, _tokenid, index, success, auctionInfoData[_tokenid][index].bid);

Now the above function should do what it is supposed to do.

To cancel all the bids for a specific auction and NFT combo:

// cancel All Bids
    function cancelAllBids(uint256 _tokenid) public {
        require(block.timestamp <= minter.getAuctionEndTime(_tokenid), "Auction ended");
+       uint256 auctionInfoStruLength = auctionInfoData[_tokenid].length;
+       for (uint256 i; i < auctionInfoStruLength;) { 
            if (auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].status == true) {
                auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].status = false;
                (bool success, ) = payable(auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bidder).call{value: auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bid}("");
+               /// @audit add a boolean return value check here! Check my other finding/submission
                emit CancelBid(msg.sender, _tokenid, i, success, auctionInfoData[_tokenid][i].bid);
+           }
+           unchecked {i++;}

Now the above function will do what it's meant to do, cancel all the bids for all the active bidders for this specific auction and NFT combo.

Assessed type


c4-pre-sort commented 7 months ago

141345 marked the issue as insufficient quality report

141345 commented 7 months ago

expected behavior

alex-ppg commented 7 months ago

The Warden specifies that it might not be possible for a bidder to know the index they have bet on to invoke an atomic cancellation and that the function cancelAllBids will only cancel the bidder's bids rather than all bids of the auction.

As the Sponsor specified, this is deemed to be expected behavior as off-chain tools can aid in identifying the right index to cancel, and the function cancelAllBids will cancel all bids of the caller.

c4-judge commented 7 months ago

alex-ppg marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Invalid