code-423n4 / 2023-10-opendollar-findings

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Lack of Reentrancy guard on auctionSurplus() function #423

Closed c4-submissions closed 10 months ago

c4-submissions commented 10 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


auctionSurplus() function have call backs that can lead to reentrancy and manipulating the transfer of tokens. Malicious actor can manipulate token transfer by changing the _destination address to himself and get all the extra tokens.

Proof of Concept

auctionSurplus() calls the transferInternalCoins method of contract safeEngine which have _destination: extraSurplusReceiver, that can be used by malicious attacker for gaining all surplus funds.

  function auctionSurplus() external returns (uint256 _id) {
    if(_params.surplusTransferPercentage > WAD) revert AccEng_surplusTransferPercentOverLimit();
    if (_params.surplusAmount == 0) revert AccEng_NullAmount();
    if (extraSurplusReceiver == address(0)) revert AccEng_NullSurplusReceiver();
    if (block.timestamp < lastSurplusTime + _params.surplusDelay) revert AccEng_SurplusCooldown();

    uint256 _coinBalance = safeEngine.coinBalance(address(this));
    uint256 _debtBalance = safeEngine.debtBalance(address(this));
    (_coinBalance, _debtBalance) = _settleDebt(_coinBalance, _debtBalance, _unqueuedUnauctionedDebt(_debtBalance));

    if (_coinBalance < _debtBalance + _params.surplusAmount + _params.surplusBuffer) {
      revert AccEng_InsufficientSurplus();

    // auction surplus percentage
    if (_params.surplusTransferPercentage < ONE_HUNDRED_WAD) {
      _id = surplusAuctionHouse.startAuction({
        _amountToSell: _params.surplusAmount.wmul(ONE_HUNDRED_WAD - _params.surplusTransferPercentage),
        _initialBid: 0

      lastSurplusTime = block.timestamp;
      emit AuctionSurplus(_id, 0, _params.surplusAmount.wmul(ONE_HUNDRED_WAD - _params.surplusTransferPercentage));

    // transfer surplus percentage
    if (_params.surplusTransferPercentage > 0) {
      if (extraSurplusReceiver == address(0)) revert AccEng_NullSurplusReceiver();

        _source: address(this),
        _destination: extraSurplusReceiver,
        _rad: _params.surplusAmount.wmul(_params.surplusTransferPercentage)

      lastSurplusTime = block.timestamp;
      emit TransferSurplus(extraSurplusReceiver, _params.surplusAmount.wmul(_params.surplusTransferPercentage));

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add nonReentrant reentrancy guard modifier by OpenZeppeling on the auctionSurplus() function.

  function auctionSurplus() external nonReentrant  returns (uint256 _id) {

## Assessed type

c4-pre-sort commented 10 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as low quality report

c4-pre-sort commented 10 months ago

raymondfam marked the issue as duplicate of #45

c4-judge commented 10 months ago

MiloTruck marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof